The Indomitable Martial King Chapter 108

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This was not a message to our allies, but a message for Count Peter’s soldiers to listen to. Sure enough, as soon as they were told that they would not be chased even if they ran away, the surviving infantrymen all at once threw away their weapons and started running away in all directions, as if they had made a promise.

“Don’t back down! “Don’t back down!”

Count Peter shouted at the top of his voice, but he could not stop the soldiers from fleeing. When he came to his senses, he had already lost all his knights and soldiers and was surrounded alone in the middle of the enemy lines.

“this… … .”

Only then did the fear of death appear on Count Peter’s face. The dwarf warriors were looking at him with grins, holding blood-soaked weapons in their hands. It looks like a cat playing with a mouse. Peterran trembled with anger and fear and then screamed.

“Who is their owner?”

Even after coming to this situation, he still couldn’t let go of the thought that these dwarves were someone’s slaves. He couldn’t help it. This is what any sensible person in this era would naturally want to have.

In the eyes of Count Peter, he saw a young swordsman riding a horse, watching the battle without participating. It was Russ.

Originally, Repenhardt and his party stayed by the carriage in case the Dwarves’ guard network was breached. It was because they were not allowed to set fire to the grain, but since the dwarf warriors were fighting so well, there was nothing to do, so they were just spectators.

So Russ was also sitting on horseback next to the carriage, watching the battle unfold, and it seemed to Count Peter that he was the master of the dwarves.

Count Peter raised his sword with a face prepared for death. And he shouted majestically.

“If you truly know the truth, you will not let a knight die at the hands of lowly people!”

The dwarves looked at each other and started talking while laughing.


“You’re doing that because you don’t know. “I can’t.”

“Well, I can’t hate you because I couldn’t learn it.”

As a dwarf who can hear the truth, I could immediately understand that Count Peter had now admitted defeat and wanted an ‘honorable death’ like a knight. I am so serious that I don’t even laugh at myself.

Cardamite stepped forward, fixing his ax spear.

“Shall I?”

Maloid, the black-bearded dwarf, shook his head and raised his hammer.

“No, cardamite. “I will do it.”

Other dwarf warriors also muttered and tried to dissuade him.

“Uh, can’t I do it?”

“I know. “If you guys come forward, it’s all over in one shot, right?”

“I cut a lot, so take a break.”

It wasn’t that dwarves particularly coveted majors. They did this out of a sincere, beautiful spirit of wanting to rest and do the hard work for others since they had put in a lot of effort.

Of course, for Count Peter, who was listening, these were conversations that would raise his blood pressure and make him collapse.

“Hey, these lowly things!”

Peteran, who had a fit, spurred on. The sight of him galloping on horseback, holding a spear, and courageously jumping into the midst of the dwarves is truly the example of a knight.

At that time, someone came running on a horse from over there. He was not a dwarf, but an orc gladiator with scars all over his body. He shouted as he fiercely charged towards Count Peter with his jousting sword.

“Talkata! “I’ll kill you!”

At that sight, Count Peter’s anger reached its peak.

“You dirty orc!”

The count also knew that there were some experienced orc gladiators whose skills rivaled those of knights. But it is a story on land.

How dare an orc attack a knight on horseback?

“Do you think you look down on me like this?”

It was an astonishing thing for Count Peter, who knew that there was no such thing as an orc who learned horseback riding. Count Peter, his beard trembling with anger, clashed with the orc gladiator, Talcata. Their swords and spears passed each other… … .


Count Peter’s head rose into the air, sprinkling blood. Even at the moment of his death, his face was full of anger. He had a look on his face that had never even occurred to him that he would die.


Degurrr… … .

Peterlan’s headless body falls from the horse. His Rottweiler loses its owner and runs for a bit before coming to a standstill. After lifting up Peteran’s fallen head with his sword, Talcata proudly returned to Reppenhardt.

Talcata shouted in Orcish, dismounting from his horse, kneeling down and holding out Peteran’s neck.

“My master, I have cut off the enemy’s head!”

“Yes. Good job.”

Reppenhardt scratched his chin with a puzzled look on his face. And he whetted his appetite as he looked at the orc in front of him, Tal Kata.

“Tsk… … . You may have received education, but do you still have the ideology? … .”

The dwarves from Grand Forge were not the only ones brought in by Reppenhardt through the Taoban Company.

He once killed Terik of the old Rolfain Company, collected elf and orc slaves, and entrusted them to the Taoban Company. Then he asked them to teach him human education. And now, half a year later, I felt like the opportunity had come and brought me back.

‘The plan was only half successful.’

