The Demon Prince goes to the Academy Chapter 618

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Chapter 618

Ellen returned to the Allied garrison.

The top floor of the Great Temple of the Holy Knights, the leader’s office.

I was sitting there

There were a total of 5 people sitting around me including me.

Olivia Ranze, who is now the ruler of all denominations.

Liana de Granz, who is only staying for a while for climate control.

Rowen, the new commander of the Knights Templar.

and Harriet.

“Did Ellen go back to the Allies?”

“… … Oh, I guess so.”

That’s how I answered Harriet’s question. After all, the Allied positions would be quieter now, so it would be better there to rest.

However, now I felt that something had changed.

It wasn’t that he returned to the ecliptic to rest, but rather, he went through something more difficult to endure because he returned.

And I was involved in that.

It wasn’t from the beginning, but that’s what happened in the end.

It was meant to be like this one day, but it never felt good to see the back of Ellen, who had become a completely different person.

“I met Ludwig as the Demon King said.”

At my command, Rowen met with Ludwig.

I was asked to tell a story.

Rowen is a newcomer, but he is sure to get things done.

Rowen has all of the cultist forces in the refugee camp in his grasp.

Rowen was a necessary person for the unity of the pagans. After all, just as he uses Antirianus somehow, he must be used if he can, even if he is a sinister and dangerous fellow.

“The Demon King told me not to do that, so I left him alone, but I think it would have been better to kill him.”

“How was it?”

“I felt like I was going to stab everyone and slit my throat.”

Harriet narrowed her eyes at Rowen’s eerie description.

Everyone in this room, including me of course, didn’t like Rowen very much. To be precise, I can’t like it.

I just embraced it because its usefulness was too high.

“That is just you. How is it different from what you did?”

“I don’t want to have enemies like me.”

It’s shocking that he knows how strange he is when he sees the way he responds.

“Anyway, leave it alone.”

“Don’t you think it would pose a significant threat?”

I was silent at Rowen’s question.

Instead, it was Olivia who answered.

“Yeah, what should he be and how much should he be?”

Everyone seemed to agree to some degree with Olivia’s words. Even Rowen.

Ludwig cannot be a threat.

How much can you do if an individual is crooked?

He even lost an arm.

The reason Rowen was crooked and could do a lot of things was because the range of backstabbing Rowen had done so far was enormous.

If Rowen was just a crooked heretic inquisitor or paladin, there wouldn’t be much he could do.

However, Ludwig is a complete individual without power or anything.

Let Ludwig be helpless.

Everyone would think that’s my intention, but in fact it’s not.

“By the way, if you thought it couldn’t be a threat, why did you bother to meet Ludwig? I could have just left it alone.”

If Ludwig was not treated as a variable, there was no reason to send Rowen to meet him. And to all of them, Ludwig is too small a human being to be a variable.

“Come to think of it, you seem to have secretly cared about her from before. Same this time.”

Harriet tilted her head as if she remembered what had happened.

Although he didn’t care more than necessary, it was the same that he was relatively more sensitive to Ludwig’s trends than the others.

And, it’s sad.

I was more shocked by Ludwig’s loss of an arm than by Delphine’s death.

Ludwig wasn’t on bad terms with me, but he wasn’t close either. In the first place, the class was also different.

And now, it is Ludwig who cannot be a variable and has lost his arm.

There was no need to explain to him by having him see Rowen again. She would have been unfair, resentful, and frustrated. But what do you mean? What is the reason to care about such Ludwig?

If you feel threatened, you must kill it.

If it’s not a threat, there’s no need to meet and talk.

After all, Rowen seemed to be curious about why I was unnecessarily caring about Ludwig.

Because they were classmates.

The other side seems to take it that way, and Rowen can’t help but think that way too.

And really, I have no intention of touching my classmates.

Even if they threaten me, even if they try to kill me.

In fact, unless the moment is right in front of my eyes, I have no intention of killing them in advance because they might become my threat.

It would be a different story in the situation where they actually thrust the point of a knife into my neck, but I won’t take action in advance.

I can’t call that my only conscience, but it’s my last line.

I won’t cross that line.

If I predict someone who was a classmate to be a threat to me and kill them before they actually become a threat, I’m sure things will get weirder when they start to do so.


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For personal reasons, or because of the inexplicable irrationality of this world, I have no intention of killing Ludwig or the others with my own hands.

Until the moment when the situation in which I had to kill them was forcibly pushed in front of my eyes, never.

“There is no particular reason.”

You don’t have to give specific reasons.

I won’t be able to understand

Only I know that Ludwig was originally the main character of this story.

You may not understand it, but if you understand it, that’s a problem.

Then there will be a story about killing Ludwig.

I am the only one who knows that it is a strange situation for the main character to lose an arm and be stuck in the ecliptic at a time when he should have been an important person who should not be without him.

Very complex and terrible things tangled to arrive at this grotesque end.

Numerous clues and events were already taking place, but what connected them was the event we created Death Knight.

We made Death Knights in the tombs of saints in the basement of the Knights Templar.

