The Indomitable Martial King Chapter 272

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“Then isn’t there a necklace that has the opposite effect? “Like a necklace of cold.”

“There is no such thing. “The Silver Sage is not the developer of the artifact, but merely a beneficiary of the ancient world, and is not in a position to create it as needed.”


The sound of a passing shower echoed loudly outside the tent. Jade asked a question while listening to the sound of rain.

“How much more do I have to go?”

Well, Pluntan doesn’t even have a map, so you have to trust and follow Tethron’s guidance only. Tesron recalled information from his previous life.

“At this rate of travel, we should arrive within the next three days.”

Tethron muttered softly in response.

“Yes, I should beat Reppenhardt. “I don’t know what it is, but it’s an artifact that was even called the devil’s treasure.”

Filena managed to hear him muttering to himself. She whispered, bringing her lips to his ear.

“Maybe he’s here too?”

Tethron shook his head as if it was absurd.

“Wow, is it really possible for it to be that much of a coincidence?”

☆ ☆ ☆

It’s been five days since I left the ruined Erekaka tribe village.

Leffenhardt and his party finally left the primeval rainforest and entered the tropical highlands. As the terrain rises, the heat subsides and the temperature gradually drops. The surrounding environment also changes into a completely mountainous terrain rather than a tropical one.

As we left the tropics, the heat, humidity, and insect attacks eased. But that didn’t mean you could feel at ease.

These highlands originated from a large volcano located at the center of the Great Submarine Pluntaan.

The continent’s largest volcano, Redant Wail.

This active volcano, named the Lament of Redanti, is not an ordinary volcano. It is a volcano that was formed as a result of an explosion during the ancient Silver Age, so the entire area is a turbid mana storm zone.

Even in the tropical rainforest, many magical beasts possessed unique abilities that could deceive even the auror user’s senses, but compared to this place, they were minor. The poisonous insects here were so vicious that even an Auror user would have to suffer quite a bit if bitten, and their poison could not be easily relieved by Marceline or Silan’s detox spell.

So even Reppenhardt, who was quiet in the jungle, was taking thorough measures against poisonous insects in this area.

Pajik! Pajik! Puzzle!

Every time the group moves, electricity flashes around them and roasted insect corpses fall to the floor. This was thanks to the wide-range electric charge barrier installed by Reppenhardt around the group.

Silan frowned as he looked at the roasting corpse of a poisonous insect.

“If you had something like this, shouldn’t you have used it a long time ago?”

If that were the case, wouldn’t we have had to go through all that trouble in the jungle? Reppenhardt laughed bitterly at Cilan’s dissatisfaction.

“Because we can’t carelessly waste magical power. “It’s just a matter of adapting to the situation.”

Magic isn’t free. You can’t just waste it just because it’s inconvenient.

At that time, I didn’t mind getting bitten by some bugs, so I conserved my horsepower as much as possible. Right now, I’m using it because the risk of being bitten by a poisonous insect is greater than consuming magical power.

“Magic is certainly an omnipotent being, but it is not an omnipotent being.”

I understand, but I still felt strangely unfair when I thought about the hardships I had gone through. Cilan pouted and turned his head.

After passing through the highlands for a while, I saw a huge volcano in the distance. It was Redant Weil Volcano. Fortunately, there was no smoke erupting as it was not the time of the eruption.

Beneath it was a vast black swamp where bitumen mixed with water bubbled up into sulfur. Marceline let out a tired voice as she looked at the swamp.

“Uh, maybe I should pass by there?”

Although Marceline was strong as a dwarf, there was something fearful about her too. It is a place like a swamp, stream, or lake. For short dwarves, there is a high risk of drowning in swamps that are deep enough for other races to just dip their waists in.

Repenhardt laughed and responded.

“Don’t worry, Marceline. Because everyone is here.”

Instead of crossing the swamp, Reppenhardt walked further along the edge. After walking about a kilometer further, a huge rocky hill rising at the edge of the swamp came into view. Iniya was nervous as she approached the hill.

There was a narrow gap between the huge rocks between the hills. Although it was narrow compared to the rock, the gap was large enough for two or three people to pass shoulder to shoulder. An eerie energy was flowing from that gap.

“Hoo, is this the place?”

Marceline noticed right away.

In the first place, the Dwarves’ home base, Grand Forge, was once a dungeon. Even now, on the outskirts of Grand Forge, there are still some dungeons connected to the other world that are dangerous to access. This energy was quite familiar to Marceline.

