The Indomitable Martial King Chapter 23

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“Heh, wait and see.”

Beret stood up triumphantly.

“I guess I’ll have to go to Elvenheim after a long time.”

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Leppenhardt left the inn and headed straight to the commercial street.

Silver period items are so expensive that most places don’t even dare to buy them. However, this is Zeppelin, the capital of the Principality of Chatan. There are numerous merchant associations that have the cash mobilization power to immediately pay out thousands of gold coins.

Leppenhardt went to a large store nearby and immediately cashed in the treasures. As expected from a worn-out merchant, the other party bargained hard, but he had no success. These items had already been sold in a previous life. I had a clear idea of ​​the appropriate price.

Leffenhardt left the store with a large amount of gold coins, amounting to 2,000 coins, in joy. Normally, for amounts of this amount, a draft would be used instead – two thousand gold coins is not a weight that an ordinary person can easily carry – but he received it all in cash. It weighs about 2,000 gold coins and is no bigger than the rock I used to lift with one hand when I was a boy. Plus, I had an infinite backpack, so there was no problem at all.

“Hehe, this is enough, right?”

Reppenhardt smiled as he touched his backpack. Normally, I don’t do things like this, but the average price of a Slayer is usually around 1,000 gold coins. Since I absolutely had to get Siris, I converted everything into money and made ample preparations.

Reppenhardt walked quickly. I was thinking of going to see Siris right away, but I didn’t want to make him wait too long since I had company, so I went back to the inn.

I was just about to open the guest room door and enter the room.


Silan was sweating profusely and doing push-ups on the high-quality arborvitae floor. It seemed like the floor had been soaked with sweat for a while now, as if water had been spilled on it. When Reppenhardt came in, Cilan just nodded without even getting up.

“came? “I guess you’ve done all your business?”

“… … What are you doing?”

“You exercise, right?”

Silan answered bluntly, as if he didn’t know it when he saw it. And then he goes back to doing push-ups with his skinny arms. Repenhardt stared blankly at that. As we walked together, I heard how much Cilan admired her manly body, but when she actually saw it with her own eyes… … .

‘Wow, that thing is really skinny.’

I can already understand why Silan became such a muscle fanatic. Really, even compared to his previous life, his body was extremely poor. She had delicate arms and legs, thin shoulders, a neck so thin that it looked as if it would break if hit, and even though she was wearing her robes, she was so thin that she looked like a girl with no breasts, not a boy’s body. Still, in his previous life, he was somewhat of a skinny boy.

‘But you work a lot harder than you think, right?’

Suddenly, Reppenhardt was puzzled.

Basically, muscles are one of the things that can most definitely be stretched by anyone, no matter what. Although there may be differences in degree, no matter how weak your body is, if you put in effort, you will definitely receive some reward in return.

However, even though I worked out every day for more than 5 years, not just for a day or two, I couldn’t gain muscle, so I thought to myself that I must have just done a few push-ups. But looking at what I was doing now, the floor was soaked with sweat, which wasn’t a normal sign of effort.

‘But why can’t I gain muscle?’

Even for a real girl, if she trained this hard, it would be normal for her muscles to appear.

Meanwhile, Cilan was eagerly bending and straightening his arms. Now, not just my arms, but my entire body is shaking, making me feel like I have epilepsy. No matter how you look at it, it was overwork and Reppenhardt stopped him.

“Hey, if you put too much strain on your body, it’s counterproductive.”

It’s okay to work hard, but if you overwork your weak body, you’re likely to get a bone disease. Silan, who had fallen to the floor, struggled to get up. Reppenhardt frowned as he helped him up.

“Hey, aren’t you going to be unable to move for a few days because of muscle pain?”

“It’s okay, it won’t cause any disruption to the journey.”

Cilan smiled faintly while taking a deep breath. He was a boy who was considerate of his companions. He has thought of everything.

Cilan closed his eyes for a moment. And a pink holy light shone all over his body. The goddess’s protection caresses the exhausted body of the boy. Repenhardt widened his eyes.

“Hey, what are you doing now?”

After a while, Cilan shrugged his shoulders with a refreshed face. The tired look from before seemed like a lie.

“How do you feel, is it now clean?”

“… … .”

At that moment, Leffenhardt clearly understood why the little boy had not gained muscle despite working out so hard.

‘Hey, you idiot! ‘What’s the point if you just exercise and heal with divine power?’

Originally, a priest’s healing spell and a wizard’s healing spell had completely different systems.

A wizard’s healing spell, a healing potion made from purified troll blood, and the healing herbs used by doctors and alchemists amplify the body’s own healing power. In other words, it is close to the concept of healing quickly if left alone.

In contrast, the priest’s healing spell was similar in concept to turning back time, returning humans to their original form. The priest’s healing spell was not to quickly heal the wound, but to return it to how it was before the wound occurred.

‘In other words, this guy has been doing nothing but stupid things for five years?’

Originally, muscles were overused and destroyed, but they regenerated and grew bigger and thicker. But can you restore it to its original state with divine power? Then you just go back to how you were before you exercised.

