The Indomitable Martial King Chapter 211

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“Big… … .”

Her eyes widened. Even though she had exerted a lot of strength, the impact felt as if her entire torso had been cut off. Well, she lost most of her strength, so it might have just been a ‘sudden shock’, or she might have actually had her torso ripped off.

A series of attacks were launched towards Iniya, who could not even scream. A powerful uppercut using the recoil of her left hook was aimed at her chin.

Iniya’s mind went blank, and fear appeared in Iniya’s eyes.

‘Oh, no!’

It’s an uppercut, which is nice, but Tethron’s fist is currently bigger than her head. If she were hit with something like that, it wouldn’t be surprising if her whole head was ripped off. Even if she was lucky enough to survive, it was certain that several of her teeth would be shattered.

No matter how beautiful a woman is, if she becomes a piece of cake, she can no longer be called a beauty.

‘I haven’t even tricked Mr. Leffen yet!’

Thanks to the woman’s endless obsession with her face rather than her skills, Iniya managed to get her left arm between the uppercut and the jaw. At the same time, her Tethron’s fist struck her mercilessly.


With a heavy metallic sound, Iniya was blown away, shedding blood. Her cardamom let out a passionate cry as she watched her.


Iniya, who fell, corrected her posture in the air and landed on the floor. He didn’t fall out ungainly, but one of his arms was hanging limp. His luck saved his jaw, but at the cost of a broken left arm.

Tethron muttered as if he was truly surprised.

“Oh my god, did you even miss a hit in that situation?”

Honestly, if Tesron himself was in that situation, he would have allowed all attacks without any countermeasures. Well, given the nature of Jim Unbreakable, there wouldn’t be much damage even if allowed.

Anyway, it was definitely something great. Once again, Tethron looked at Iniya with eyes of admiration.

Then Cardamite’s shout turned his attention.

“You cruel bastard!”

Enraged, Cardamite charged frantically towards Tethron.

Gather all your power into one point and swing it again and again. The red-brown auror in the shape of an ax blade struck Tethron’s steel body one after another.


But Tesron was steadfast. Like a thousand-year-old giant tree that ignores trivial ax blows, it calmly blocks all attacks with its spiral guard.


Gritting his teeth, Cardamite pulled the ax back to his side. It can’t go on like this. We need greater destructive power to pierce that ignorant defense.

‘Fortunately, that guy doesn’t seem to have any intention of avoiding the attack… … .’

They say there is no evasion in Jim Unbreakable, but as expected, Tethron only received all attacks with the armor itself or bounced them off with the spiral guard.

If so, there is still a way. Cardamite sparkled in her eyes.


A current of aura swirled from beneath Cardamite’s feet.

Even the minimal auras that protect the body are all concentrated on one point, and at the same time, the power of earth resonance is raised. Then, use the elasticity of your entire body to strike the axe.

It is no longer a technology. Just like a lumberjack cutting down a tree with an axe, the power amplified several times is wielded with the simplest movement!


All the power of the dwarf warrior, who had been practicing martial arts for over 150 years, was concentrated on one point and flew towards Tethron’s side.

It was then.

Tesron, who had hit all the attacks so far with his body, suddenly turned his body sharply to avoid the attack. Cardamite’s eyes widened.


I never thought I would avoid it at this timing!

A short mockery flowed through the helmet of the adamandril suit.

“I knew it would be like this. “The people we fight against are always like this!”

Clearly, word has spread across the continent that there is no avoidance in Jim Unbreakable’s technique. And it is true that all of the kings of the past did not avoid most attacks but instead attacked them with their bodies.

As a result, most Auror users make the same judgment against past kings who charge forward, receiving all attacks with their bodies without evading.

-You won’t avoid it anyway, so don’t worry about defense and put all your power into destructive power!

That is the trap set by Jim Unbreakable.

Since they abandon the techniques they have learned to imprint on their souls and aim for simple, ignorant strikes, their attacks are naturally simple and loopholes are bound to be created everywhere. Aim for that gap. There is no need to avoid it often. Just once is enough.

All you have to do is aim for a gap in the other person’s heart that they would never even think to avoid!

“Death counter!”

As their bodies crossed, Tethron’s fist flew into Cardamite’s chest. With a loud roar, Tethron’s fist plunged deep into Cardamite’s chest.

“… … !”

The young dwarf’s eyes widened. Fresh blood burst out from the eyes, nose, mouth and ears.

It is a blow without any preparation, hoping only for destructive power. The rushing power was truly enormous, and it came back with several times the destructive power, so it was not a power that even the Auror users could handle.

“Krrr… … .”

Cardamite’s eyes gradually began to lose their shine as he vomited blood bubbles. The vitality disappeared from his whole body.

Iniya shouted in shock.

“Ka, cardamite!”


The metal giant lightly shook his hands. Cardamite’s body falls helplessly to the floor. Siris looked away and squeezed her eyes shut. She didn’t even have a doubt.

Cardamite is dead.

Emotions of astonishment and fear flowed from the group of escaped slaves. Not only the slaves, but also the heterogeneous warriors of the Kingdom of Antares had expressions of disbelief at the sight before their eyes.

“oh my god… … .”

“Unbelievable… … .”

“Cadamite… … .”

Cardamite, Grand Forge’s strongest warrior.

He was an Auror user and had already proven his incompetence by cutting down Sir Tetzwald, so he could be said to be the strongest dwarf warrior in name and reality. He died so helplessly.

After throwing away the cardamite, Tethron turned his face. He turns his gaze to the gathered group of escaped slaves. He saw the warriors of the Kingdom of Antares take a fighting stance, holding their weapons with pale faces.