“Yes, this is the entrance to the Molton Morath Dungeon, where the relics of the four directions are located.”

Reppenhardt continued speaking while kneading his fists.

“Well, to be exact, it’s not an official entrance, but more like a gap in the dungeon wall.”


The crevice in the rock looked ordinary at first glance. However, after going a few tens of meters inside, a strange space appeared.

There was a cavity large enough for about fifteen people to stand, and part of a large stone wall was exposed. There was a hole in the stone wall barely large enough for a person to pass through, and a rainbow-colored energy shone through it. Russ asked, drawing his sword.

“Is it okay if I just disperse that energy, brother?”

Repenhardt chuckled and answered.

“If you can, try it.”

Russ immediately unleashed his Blade Aura. The blue aura collided with the rainbow-colored light and soon disappeared. The auror itself was fused with that light shield and was unable to use any power. Russ narrowed his eyes at her.

“this… … .”

“If it was going to be done by force, I would have done it myself, right?”

Most dungeons have strong dimensional space barriers installed in the structures themselves. It was not installed intentionally by the ancient people of the Silver Age, but since the dungeon spans the other world and this world, the defense system malfunctions and disperses the physical power of this world throughout the dungeon.

In order to break through this dimensional barrier with force, the only way is to hit it with a force that exceeds the allowable dispersion of physical force. Well, Repenhardt’s Calamity Horn could have generated more power than allowed, but in that case, the entire dungeon would have collapsed. It’s like trying to catch bed bugs and burning down thatch.

So, in order to open the dungeon door, magical power to intervene in the modern dungeon defense system was essential. Even though the dungeon itself is located in a different dimension, the operating core of the system clearly exists in reality, so it can be manipulated from the outside using magic. Of course, this is only if it reaches that level.

“I was able to open most dungeons with my magic, but… … .”

Leppenhardt looked serious as he surveyed the vast expanse.

Unlike other dungeons, the power of the barrier here in Molton Moras Dungeon was much stronger. Even a tolerable level of magic wouldn’t work. In order to release the core of the barrier installed at the entrance to the dungeon, it was necessary to use the 9th circle absolute release technique ‘Absolute Dispel’ or at least use the 8th circle concentration release technique ‘Core Load Dispel’ to sequentially release the systems in all directions. .

‘In the past, I could just cancel with one shot, but now I can’t even use the 8th circle, let alone the 9th circle.’

So, I never dared to come here. It was obvious that I wouldn’t be able to open the door when I got there.

However, after learning Gwonma Hapshin, Reppenhardt was able to come up with a new expedient. Although the barrier core at the official entrance still cannot be touched, there was a way to enter by temporarily opening the gap between the dungeons.

Once you get inside, getting back out is no problem. You can easily get back outside by manipulating the internal system.

Reppenhardt relaxed his shoulders and stepped to the front of the tent.

“Cilan, Marceline, Iniya, to the location.”

Cilan and Marceline moved to left and right of Reppenhardt. Iniya also stood behind Reppenhardt with a serious look on her face. After checking the positions of his colleagues standing in a square shape, Reppenhardt clenched and unclenched his fists.


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“Whew, I don’t know if it will actually work? “Don’t be too upset if you fail.”

Silan responded very seriously to the playful words of Reppenhardt.

“I won’t come again. “This damn town.”

“Then we must succeed this time!”

Reppenhardt raised both hands and began to recite a spell.

“Grel past le hera round…” … .”

It was an incredibly long order. The spell chanting alone lasted nearly a minute. A faint purple aura began to form on both of Reppenhardt’s hands. He folded his hands to his chest.

“Gwonma Hapshin!”

Golden aura bloomed and mixed with purple aura, emitting a strange light. Silan and Marceline simultaneously raised their divine power.


“Al Port!”

Shouting out the name of God, each person emitted pink and silver holy light. Reppenhardt stretched out his arms left and right. The magic power that was fused with the auror by the Demon Demon God spread out a thin light that reached my Silan and Marceline’s holy light.

Buzz buzz buzz!

The atmosphere began to tremble as magical power and divine power rebelled. But it didn’t explode or anything. Repenhardt’s auror mediates and suppresses those two energies that cannot be fused.

Leffenhardt exclaimed with joy.

“good! “It works!”

Marceline shouted, her beard shaking. It looked quite difficult.

“Oh, this is something I practiced a lot in the first place, so of course it will work! “Go ahead quickly!”


