The Indomitable Martial King Chapter 217

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‘Thank you, Leffenhardt. No, it’s Tethrone now, really.’

Filena was grateful once again, thinking of her childhood friend with black hair and black eyes.

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This was before Tesron lost his memory, when he was called Reppenhardt.

Filena and Reppenhardt were both orphans from humble origins and were taken to the Magic Tower in Delphia to learn magic.

Originally, wizards did not easily pass on magic to their students. The common sense of the Magic Tower is that just to learn simple 1-circle magic, you have to do chores like a slave for at least three years. Filena, who was taken into the Magic Tower at the age of nine, was properly introduced to magic when she was over twelve years old.

Afterwards, she stood out significantly compared to her peers. Within half a year of entering magic, she showed outstanding talent, mastering all of the first circle and entering the second circle.

However, Filena never once realized that she was a genius.

Reppenhardt, who was eleven years old at the time, mastered all spells up to the first circle in three days after learning magic.

The magicians of Delphia could not help but be frightened by Reppenhardt’s progress so quickly. Naturally, there was a commotion.

There were opinions that excessively outstanding talent brings danger, and there were also opinions that this talent should be nurtured in earnest as it is the talent that will revive the Magic Tower of Delphia. The entire Magic Tower of Delphia split into two and fought.

At that time, young Leffenhardt brilliantly grasped the situation immediately. He realized at the age of only 11 that it was dangerous to show everything about oneself.

So from then on, Leffenhardt made moderate progress. He was slightly better than Filena, who was right next to him.

‘Philena, you’re an idiot. Don’t you think adults won’t care much if they use you as their standard?’

Filena frowned slightly, recalling Leppenhardt’s words at the time. When she thought about it again, she realized that she was such a rude little girl.

‘He’s two years younger than me!’

Well, even though he hid his talent, he was still a threat to others, so his teaching was quite limited. Still, compared to the beginning, it was just a matter of being cautious, so young Repenhardt was able to stay in the magic tower.

Four years later, when Reppenhardt turned fifteen.

While others were overwhelmed with digesting the knowledge given to them, Reppenhardt was always free. As a wizard’s apprentice, he had a lot of chores to do, so it can’t be said that he was physically free, but at least mentally he was very free.

At that time, the magical theory created by Reppenhardt to relieve his boredom was this ‘magical situation control theory.’

Magical causal theory goes beyond simply using or linking magic according to the situation, and leads the situation itself by receiving and simulating information from the entire battlefield and controlling the cause and effect as a whole.

It was an incredibly complex and advanced theory that could not have been believed to have been created by a fifteen-year-old. It was an amazing technique that would gain immortal fame even if presented immediately at a conference.

Repenhardt is not an idiot, but there was no way he didn’t know that if he announced this, he would be warned again. So even though he created a theory, he didn’t tell anyone about it. I only taught it to my childhood friend, Filena, to kill time.

Recalling the past, Filena smiled bitterly.

‘Really, I thought I was dying to understand that at the time.’

Leffenhardt said he created it as a joke, but to Philena, who heard it, it was like a rumor. Even though it was difficult, it was too difficult.

However, a child who is two years younger than me says, ‘Aren’t you stupid? I couldn’t give up because of my pride when I asked, ‘How difficult is this?’ I learned how to reduce my sleeping time.

In addition, young Reppenhardt used his spare time to invent new existing theories such as magic condensation method, circle realization method, and meditation method, and would teach them to Filena whenever he was bored.

The content taught by this black-haired boy, who was two years younger than him, was so complex and difficult that it was nothing compared to the magic tower’s teachings, but once he understood it, it was definitely effective. To that extent, each method was far superior to existing magic. Although Reppenhardt’s level of magic was just around the 3rd circle, his depth was comparable to that of any high-ranking wizard.

This is why Filena reached such a high level in her late 20s. Due to her childhood, Reppenhardt laid a solid foundation for him, so from then on, he was able to move forward without wasting time in acquiring various magical knowledge.

Well, that doesn’t mean we can disparage Filena’s talent. By the time she was able to understand Reppenhardt’s words, she was already a genius. (In fact, Todd, a regular wizard who was living in the magic tower at the time, did not even realize that it was a magic theory even after hearing their chatter.)

Anyway, her childhood friend at the time was a truly monstrous genius. Although she lost her memory and her genius along with it… … .

‘Instead, I became an Auror user. And at only twenty years old. ‘I don’t know what a true genius is.’