Rowen began investigating the case. Rowen knew in the first place that pagan or demonic forces would never be of such a size. So he did a minimal investigation, but he was tracking other forces as suspects.

Rowen believed that either the Demon King or the Empire was the culprit.

I don’t know where the demon king is, but the empire was on the ground she was stepping on.

In the meantime, Ellen, Ludwig, and Ileion Bolton returned to the ecliptic.

Rowen intentionally approached Ludwig after obtaining information that Ludwig, a member of the Temple Royal class, had started a new guard job in the Allied Forces.

And in the midst of trying to build trust in Ludwig and collect information about the inside of the temple, an order to stop the investigation was dropped.

Rowen refused to obey, and Ileion Bolton attempted a purge.

After that, Ellen followed Ludwig’s request for help.

After all, what we did and caused moved other groups and people.

And turn and turn.

I ended up giving Rowen the Temple Knights, the Five Great Priests, and the control of the Imperial Refugee Camp to me.

Totally unexpected.

When I was making Death Knight, I couldn’t even imagine that things would turn out like this.

Now Rowen knows that we are the culprits behind the undead incident.

Naturally, Rowen wasn’t too surprised.

Every event will have meaning.

What happened becomes the beginning of a certain ending.

Of course, I know that this is an ending and a beginning at the same time.

I know now that the world was made that way.

Of course, if I say things like this, people will treat me as a weirdo because I attach too much meaning to them, but I can’t help it.

These complicated events that happened in the ecliptic, stemming from our own actions.

Is the real outcome of this thing that I devour the Templars, the Five Great Religions, and the refugee camp?

is this the real ending?

The reason I sent Rowen was to find out what Ludwig was thinking right now.

Ludwig is not a small guy that you don’t have to worry about.

Rather, only I know that he is the one who has the potential to become the strangest variable.


Ludwig lost an arm.

While chasing the case, the four eventually learned what was going on in the Empire.

And Ludwig learned that there was collusion, collusion, and lies between the heads of each group and influential people.

Rather, isn’t that the real ending?

Could the original protagonist really be unable to do anything until the end?

Is it even possible for Ludwig to lose the role?

The main character should have what he wants.

The world is supposed to give the protagonist what he wants.

in any way.

I took Alsbringer, something Ludwig should have.

If the main character of this world is Ludwig, if the world really is that way, Ludwig will not deviate from the trajectory of the story.

I thought that Ludwig would be eliminated, but now that this has happened, as long as Ludwig is in my sight again, I don’t think Ludwig is completely over.

Ludwig is impossible to escape from the story. if that premise is correct.

Ludwig must get what he wants.

What you want is, of course, revenge.

And the means to achieve revenge would, of course, be power.

Ludwig became useless and even lost an arm.


in the first place.

Shouldn’t we have a different perspective?

Didn’t he even lose an arm?

I just found out

I realize now.

“that… … . It was… … .”

to give something

I should have brought something in the first place.

He didn’t even lose his arm.

Taking the arm was already the beginning of giving something in itself.

It wasn’t that he was eliminated in the first place, but that the loss of his arm itself was a decisive event for getting back on track.

“You, but what is that?”

Harriet looked at my hand while I muttered something incomprehensible.

“… … Ah, this.”

The thing I was rolling with my hand the whole time we were talking.

“I don’t know either.”

“… … ?”

I don’t know. why did you take this

I don’t know what this means.

It seemed to have lost its meaning to Ellen, who seemed to have passed the end of something.

Still, it seemed like it shouldn’t be abandoned as it is.

I put the round, white amulet in my bosom.

* * *

night time.

It was a dark night when even the researchers were all asleep.

But a deep, deep underground laboratory where the day and night become meaningless.

Even in the deepest underground containment laboratory, the deepest part.

There were four people there.

Christina prepares for work by arranging prepared medicines and reagents in order.

Anna de Guerna draws a magic circle.

Louis Ankton checking magic tools and treatment equipment.


The center of the magic circle.

There was Ludwig lying there with his shirt off.

Cristina, who is wearing a mask, speaks as she checks tools that are more likely to be used in primitive surgery than wizards.

“Think again.”


“They say you will die. I’ve done it dozens of times.”

“I’ve been thinking a lot.”

At Ludwig’s words, Christina narrowed her brows.

“The arm of a living person, the arm of a person who has just died, will have a high success rate. It’s not difficult to find. It’s not ugly or dirty, but it’s safe and morally free to get such an arm, just wait a little bit.”

“Now you know I don’t want that. Cristina.”

“… … .”

Christina confirmed several times that she couldn’t change Ludwig’s heart.

“Ludwig… … . It has to be like this… … ?”

At Anna’s words, Ludwig nodded.

“I want to be strong.”

“… … .”

“I’m incompetent, so I don’t know any more other than this way.”

Fortunately, there are not only those who ignore Ludwig and pass by, saying that it is nothing.

There are friends who are nothing.

A procedure that is more likely to result in death.

Rather, they try to undergo the most dangerous procedure there.

There are also people who can help Ludwig. Neither Anna nor Christina now know that it is impossible to convince Ludwig.