Talcata, who was an orc gladiator, had formally learned horseback riding and was now capable of horseback combat at the level of a knight. Orcs who were servants learned swordsmanship under the gladiator Talcata and learned the spirit of a warrior, transforming themselves into useful warriors. The elf women who were slaves learned bookkeeping and various merchant techniques, and are now skillfully managing military provisions.

Taoban Merchant Siebold was also surprised by the effectiveness of these slaves learning and acquiring knowledge ‘like humans’ and began to provide similar education to his slaves. From what I heard, it seemed that other merchants in the Principality of Chatan had also started doing similar things.

Up to this point, everything went according to Leppenhardt’s plan… … .

‘Actually, the slaves still don’t see much change in their ideology.’

The slaves’ expected sense of freedom shows no signs of being awakened. The elves and orcs he was entrusted with were clearly more capable and smarter than before, but they thought of Reppenhardt as their true master and their loyalty deepened. It was nice that they were loyal and trustworthy, but it was problematic that they thought they were their masters and served them blindly.

What he wanted was for the dogs to turn back into wolves, but these dogs have become more loyal.

‘Well, it’s only been half a year and why are you expecting results already? Me too… … .’

Although he pondered for a moment, Reppenhardt soon relaxed his expression. Anyway, this wasn’t a plan I made with the expectation that it would pay off immediately.

Didn’t Marceline say that too? Even if all methods are used, the path he must take is far from possible. Nowadays, they are so loyal because it is a ‘privilege’ to receive a humane education, but when everyone starts to educate slaves and it becomes ‘natural’, the slaves’ thoughts will definitely change.

There is no need to rush.

If you sow many seeds, you have no choice but to keep walking, believing that one day they will sprout.

Reppenhardt thought to himself as he gestured for Talcata, who was giving him loyal eyes, to go away.

‘I need to quickly leave him to Kalken and Stella to give him some mental education.’

It doesn’t matter if they still have a sense of slavery. Then, all you have to do is place it among your free compatriots. Then, they will have a sense of freedom, and the human education they have learned will become a great force for other races to find freedom.

Reppenhardt gave an expectant look as he watched Talcata ride back to the front of the carriage to escort him. Then he looked back at the dwarves and said.

“Okay then, let’s get ready to leave! “Isn’t there a long way to go?”

“I understand, Savior.”

Even so, the dwarves were working hard to clean up after Silan.


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The bodies of the dead knights are collected and buried, and Silan performs healing arts on the surviving soldiers. Since the dwarves did not make particularly fatal attacks on the infantry, most of them fled, and there were not many injured remaining. With his overflowing divine power, Silan healed all of the wounded until they were able to move, and even gave them grain to eat while they returned home.

‘That guy is good.’

Repenhardt smiled happily.

From Silan’s perspective, it was simply a humane attitude like a priest, but it had a different meaning for human soldiers. They suffered a crushing defeat from the dwarves who treated them as slaves, and not only that, they also received such merciful treatment. I can’t express my gratitude openly because of the past perception, but the expressions on everyone’s faces toward the dwarf have changed.

Once the battle was over, the Orc warriors climbed back onto the coach and took the reins. The elven women who were checking the amount of grain and its state of preservation also prepared to leave. The dwarves also put on their robes again and walked along the side of the carriage.

The wagon train loaded with grain began to rumble along Guando again.


Twenty nobles were currently gathered in the large drawing room on the second floor of Baron Delfina.

They are the main forces of Prince Jubel’s army, including nobles from merchants who control the commercial power of the Kingdom of Crovence, such as Count Peonin, Baron Haron, and Count Spal, as well as nobles from families with a long history, such as the Marquis of Goth and the Duke of Ryde. They sit at a table and meet each other. They were engrossed in a meeting while facing each other.

Count Peonin, the owner of the Peonin family, the largest merchant house in Crovence, and the maternal grandfather of Prince Jubel, stroked his white beard and opened his mouth.

“Lord Leppenhardt, I am truly grateful for your help.”

In fact, Count Peonin was truly welcoming the large wizard in front of him.

Under normal circumstances, Leffenhardt would not have been welcomed this way. There would be no reason to trust such a suspicious person, who is not only an unidentified foreigner but also a wizard.

But things were different now.

Currently, in Prince Yubel’s army, most of the nobles lost their territory and retreated to the Delphina Barony. In a war that was almost like a defeat, the military provisions that Reppenhardt brought with him were literally like a ray of salvation from hell.

So, none of the nobles of Prince Yubel’s army opposed Repenhardt’s joining. Even the condition he put forward, the demand for self-governance for different races within the Kingdom of Crovence, was not opposed by anyone. The story progressed so smoothly that I found myself wondering if it was Yubel or Reppenhardt, who I expected would have quite a hard time persuading.

But if you think about it, it wasn’t strange at all.