The world reveres Cyrus as the youngest Auror, but Filena knows the truth. She was just learning magic in her magic tower, but one day she suddenly lost her memory and she changed her name to Tethron and began to learn her martial arts on her own. And when she turned 20, she suddenly started emitting aura and became an auror user, known as the superhuman of superhumans.

You became an Auror user without anyone teaching you? It’s enough to be suspicious, but Filena didn’t do that.

Originally, her childhood friend was that kind of kid.

Not only is he gifted from heaven, but he possesses an unbelievable talent that even heaven cannot bestow upon him. A child who is strange no matter what he does and not strange no matter what he does.

What mattered was that she had received so many blessings.

When he was called Reppenhardt, it helped him gain a foothold as a wizard.

After being called Tethron, she was allowed to protect herself as a woman.

Ever since her menarche began, Filena had always been in a sexual crisis. As her body matured, the eyes of male wizards looking at her also became snake-like.

Fortunately, the Kingdom of Grime abhorred pedophiles, so I was able to survive until I was eighteen. However, from then on, she was inevitably destined to be defiled by the male wizards of the Magic Tower.

It was Tesron that prevented it.

When he was called Reppenhardt, he had never even noticed it, but after losing his memory, he noticed the atmosphere like a ghost and blocked rape attempts in advance. Despite being a boy of sixteen and losing all of her magical memories, Thethron was able to easily subdue them and save her. Just by lightly playing with her hands and feet, wizards of the 3rd or 4th circle were beaten to the ground without even being able to recite a single spell.

-Trying to hug a woman with such a weak body? If you are a man, you should be ashamed!

Somehow, what he said was a bit strange, but it was clear that he protected him anyway.

He awakened his Auror and took her with him when he escaped from the magic tower. Thanks to this, she was able to become a full-time wizard and go out into the world without desecrating her body, which was unusual for a woman.

Having received so much, it was natural for her to become a faithful admirer of Thesron.

Even when he was suddenly told that he had to stop an evil man who would burn the continent, and even when he joined an unidentified secret society called the Silver Sage for that purpose, she followed him without any questions.

There was no need for a reason as to why it should be so.

There was no need to understand why it was like that.

Ever since she was fourteen, she had been acutely aware of the incomprehensibility of her childhood friend.

There is only one truth that matters.

It’s just that he was the only person who always cared for her and gave her everything, both before and after she lost her memories.

‘If it weren’t for Tesron, I couldn’t exist where I am today… … .’

With a faint smile, Filena looked at the battlefield. Far away, on top of the half-ruined castle wall, an elf with purple hair was glaring at him with his Blade Aura deployed.

For the ‘him’ she loves and worships, Filena prepared magic again.

“Deep rain of the abyss, play with the tongues of the north wind and ice and snow!”

Her hands quickly began to make hand signs.

“Blizzard Storm!”

☆ ☆ ☆

The battle between a wizard and a warrior is like a game of tag.

If you can close the distance and get close enough to the wizard to deliver a powerful blow, the warrior wins.

The wizard wins if he continues to run away with movement spells and defeats warriors from a distance by blocking their approach with various magic.

This was a story that also applied to the battle between the Archmage and the Auror user.

Unlike regular warriors, if you are an auror user, you can launch sufficiently powerful attacks from a distance, but even so, the power is significantly lower than swinging the blade auror directly. And when you become an archmage, you can block Blade Auras flying from a distance with a magic barrier.

All kinds of magic burned through Filena’s fingertips to Iniya. Some fly directly, others indirectly cause damage and do their best to somehow defeat the opponent from a distance.

Iniya continued to fling her body, swinging her silver blade aura. He deflects various types of destructive magic that attack him with his sophisticated swordsmanship, and sometimes even blocks them away, continuously trying to narrow the distance.


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Iniya launched her Blade Aura and fired it at Filena. Filena quickly deployed her magic barrier to block the attack.

“Embrace Shield!”

Since she had not yet reached the 8th circle, the magic barrier that Filena could immediately react to and cast was limited to the 4th circle Embres Shield. It’s only a 4-circle defensive magic field, but if it were normal, Iniya’s Blade Aura would have to pierce it… … .


With an explosion, the aura and magic field collided and disappeared at the same time. Iniya clicked her tongue.

“Ugh, I guess I don’t even have the strength left to break through even one thing like that… … .”

The problem was that her injuries were so severe.

Originally, Iniya’s skills were among the highest among Auror users. If she were to fight in earnest, only Kalken, Atilca, and Reppenhardt would be her opponents even in the Kingdom of Antares. That’s because her swordsmanship and auror control abilities have reached the level of a master.

But Iniya was an elf that could not be helped.

