The Demon Prince goes to the Academy Chapter 550

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Chapter 550

Delphine Izadra.

I couldn’t be close, but I was a classmate and after the desert island mission, he continued to be kind to me.

The guy who has to survive until the end, and one of the two main heroines is dead.

too stupidly

Ludwig, who can no longer fight, is likely to be irrelevant to the fight.

If Ludwig, who had to lose his life in the original work, ended up surviving in a place that had nothing to do with battle, would that be a good thing?

Since I took on Ludwig’s role, shouldn’t Ludwig survive?

It is unknown how Ludwig’s vacancy will appear, and it is not known whether Ludwig will lose his role in the war.

Or maybe you’re still trying to fight.

But in that case, with a high probability Ludwig would die.

It would be foolish to lose your right arm and try to fight with your left hand.

I hope he doesn’t dream of such a thing, but I can’t predict how reality will play out anymore.

I heard shocking facts about the royal class, and in the end, I couldn’t be the only one who knew that.

Harriet, Lianna, and Charlotte.

Upon hearing the news of the Royal Class, everyone had no choice but to look bad.

Charlotte wept for a long time when she heard of Delphine’s death and Ludwig’s injury. She told Charlotte that since they were classmates in the same B class, she would never be able to hear it like someone else.

Harriet couldn’t hold back her tears, and Liana was speechless.

But I can’t help but be sad.

We have to move on to the next step after all, and there was too much work to do to stand still.

Tears must be swallowed inwardly.

I didn’t consciously think about it, and I didn’t even mention it.

Not mentioning it doesn’t make it go away, but no one talked about it even though we hadn’t promised each other not to talk about it.

* * *

Allied forces will spend the winter in Serandia.

If it’s a climate problem, we can solve it, but Liana’s ability is the power that her heart is shattered the more she uses it.

You can’t always help the allies, so it was okay for the allies to spend the winter in Serandia.

It’s not just the climate, it’s a large-scale battle, so you’ll need time to rectify and reorganize your army.

I won’t be able to forget someone’s death even if this winter passes, but I hope I can overcome it.

“For the time being, the allied forces will not be active, so there will be no activities for us either.”

The time is winter.

If the allies don’t move, there’s no reason for us to move either.

Should I say it’s dull, I’m at war, but there will be a few months of rest in the end.

The allied forces would have time to reorganize, such as improving the Titans in preparation for the next march, and would try to calm the shock, fear, and sadness caused by the many deaths.

“Great One, can we not have countermeasures against the Titans?”

“… … Measures?”


Those were the words of Antirianus.

“Hwayo’s wife is the only one who has seen Titan in person, but I heard that Titan is as big as a mountain and can crush hundreds of monsters with just one step. Isn’t there a law that those steps won’t go towards us?”

“In the first place, we don’t even know where we are, but what? Even if you knew, could the Titans cross the sea and come this far?”

I don’t know if Titan is big enough to walk across the sea, but I’m afraid it won’t come.

“Isn’t there always an if in the world?”

“Hmm… … .”

It is only now that we are in a position to help the allied forces, but it is true that war may break out anytime.

Let’s say I fight a titan.

I fight a golem as huge as a mountain.

Just imagining it makes me feel shabby.

Come to think of it, I think there was a game similar to that.

“I don’t think it’s bad for us to have a weapon similar to Titan’s, but… … .”

At Antirianus’ words, I sighed.

I can see why this man is saying this.

“You don’t just want to have a Titan or something, do you?”

“… … Hmmm, isn’t it amazing? It is a super-large golem that has never existed before.”


Looking at that old man’s ‘I was caught’ expression, do you think something will come up in the real world?

is this a joke

No, this old man isn’t even a child, but is he saying this with the mindset of approaching a toy?

Did you finally get dementia?

I was a little suspicious, but is it true?

“Harriet, can we build something like a titan?”

“As long as you have blueprints and materials, there’s nothing you can’t make. But there are no blueprints, and even if there are blueprints, there are no materials.”

“That’s the Titan parts that already exist… … .”

“Shut up, you old man. I don’t intend to build anything like Titan, and I have no intention of stealing.”

“It’s such a pity… … .”

Antirianus was showing a lot of disappointment as to whether the reaction had come from a strange place.

“If you suddenly stole the control of Titan or something like that, I’ll really let you know what it feels like to have your throat cut by a holy sword this time. Don’t do anything stupid.”