If he could train his body with divine power, why would Jim Unbreakable spend so much money to buy a lot of healing potions and healing herbs and soak his disciples in and out of them? Just contract with a high-ranking priest and have him heal you. That’s much cheaper.

‘Somehow, something seemed strange…’ … .’

Reppenhardt clicked his tongue at Silan’s ignorance. However, if you think about it, there was only one person on the continent who conceptually understood that priest’s healing arts, Leffenhardt.

Even the priest himself, who possessed divine power, simply said, ‘The person was healed by a miracle of God.’ I only understand it to that extent and do not pay attention to the concept of healing. Wizard, the healing spell itself is a high level spell of the 7th circle, so not many people have reached that level. Jim Unbreakable initially tried to heal his students with divine spells, but he quit because they did not produce any spiritual effects. He did not understand the concept and create such a training method.

Elin, who was called a saint in her previous life, showed the miracle of restoring even severed limbs with her formidable divine power. Surprised by its power, Repenhardt studied for a while to try to create the effect of that divine spell using magic, and eventually realized this concept.

‘So it would be natural for Silan not to know… … .’

I completely understood why I couldn’t gain muscle and why Silan was as small as a child at the age of 19. If you’ve been doing that every day since you were twelve, it’s okay to be that big. Leffenhardt wondered for a moment whether he should explain this. and… … .

‘Hey, let’s leave it alone.’

In any case, there is no doubt that his divine power increased significantly by doing that. And what he wants from Silan is that powerful divine power, not muscles or anything like that.

For some reason, Reppenhardt’s expression is stiff, so Cilan tilts his head.

“What’s wrong? “What’s wrong?”

Leffenhardt quickly managed his expression. And he smiled softly.

“huh? No, I was a little surprised because it worked harder than I expected.”


He smiles when I praise him. A prick of conscience made Reppenhardt ignore Silan. It’s probably not a good idea to leave him alone, so I’ll have to give him some guidance from time to time. Even if you just stop healing your body with divine power, you will see changes quickly.

‘And your likability will also increase, right? ‘Because you’ll finally start to gain muscle.’

Repenhardt smiled darkly to himself. A high-ranking priest like Silan is very useful in one way or another, so there is absolutely nothing to lose by becoming friendly with him.

“I know a more effective training method, so I’ll teach you later.”

“oh! really? thank you!”

Without knowing his dark thoughts, he goes crazy saying he likes Silan. Pricked by his conscience once again, Reppenhardt furtively turned his head. And then he changed the subject.

“Oh, and I’m going to visit the slave auction house.”

“huh? Are you going alone again this time? “I’m going with you too!”

Silan put on his robes and clung to him. Since he had exercised enough, he wanted to see the capital. Well, this is not something that needs to be handled secretly, so there is no need to object. Reppenhardt also readily agreed.

“Okay, let’s go together.”


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Since ancient times, the most popular slave race is undoubtedly the elves. First of all, since it faithfully satisfies human aesthetic standards compared to Orcs or Dwarves, its value naturally increases for its beauty alone, regardless of performance.

Since human beings are always different from what they say and what they do, even intellectuals who harshly criticize appearanceism will inevitably choose the elf when asked, ‘Which would you choose between an elf and an orc?’ Humans are such creatures.

And the price of elf slaves was beyond imagination. The price of ten orc gladiators combined did not amount to the price of the cheapest young elf boy.

Elves are popular because of their unique long lifespan, but that long lifespan was also the biggest disadvantage in commercializing them. The lifespan of elves is four times that of humans, and their growth rate is the same as that of humans, so their childhood is also four times longer. It takes several decades to raise a young elf, to have some commercial value, and to become a usable slave. The story of a foolish merchant setting up an elf auction house to make money and then dying of old age while feeding baby elves with bottles is a famous joke within the Chatan Principality.

Therefore, most of the slave auction houses that dealt with elves had hundreds of years of tradition.

Elvenheim was a truly historic slave auction house specializing in elves, with 300 years of history and tradition within the Principality of Chatan. The name of the auction house where elves are sold as slaves is called ‘Elvenheim,’ the paradise of elves. This is truly the height of irony.

However, from the perspective of this auction house, it was a very serious name. Elvenheim took great pride in raising the healthiest, best-performing elves using the know-how accumulated over a long history and tradition. There are also vicious auction houses that sometimes rape female elves, train them to pretend to be virgins, and then sell them, but Elvenheim has always sold only high-quality virgin elf females, thus maintaining high credibility.

The slave traders of Elvenheim, a place where they provide high-quality education based on faithful know-how, do their best to monitor their health, and faithfully produce the best elf slaves, were confident that this place was worthy of being called a paradise for elves.

“… … “It’s really scary that you seriously believe that.”

Leppenhardt looked around and muttered with a stern expression. Now he was sitting in a fancy drawing room. Surrounded by gilded furniture, silk carpets, and ornately crafted pillars, it seemed like a place to entertain VIPs, but in the Elvenheim auction house, it was just an ordinary reception room. In the first place, anyone rich enough to buy elf slaves was a VIP. This level of treatment was natural.