Of all the races on earth, elves are the weakest.

Iniya had a strong body for an elf, but even so, she was inferior to other Auror users. At most, he’s at the level of an ordinary adult human male or Orc boy? Their strength, endurance, and durability are seriously inferior compared to other races.

So, with just two straight hits from Tethron, Iniya’s body was currently on the brink of death. Nevertheless, the reason she was still able to move was thanks to her extreme Auror control. Currently, Iniya was moving her body with Auror power instead of her muscles.

His physical condition was already in disarray, and most of his body’s aura was being used to control the messed energy and blood and move his body, so his power and movement were only about one-tenth of their normal levels.

‘I don’t have enough Aurors, so I can’t even use the Breath of the North Sea… … In that case, it wouldn’t be a big deal to keep that woman captive, sheesh… … .’

It’s so pathetic that my body doesn’t listen to me. Filena counterattacked the grumbling Iniya.

Flames and ice bloomed at the same time and rained down on Iniya. The feet freeze and immediately explode, sending small ice fragments flying all over the body. Immediately, an arcane bolt, an arrow of concentrated magic power, was shot with intense penetrating power, teasing the sight.

However, even though she was exhausted, Iniya immediately went into a defensive stance and let go of all attacks.

Major attacks are blocked with the sword, and minor attacks are deflected by tilting the auror shield. If my physical condition had been normal, I would not have needed an Auror shield, but since I was moving my body with just Auras, it was difficult to use my usual sophisticated swordsmanship.

Filena bit her lip.

‘How on earth do they do something like that?’

By Iniya’s standards, it was a pathetically low-level defensive technique, but to others, it was impressive enough.

The two women continued to play tag, risking their lives, each aiming for the other’s throat.

Iniya, who was seriously injured but is still a top Auror user, and Filena, who is still in the 7th Circle but whose fighting sense is as good as that of an archmage thanks to the teachings of young Repenhardt.

Because the situations overlapped, it was not easy to reach a resolution. Each person’s deadly attacks continue to narrowly avoid each other.

It was a time when the battle was going on like that.


Suddenly, a golden pillar pierced the air. It was a swarm of light so large that it seemed as if a god had descended. It was such a force of destruction that the earth shook as if there had been an earthquake and a storm blew through the void.

The two women turned their heads at the same time in the terrifying light that illuminated all directions like broad daylight.

Filena and Iniya opened their eyes wide and cried out in surprise.




A pillar of light pierced the sky, and within it, a large, muscular man was raising his right fist high.

The pillar of light becomes thinner and gradually disappears. The golden light disappears and dawn sprinkles blue light over Zeppelin’s night sky, coloring the dawn sky.

King Reppenhardt, the man who pierced the sky, quietly raised his fist. And he looked down at his fist without saying a word.

Reppenhardt muttered with a slightly excited face.

“Gwonma Hapshin… … I had a rough theory, but I didn’t expect it to work this well… … .”

A level I couldn’t reach even if I practiced to death, 5-stack Calamity Horn.

How much research did you do to see if this could somehow be exploited?

I analyzed this and that and continued research on fusing magic and aura. In the meantime, a magic technique that fuses auras was born, a low-cost(?) Calamity Horn called Hybrid Calamity Horn.

Hybrid Calamity Horn, which is both a warrior’s skill and a magician’s technique. This became the basis for the fusion technique of aura and magic, the Kwonma Hapshin. Certainly, it seemed theoretically possible to add overlap to the original calamity horn by using Gwonma Hapshin.

However, I couldn’t use it until now because if I kept trying, the existing Calamity soul would break. However, with the realization of 5-overlapping, this problem was naturally solved.

‘Indeed, the flow and stability of auras can become destructive in a balanced way at 5 stacks. Up to 4 stacks were not possible because the positioning was unstable compared to the momentum of the underlying auror ripples.’

Suddenly, Reppenhardt looked up at the dawn sky. And smiled bitterly.

“Even so, it can’t really be said to be 6 stacks.”

A truly large and beautiful pillar of light rose up. However, Leffenhardt himself, who cast the technique, was well aware that it was imperfect.

In the first place, it was wrong to say that the pillar of light was thick. If the power was properly concentrated, there would be no way such an enormous pillar of light could be seen.

‘If it were a true 6-stack Calamity Horn, it would have been implemented in a thinner and more penetrative form, right?’

To use an analogy, what Reppenhardt did was similar to adding more iron to the arrowhead when shooting an arrow with a bow to increase its weight.

The Indomitable Martial King Chapter 216The Indomitable Martial King Chapter 218
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