Antirianus laughed at my threatening voice and nodded in agreement.

I don’t really know what to do with that old friend, so I’m not at all relieved.


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“But Your Highness. Antirianus’ words about the need for a countermeasure against the Titans feel right.”

Antirianus’ useless voice even bit Sarkegar, who eventually returned to Edina.

“Why are you fighting something like that? Monsters with no intellect see things like that and run into them. We have intelligence and can do what we think. If the Titan is right in front of you, you have to jump out. Why do you think of dealing with it?”

“Then what if the Titans come all the way here from across the sea? You can’t leave this place.”

“Why is my sister like this!”

“No, am I wrong? That’s right.”

In the end, even Olivia let out a deep sigh as if she was worried.

I foresee that we might clash with the Empire later on, but why is everyone accepting that as a fait accompli?

however… … .

Is that so?

Suppose a war broke out, and let’s say how to solve the start-up time problem.

Let’s say the Titans cross the continent and attack Edina.

So what to do?

In the first place, Titan must have defense measures as much as that terrifying offensive armament?

I can’t cut down a mountain, and neither does anyone here.

Should I smash it with a meteor?

Even I was shifting my thoughts to the need for a countermeasure against Titan.

“… … Assuming they can’t travel through space, the Titans can’t even get this far.”

It wasn’t me who gave the answer, it was Charlotte.

“… … uh? Why can’t you come?”

“I haven’t seen it myself, but they say Titans are big.”

“Uh, awesome.”

“Can a chunk that big be able to cross the sea properly? It’s fortunate that it doesn’t get blown to pieces by the current. Don’t look at the sea too lightly.”

“… … is it?”

“And we have mermaids.”

“What does a mermaid have to do with a titan?”

“Mermaids can manipulate ocean currents.”

“… … uh? really?”

“… … I did not know?”

Is this the first time you’ve heard of it?

Charlotte seemed puzzled by what I didn’t know.

“I heard that the mermaids helped a lot with the smooth sailing from Edina to Fort Mokna. The weather may not have been good, but I heard that the ocean current manipulation helped them navigate.”

Since I rarely meet mermaids in person, I thought they would bring me fish, but I guess it wasn’t.

Since Charlotte only cared about governing Edina, she seemed to know something I didn’t know. The demons recognize her Charlotte as her demon king, so she must be treated as the same as me.

Mermaids… … . They weren’t just pretty kids.

He could even use magic like a succubus.


I’ve chosen one well.

Of course, I don’t think it’s my problem that I didn’t know what I needed to know.

“Anyway, if the Titans try to cross the sea and attack us, the mermaids will drown them. In the first place, it wouldn’t be possible to come by moving through space.”

Antirianus licked his lips, probably thinking of capturing the Titans, and Sarkegar and Olivia seemed relieved to hear that there was no such thing as a Titan attack.

“Anyway, let’s reorganize until the allied forces depart. That’s not going to happen yet, but we have to think about what to do if the allied forces suffer from food shortages… … .”

Allied forces must operate large groups for a very long time. Therefore, there is a possibility of suffering from food shortage.

I don’t know how much we can do if that happens.

We must find something to do while the Allies spend their time regrouping.

“Reinhardt, we also need to increase our strength.”

“A power boost?”

Those were Olivia’s words.

“It’s supplemental rather than augmentative. We also consumed a lot of Death Knights during the attack on Serandia.”

Death Knight.

Olivia, who wields Kier’s divine power, can summon Death Knights, and the Death Knights served as a great force during the preemptive attack in Serandia last time.

“Wasn’t that something that could be summoned at any time?”

“… … what.”


It’s been a long time since I’ve seen that expression.

A look of genuine concern.

“Of course, it is possible to supplement the Death Knight. You can summon a Death Knight at any time. But after all, the base is important too, right?”

“A bass?”

“Yes, would it be strong to make a Death Knight out of Reinhardt? Or would it be stronger to turn that kid over there into a Death Knight?”

“… … Why don’t you talk bullshit?”

“Speaking of the results, that weakling kid is not even a Death Knight. A tiny, white, meager skeleton? It must be cute.”

Harriet lit double wicks in her eyes at the frightening sound she heard.

A death knight made of me.

A Death Knight made of Harriet.

I hate to think about it, but the result will be obvious.

“Before the Demonic Cult came under our control, there were cases where we chose to become Death Knights ourselves. The Death Knight we saw before was such a case.”