Silan, who was sitting on the sofa, kept looking around and said.

“This is my first time coming to that elf auction house.”

There are quite a few Orc auction houses in Vasily’s Kingdom, but there are no elf or dwarf auction houses. Orcs, which have similar lifespans to humans and reach adulthood quickly, could be bred and sold anywhere, but for elves and dwarves, who have long lifespans, it is difficult unless they are in a place where they are supported by considerable wealth and recognition. So, before coming to the Principality of Silando Chatan, I had never visited an elven slave auction house.

“Still, this seems like a place where people are taken care of quite well.”

Cilan looked pleased as he looked inside the auction house through the living room window. In the case of the orc auction house, it was so dirty and shabby that it felt like slaves were treated too roughly.

In comparison, the Elven Auction House looked like a royal palace, as the building itself was splendid and clean. Silan thought that even elves could live happily in a place like this.

And Reppenhardt continued to sigh in frustration. he asked casually.

“No matter how well you take care of it, it is still the life of a slave. Do you really think that will make you happy?”

“huh? They originally lived a wild life in the forest. “Isn’t it happier to be raised by humans and live without worrying about starving or dying?”

“Umm… … .”

Leffenhardt closed his mouth. Even the good Silan has no questions about the reality of elves being sold into slavery. This made me think that it was natural for him in his past life to be called the Demon King. And he also realized the mistakes of his past life.

To him, other races were objects of care. Because he was strong and an absolute wizard. Because when he saw the irrationality of the world, he had the power to immediately punish it.

If it were him in the past, he would have blown up this auction house and liberated the elves. But not now. Since there is no magic power, you have to endure it even though it feels absurd. It was frustrating, but at the same time it gave me new insight.

‘Yes, no matter how hard you push, people’s perception will not change. ‘I just feel fear.’

Rather than embracing a different race and embracing them, they should have protected themselves and insisted that they were not slaves. Of course, in the past life, other races did the same, but in front of them was Reppenhardt, the absolute demon god. Everyone only saw Reppenhardt, but did not see the other races behind him.

‘We need to build another empire. A different empire from my previous life.’

Only when it is not the dark empire of Demon King Reppenhardt but the Antares Empire, a nation of different races, will people’s long-standing perception change.

‘Well, either way, the priority is to regain the power of magic.’

I was thinking about this and that in my head. The door opened and a serious-looking middle-aged man entered the room. He was one of the slavers from Elvenheim who guided Reppenhardt and Silan to this place.

“You’ve waited a long time, sir.”

Twenty elf women calmly walked in behind them. The slave trader proudly introduced the elves as they lined up.

“These are the Slayers that our Elvenheim Auction House is proud of.”

The elf women were all wearing only thin mesh clothes, barely covering their private parts. Since the purpose of those who want to purchase the Slayer is obvious, showing off the body is also an important reward(?). Silan was shocked and covered his eyes at this blatant feast of the female body.

“Ugh, huh!”

“Was this too much for a young lady? sorry.”

The slave merchant looked embarrassed. Normally, it was standard to show the woman naked without even wearing a fishnet, but this customer came with a girl, so there was nothing I could do. Still, even though he put a lot(?) on others, he reacted like that. Normally, he would have been angry at her for not being a young lady, but Silan still couldn’t find a place to focus his eyes and just looked around in space.

‘No, why did that guy bring all the girls to this place?’

Although he looked normal on the outside, he seemed to be a slightly perverted customer. The slave dealer clicked his tongue, but like a veteran, he did not show it and began explaining the product.

“All of them are highly trained, good at odd jobs and faithful at night. Of course, they are all virgins. “We pride ourselves on being the most trustworthy place in the Principality of Chatan.”

Lepehardt lamented at the ugly sight of the elf women, who were like fish in a fish market and couldn’t even make a shameful expression while exposing their inner skin.

‘I can’t believe a forest fairy, a descendant of a great spirit, looks like that!’

But now he has no power to change this system. His military power was certainly strong, but to change the entire system, even greater magical power was needed.

‘First, let’s find Siris first.’

Everything happens step by step. With that promise, Repenhardt looked at the lined up elves. Then, puzzled, he looked back at the slave dealer.

“Are these all the Slayers of Elvenheim?”

“of course.”

Siris was nowhere to be seen. She must have been living as a slayer at this auction house? Perplexed, Reppenhardt searched his memory. It was definitely true. Siris definitely had to be here at this time.

The slave trader, who interpreted Reppenhardt’s expression differently, asked cautiously.

“You don’t like it?”

It’s not a matter of whether you like it or not. Because all he wants is Siris.

‘But how on earth do we find Siris?’

The name Siris itself was given by him himself, so here he is simply called by his number. While pondering, Reppenhardt stammered as he opened his mouth.

“Well, aren’t there any Slayers with darker skin?”

“Oh, we don’t deal with the gray elves.”

The Indomitable Martial King Chapter 22The Indomitable Martial King Chapter 24
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