However, you can’t do it right away just because you want to, and you can’t cast this kind of dangerous magic on your friend’s body without proper preparation.

Therefore, all three of them tried to make the best condition by closely checking Ludwig’s condition and taking medication for several days.

As a result.

Louis speaks from outside the magic circle.

“Ludwig, I checked your physical condition, and you are a bit different from other people. a little too much.”

“… … Is it different?”

“It’s about being abnormal.”

Looking at the data Louis had checked, he looked at something with a serious expression and confirmed it.

Anna and Cristina were already familiar with it.

At Louis’ words, Ludwig lay down and put on a puzzled expression.

“To put it simply, your talent is really strange.”

Before starting something, Louis Ankton, who carefully checked Ludwig’s physical condition, found a very strange part.

Other classmates had powerful psychic powers, or talents that encompassed two or three or other talents. In Ellen’s case, she had many of those comprehensive talents as well.

But compared to that, Ludwig’s only talent is physical strength.

A talent that is equivalent to the bottom stone of the royal class, and of course, the B class.

Ludwig had never thought of himself as exceptionally talented.

However, only one Ludwig had a talent called physical strength.

“A strange talent?”

“I thought your talents were talents related to parts like muscular endurance and exercise endurance… … . I don’t think so.”


Louis’ words are taken by Cristina.

Wear gloves tightly and watch while wearing a mask.

“Your talent seems to be closer to vitality, not stamina.”

I’ve always thought that being tireless was my only advantage.

Talent related to vitality, not endurance.

What that specifically means, Ludwig doesn’t know.

What I thought was my only talent was actually a pretty great talent.

You don’t need to know anything specific anyway.

“Anyway, now… … . You mean that’s good?”

It means that at the crossroads of success or not, that talent can help.

The meaning was understandable enough.

“Yes, it means that you have a much higher chance of not dying than other people.”

“I’m glad.”

“Of course, that doesn’t necessarily mean that it will be successful. Be mindful.”


Ludwig was endowed with an unusual degree of stamina.

It’s not just a story of muscular strength or muscular endurance.

The function that can be called the source of life.

As if there was a blessing from something incomprehensible, Louis Ankton learned that Ludwig had a strange power.


It was a truly strange and alien talent, Louis confirmed.

After a long time, Anna, who completed the magic circle, retreats outside the magic circle, and Louie takes something out of the prepared port and takes it.

it was an arm

It was something in the shape of a right arm.

Watching Louis bring the arm, Ludwig asks.

“May I ask whose arm it is?”

Louis carefully places Ludwig’s right arm where it should be.

“Larken Simonstite.”

“… … I see.”

Hearing those words, Ludwig gently closed his eyes. It is not a name unknown to Ludwig.

Larken Simonstite.

A traitor to humanity who reached the rank of Grand Master.

Saviolin Tana’s squadron, the strongest of mankind.

His right arm is placed where Ludwig’s should be.

Louis withdraws, and Cristina approaches Ludwig wearing gloves and a mask.

It is not known what and how much a transplant of an arm will change.

However, it is clear that something unexpected will happen.

It’s a simple transplant, but in the end, what is transplanted is the arm of the one who was mentioned in the world’s strongest line even before he was alive, and it was regenerated with black magic and alchemy further strengthened.

If transplantation and adaptation succeed, something unexpected will happen.

Will the enemies of mankind be annihilated with the arms of the traitor of mankind?

“Once it happened like this. I will definitely succeed, Ludwig.”


“Together, let’s avenge the world.”

Christina’s eyes shine.

“I want to make sure everyone pays for all of this.”

I tried to give up and give up, but more than I tried, Christina could not help but think of agreeing with Ludwig in the end.

Seeing Christina’s eyes glistening with madness and vengeance, Ludwig looked up at the ceiling.

“okay… … . cost.”

“You should get something like that.”

“I am stupid.”

“But I will no longer ask for opinions from others and hope that my judgments will be affirmed.”

“Maybe I’m wrong, maybe I’m wrong, but I won’t seek answers from others anymore.”

“If it’s wrong, it’s wrong.”

“If it’s right, whatever it is.”

“I will go the path I choose.”

“Everyone must have their own reasons.”

“There was a reason, and maybe that was something I had no choice but to accept.”

“But, if so.”

“I can do that too.”

“I can do this too.”

“I have to accept my inability to do anything like this.”

“Like they justify a lot of things by saying they couldn’t help it.”

“I, too, will justify that I have no choice but to become this kind of person in the world they created.”

“It’s okay.”

“If they did it, I think it would be okay for me too.”

“Revenge… … .”

“Well, I don’t think it’s revenge.”

“This, yes. As they like to say.”

“It’s not about revenge or retaliation… … .”

Ludwig says

“It’s just that it can’t be helped.”

Inevitability disguised as coincidence is intertwined and mixed.

The words that I couldn’t help it were repeated and piled up.

Another unavoidable.

We have arrived at a certain destination and a starting point.

The Demon Prince goes to the Academy Chapter 617The Demon Prince goes to the Academy Chapter 619
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