“… … Yes, it must have been.”

In fact, a number of Death Knights also joined while bringing the Demonic Christians.

While integrating them into the Holy Church, there were not one or two headaches.

The demonists did many crazy things that were unacceptable according to social norms.

I did everything I could to get rid of that noise.

And, many of the Death Knights were purged at that time.

Not only was it outwardly ominous, but there were a lot of people who had existed for too long, so I couldn’t change my mind.

“That’s why the Death Knights I summon have no self at all or are extinct.”

Literally undead, they are beings with no reason other than to obey orders.

The conscious Death Knights were purged, and those who had lost their consciousness and became almost machine-like were the Death Knights summoned by Olivia.

The Power of Corruption, Death Knights respond to its call.

“Anyway, Death Knight doesn’t come out of the ground. No, it comes out of the ground, but if the heat is used up today, it’s over. I mean, it’s gone.”

“So you need a supplement, right?”

“of course. And, of course, I like to make powerful Death Knights.”

Olivia crosses her arms and nods her head.

“Of course, I can’t point out that it’s absolutely impossible to forcibly create a Death Knight with Kier’s authority, but it’s better to have excellent basic conditions.”

my older sister

Talking about evil black magic is running out.

“So you need good ingredients?”

I don’t know if it’s correct to call it material, but what is it if it’s not material?

It’s just a little creepy that it’s a corpse.

“I can’t imagine using the people who died in the attack on Serandia as ingredients… … . Trying to make a Death Knight… … .”

Harriet looks at Olivia with a frustrated expression.

And the expressions of the others were not too different from Harriet’s.

Even Antirianus stared at Olivia with his mouth wide open, so he said everything.

Such a genius idea! It’s a problem because I was surprised with the same feeling.

many have died And the great ones died too.

It is self-evident that if you make a Death Knight out of their corpses, you will become an outstanding Death Knight.

But isn’t that too cruel regardless of whether it’s possible or not?

“Well, I thought about that too. It might be difficult.”

I was going to do it if I could, that’s it… … .

“First of all, it’s crazy to hold a ceremony to make a death knight in a place teeming with allied forces, and probably cremation is inevitable because you can’t bury that many bodies, right? how is it? Uncle Sarkegar.”

Sarkegar did not respond to the title of uncle. It’s like whatever.

By the way, Sarkegar isn’t a man right now, but if you ask me, he’s a young lady?

Why is your sister always twisted like this?

“It actually does. Most funerals are cremated. There are cases where the body is returned to the ecliptic and buried, but it is rare.”

Olivia nodded at Sarkegar’s affirmation.

“How do you raise the burned-out bone meal? If you forcefully do it, it will be something, but you don’t know, and the effect will be weak. Anyway, if I do something like that in a place where not only the Allies but also the Knights Templar are permanently stationed, I won’t be able to stomach it without my throat being blown away.”

“I guess so… … .”

There are a lot of people who are saddened by death, but those who died there wake up as Death Knights?

And is there anyone who does that?

It’s like advertising to kill me.

First of all, the environment of the Allied Garrison where there is no choice but to take the method of cremation, and a situation where making a Death Knight might go to the goal because there are too many people.

Because of that, I couldn’t do that in Serandia.

“Then, do you have a place in mind?”

Regardless of whether you can do it or not, where are you planning to get the ingredients?

Olivia grins at my question.

“Imperial mausoleum.”


What did I hear?

“There are many war heroes and great men who were said to fly there. Let’s get some people up and use them.”

“yes?! uh, what! What are you talking about!”

Charlotte jumped up, her complexion pale.

“No, who would raise up the useless and weak royal family or the former emperor? Are you going to raise helpful nobles?”

“Yeah, but! but that’s… … . what is that… … !”

Charlotte’s complexion was getting more and more blue, as if she couldn’t accept it.

“her… … .”

this is that… … .

to follow.

What about robbing the cemetery… … . Are you talking about that?

It’s not a bad thing, but it’s worse than that… … . that… … .

To Charlotte’s astonishment, Olivia shrugged.

“No, the end of mankind is just around the corner, so is there anything special about being a great man or a hero? When you call, you have to wake up. They will like it too. Where is the glory of being able to save humanity even after death? Would you rather thank me?”

“crazy… … year… … .”

Harriet shook her head in disgust.

The Demon Prince goes to the Academy Chapter 549The Demon Prince goes to the Academy Chapter 551
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