But Tethron didn’t even care about them. There is only one person he looks at.

Tethron walked slowly, leading the massive body.

“The plan went quite awry, but… … .”


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Looking at the situation, the plan has already failed. Thanks to the excellent discipline of the damn Chatan army, the opportunity to eradicate the Kingdom of Antares was lost. Perhaps all of the other races that headed to other places escaped the Zeppelin without any problems.

“But this is enough.”

The most important thing is Demon King Reppenhardt! If you can just get rid of him, the rest will take care of itself. A group without a center will disperse immediately at the slightest touch.

Thesron let out a bitter laugh as he looked at Siris, a brown-skinned, platinum-haired elf girl.

“Then, let’s prepare bait to catch the devil.”

Siris trembled involuntarily at Tethron’s gaze towards her. Cold and indifferent eyes, reminiscent of those of a snake. A chill ran down her spine. Fear rose up in her chest and threatened to burst out of her throat.

There is no place to escape, no escape.

Siris swallowed his saliva and pulled out his dual swords. It was a new scimitar fitted at Grand Forge to replace the one that had been destroyed by Jade.

As she raised her sword and took a stance, she suddenly smiled weakly.

“It’s been a few days since I sharpened my knife, but I feel like I’m starting to eat again. I’m going to nag you a lot at Grand Forge… … No, by then, I guess there will be no more nagging in the world?”

Thesron was lost in thought for a moment as he saw Siris taking a fighting stance, trying hard to arouse his will to win even in the midst of fear.

‘It’s been a while since I faced that witch. ‘The devil’s favorite concubine, Valencia of madness.’

Repenhardt’s Four Heavenly Kings and the so-called ‘Hero Party’, including Tethron, had faced off against each other several times. Although he was not an Auror user, Siris at the time showed more power than an Auror user with his strange elemental magic and even used 8th circle magic, so he was by no means an easy opponent for the King of Powers, Thethron.

Every time that elf witch spreads her madness, how many human soldiers had to die, spraying blood on the ground?

“But now I’m just a chick in every sense of the word.”

Tethron raised his right hand and spoke coldly.

“Resistance is meaningless. “If you kneel obediently, your humble life will be saved.”

“Don’t be funny, you scrap metal man!”

Siris responded sarcastically and channeled elemental power throughout her body. Using her various spirits to comprehensively increase her physical abilities, she crossed her two scimitars in the air.

“Come out, Ignasis! Udar Mjolnir!”

Giants of electricity and fire appeared on the left and right of Siris and waved their arms. Spewing blue lightning and red flames, the two spirit giants furiously rush towards the metal giant. Electricity discharged and scorching heat rose wherever it touched the ground.

Just looking at the aftermath alone proves just how high Siris’s elemental arts have reached. If we simply look at the level of elemental arts, neither Relhad nor Iniya can be a match for Siris.

But Tesron looked rather disappointed.

“Is this all? “The spirit giants in my memories had much more formidable power!”

Udar Mjolnir hurled his thundering hammer. Ignasis stretched out his arms and launched a firestorm. Lightning and flames covered Tethron’s entire body, lighting up the night sky.

But Tesron was not shaken at all. Even during that formidable attack, there wasn’t even the slightest scratch on the adamandrill suit he wore.


Tesron calmly accepted the attack and stretched out his arms with the momentum of his whole body. The lightning and firearms were reflected and sparkled on the shiny surface of the metal arm. Just like that, Thethron plunged both his fists into Ignasis and Udar Mjolnir.

“Zero impact!”

Zim Unbreakable’s ultra-close strike, Zero Impact, burned into the chests of the two spirit giants. The shock wave pierced the lightning and flames, creating two ripples. Flames scatter in all directions and dozens of rays of electricity discharge.

Siris opened her mouth in shock.

‘No way! ‘That easy?’

Ignasis and Udar Mjolnir are the strongest spirits she can use, and although I didn’t expect them to work, I still thought they would do some damage!

Thethron rushed towards Siris, breaking through a storm of fire and lightning. A huge metal giant quickly closes the distance and runs towards you. Thes Ron muttered calmly, clenching her fists.

“Since we have to catch them alive, we should control our strength appropriately, right?”


With a burst of nervous energy, Siris also rushed to face him. Thess Lone threw her fists rapidly as she raged down the street.

“The surprise attack!”


A golden shockwave filled Siris’ vision. The shock wave enveloped Siris entirely, blowing away all the elemental power in her body. The clothes were torn and the two scimitars turned into powder and scattered.

A faint scream erupted.


☆ ☆ ☆

Siris’ delicate body flies miserably and falls to the floor. There was red blood at the corner of her mouth, and her whole body was torn, with skin bursting here and there. Still, it looks like she’s not dead, as I can see her chest rising and falling faintly.

Tethron was calmly walking towards the fallen Siris. Are you trying to suffocate her? No, considering his skills, it is even more surprising that Siris is still alive. She probably controlled her strength on purpose.

‘Are you planning on taking me hostage? Anyway, I can’t leave it like that… … .’

Iniya stood up unsteadily. The pain all over my body burned my brain and I felt like I was going to pass out. She clenched her teeth with difficulty.

“Ugh… … .”

Her condition was now serious. She suffered more than just physical injuries. The auror flow in her body was seriously disrupted. Even if she honestly thought to herself, she was not in a position to continue the fight.

But I can’t just sit here.

With her remaining arm, Iniya struggled to lift the rapier. Tethron glanced around.

“Hoo? Did you still have the strength to move?”

Iniya answered with a sneer on her lips.

The Indomitable Martial King Chapter 210The Indomitable Martial King Chapter 212
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