Leffenhardt glanced behind his back. Iniya, who was nervous, immediately used spirit magic.

“Rosia, take my hand! Shaid, follow my lead!”

The water spirit, Rosia, and the dark spirit, Shaid, were summoned at the same time and flowed to Reppenhardt according to her gesture. The elemental power of water and darkness resided in both hands, which were a combination of magic power, aura, and holy light.

Leffenhardt put his hands together again. Pure white light erupted and a thick cold air began to flow.


The vibrations in the atmosphere become increasingly stronger. Since it was not a very large cavity, stone debris fell from all over the ceiling just from the force. Reppenhardt took a step forward, his eyes shining.


He thrust his whole body toward the vast expanse. He advances right in front of his nose, rotates his body, and strikes the open space alternately with both his fists!

“Zero impact!”

Bang bang!

Two explosions rang out, causing great ripples throughout the vast expanse. At the same time, the vast curtain split to the left and right, and the space beyond the stone wall connected to this world was slowly revealed. Russ and Tashid burst into cheers.



Both of them were suffering from the fear that if they failed, they might have to come here again later. There was spontaneous cheering. Leppenhardt shouted urgently.

“ruler! Everyone jump in!”

☆ ☆ ☆

Magic is close to being all-purpose and can be applied in a variety of ways depending on the caster. In order to break the dimensional space-time barrier, one must intervene in the complex properties of the barrier one by one and reverse all the techniques, but this is only possible through magic.

However, modern magic can never intervene in time, space, and matter. So Reppenhardt came up with an expedient method of borrowing the power of divine power.

The sacred power and divine power given to this world by the power of God had no structural limitations like magic, regardless of its power. Even the archmage of the 9th circle cannot turn back time, but even the lowest-ranking priest can perform ‘time intervention’ to reverse human wounds. At best, it’s nothing more than a scratch or something, but if you look at its essence, it’s definitely an act that goes against time.

In other words, the power of divine power can ignore the part of the dimensional space-time barrier that corresponds to the ‘time’ barrier!

But the divine power cannot be applied. Priests certainly cause ‘miracles’, but those miracles are determined by God and do not happen as the priests themselves want. Therefore, it is impossible to use the holy power to release the barrier according to the magic of the barrier using only the power of the priest.

Therefore, the process of reprocessing sacred power through magic was necessary. What made this possible was Aura, a life energy that can fuse with all energies. By fusing the aura and magic with the magic power, the repulsion between the holy power is suppressed, and then the holy power is guided by the flow of magical power. Because the backlash between divine power and magic was so great, Silan alone was not enough. However, when combined with Marceline’s power, it was powerful enough to meet the calculation.

However, even if the time barrier is ignored with holy power, the space barrier still remains. So Reppenhardt added his elemental power to it.

The elves’ elemental magic was completely different from the magician’s summoning magic.

When a wizard summons spirits or demons from the other world, it is not a method of freely opening and closing space to bring them out into the present world. The power to transcend space is the natural ability of spirits or demons of the other world, and wizards only give orders by suppressing their thoughts through contracts. Reppenhardt’s 10th circle ultimate summoning spell, ‘Hell of the World’, which summons 10,000 demons, was the same in essence.

On the other hand, the elves’ elemental magic was the power to naturally transport spirits, which were ‘friends’, to the ‘world’.

The ability to directly intervene in space and summon spirits is in some ways similar to troll magic. Rather than considering theories and principles, we simply deal with space through our senses. Just like troll gurus can transform matter with just their senses. It is similar to divine power in that it cannot be applied.

In any case, what was certain was that elemental power clearly had the property of ignoring space. The backlash against magic power was not as great as with divine power, so one Iniya was enough. As a result, the ‘space’ part of the dimensional space-time barrier was also resolved.

All that remains is to give direction to this fused power and lead it to a single point.

This is where Jim Unbreakable’s auror shined. An aura filled with all energy creates zero impact and penetrates the blow. Then, his blow, which transcends time and space, will send a shock from the inside of the dungeon to the outside, instantly dispersing the dimensional airflow and connecting the other world and this world!

All of this was theoretical. In fact, I wasn’t sure that Reppenhardt would either. but… … .

“As expected, I’m a genius, hehehe.”

Leppenhardt smiled triumphantly as he looked around the dark passage. Titima pointed and shouted innocently.

“wow! King Baek! That attitude is unfortunate! Atilca always told me to be humble!”

The Indomitable Martial King Chapter 271The Indomitable Martial King Chapter 273
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