The current situation on Prince Yubel’s side is like a chessboard where all the pieces have already been lost and the game is on the verge of checkmate. There is no reason for Leffenhardt to approach with a ulterior motive. Whether he trusted them and then got stabbed in the back, or disbelieved them and threw Reppenhardt away, in any case, all that was left for Prince Yubel’s army was destruction.

And the conditions of that Dominion were also the same. Everyone is about to lose their territory and their heads will run away. Even if they give me my territory, I would have to cry and say yes, but you want to give me the enemy’s territory, which is worthless, after you win? There is absolutely no reason to object.

Nevertheless, the reason Count Peonin expressed his disapproval was because of another request from Reppenhardt.

“But even so, your request is so absurd.”

When Reppenhardt first showed up with a wagon full of grain, everyone cheered. I didn’t find it strange that he brought a bunch of dwarves and elves with him. It seemed natural for someone that rich to have a lot of slaves.

However, when Reppenhardt declared in front of them that these were not slaves but free warriors who had come to join Prince Yubel’s army, and that he would only interact with them in the capacity of an ally, everyone could not help but be dumbfounded.

According to him, they are wild dwarves and elves. Interact with them? It is no different from saying that one wants to interact with a pack of wolves or tigers.

However, if this person’s opinion is ignored, precious military provisions will be lost. I had a lump in my throat, so I thought, ‘Oh, I see,’ and just skipped over it, but honestly, Reppenhardt didn’t even look like he was in his right mind.

But that was not enough, at the current meeting, Reppenhardt recognized the dwarves and elves he brought as official troops and asked them to sign a contract like human mercenaries and have them participate in the battle.

“I’ll say it again, their participation in the war is one of the conditions for my provision of military provisions.”

Looking at the ‘crazy’ wizard who was still showing a determined attitude, Count Peonin furrowed his brows.

‘They say they’re wizards, so it looks like they tamed them with some kind of magic, but that doesn’t mean they treat them like humans… … Anyway, I guess I can’t stop the wizards’ eccentricity.’

Baron Haron opened his mouth to Reppenhardt in a soothing voice.

“Whatever Lord Reppenhardt’s intentions are within the territory, it has nothing to do with us, so we won’t say anything about it.”

The condition of an excellent merchant has long been to be good at bargaining. Baron Haron immediately refuted Leffenhardt’s demand after showing generosity by willingly handing over the conditions for Dominion.

“But you’re launching a counterattack using slave races? This is just a dream that does not see reality at all. “How can you be so stubborn?”

Other nobles also eagerly helped out.

“Yes, Lord Leppenhardt. Let’s say they know how to fight. Even so, what can a hundred or so people do at most?”

“To be exact, 126 people. And free orcs, the Blue Bear tribe, will also join.”

“If you look at a wild okra, you know how to shake off its barbarity. There’s no way it would be useful in a large-scale war, right?”

Everyone tried hard to please Reppenhardt, who was not even a nobleman, by giving him the title of prince. Actually, I couldn’t say anything because it was in front of Prince Yubel, but everyone knew. In any case, with only 3,000 troops left, we cannot win this war even if supplies are secured.

But if you have that much military stock, a long-term sit-in is possible!

And if that happens, we can negotiate on good terms with Karsas. Although a significant amount of land will be taken away, the territory may be returned to some extent. However, Prince Yubel’s neck must have been included in the negotiations, so the agenda could not be brought up openly at this meeting.

In any case, for those who had already lost their territory, Repenhardt’s military provisions were an opportunity to revive the knights. However, it is extremely frustrating because they keep being stubborn without being able to understand the situation.

Baron Galin, a young man, opened his mouth in a soft voice.

“Lord Reppenhardt, what is the price of dwarves and elves to send them into battle? Wouldn’t it be better to sell them and hire mercenaries? That number of dwarves and elves could be worth a lot of money in the Principality of Chatan. “I will look into the merchant association.”

For a moment, Reppenhardt’s eyes widened. He spoke again in a firm voice.

“They are free, not slaves. “Once again, I am here as an ally to represent their will.”

Everyone sighed and opened their mouths.

“No, what does dwarf and such mean?”

“What kind of battle do primitive wild elves do?”

“It’s frustrating… … .”

Everyone beats their chests and laments. Leppenhardt muttered to himself as he observed the atmosphere.

‘I thought it would come out roughly like this.’

It was a reaction that was all expected anyway. Soon, Leffenhardt decided to take out his card.

“You don’t believe them?”

“Isn’t it obvious?”

“Then let me show you the evidence.”

The nobles looked at Reppenhardt in puzzlement. After a brief pause, Reppenhardt looked around his audience and strengthened his voice.

The Indomitable Martial King Chapter 107The Indomitable Martial King Chapter 109
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