The Indomitable Martial King Chapter 461

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More than two years have already passed since I studied these people. Most of the ecology has already been understood through various experiments.

Physically, these primitive humans appear to have gone through the same type of evolution. Although there are differences in appearance, such as pointed ear fins and body hair color, there are also similarities in the use of hands to walk upright and the shape of the skeleton and muscles.

The level of brain development also seemed similar to that of modern migrant humans. It is not surprising that the brains of the uncivilized people are not much different from modern civilized humans. Even in motherhood, there was no significant difference in brain volume, neurons, synapses, etc. between primitive and civilized people.

The level of civilization was roughly from the late Paleolithic to the early Neolithic period, based on maternal standards. There is a reason why there is such a large gap between times. The planet is large and the indigenous races are spread out in various ways, and since it is extremely difficult to interact with each other, there are bound to be differences depending on the region.

In this way, the planet’s primitive humans did not show much difference from the ancient times of their mother planet. However, there were also some unusual aspects.

They were ‘activated spirit embodiments based on individual information and character building’, that is, they had factors in their souls that were similar to those of current immigrant humans.


A caged male of the indigenous race roared at the glass window. A shock wave exploded and caused the window to vibrate strongly.


One researcher frowned.

“That’s a mess again.”

When you give it an electric shock with a simple lightning spell, it quickly becomes calm and returns to its original position. Looking at that, Dr. Metheus nodded his head.

“It’s definitely fascinating.”

The element that builds the mind and soul, that is, the ‘magic’ that creates physical influence based on the spirit child, was a factor that was expressed only before the era of destruction in motherhood. However, the pioneer race of this planet also had that potential. Of course, there are only one out of ten things that can actually manifest, and most of them just end up asleep.

‘Are these people special, or did we also have such factors in ancient times, but they were buried and then reappeared?’

If you think about it, there were legends of all kinds of heroes, magic, and sorcery even in the ancient history of Mother Earth, so it is not an entirely unfounded hypothesis. Perhaps, if they develop civilization normally, they may naturally lose that power and take the same path as motherhood.

‘Or maybe it’s just a lifespan issue?’

Dr. Metheus came up with another hypothesis.

An indigenous race similar to their maternal human race in many ways, but there were also clear differences.

Their growth rate was four times that of humans. This meant that life expectancy was also quadrupled.

Thanks to the extremely developed civilization and the widespread treatment of immortality, the citizens of Eldras and Alhatran all live long lives. But even those who did not grow old could not avoid death.

Even if you remodel an old house over and over again to make it look like a new house, the foundation is bound to cave in over time. Even if various factors were manipulated to maintain youth and health, the lifespan of the cells themselves ultimately had a limit.

After approximately 150 years, no matter how much immortalization treatment is performed, the brain cells inevitably disintegrate and the connection with the soul is lost.

It is not for nothing that aging factors exist in all living things. From a natural perspective, it is much more beneficial to extend the lifespan of the species itself to give birth to new life when it is physically at its peak rather than to stop aging and die suddenly at some point.

Death was still an unavoidable fate for the average person, although it may be the case that a person is transferred to a completely new body through a ‘soul transfer technique’ using the Akashic Drive, such as the ‘immortality treatment’ that Dr. Metheus received.

However, the lifespan of the indigenous race is four times that of humanity. If you age naturally, you may live up to 400 years old, and if you undergo immortalization treatment, you may live up to 600 years old. The time the soul resides in the body in one generation is significantly longer.

‘So, it may be possible to achieve spiritual evolution in a different way than humanity.’

Dr. Metheus’ eyes lit up with curiosity.

As with other aspects, the long lifespan of the indigenous race especially stimulated his desire for research. What kind of factor can express itself in what form and have such a natural lifespan? If we uncover it, the lifespan of Eldras citizens will also greatly increase.

Filled with anticipation, the doctor stood up. And he left the lab and headed to another location.

Get on the magic disk, move down the passage for a while, and end up in front of another small room. When I entered the room labeled ‘Nursing Room’, I found myself in a child’s room with the walls decorated in various colors and all kinds of toys lined up.

A female researcher was holding and comforting a young baby who appeared to be less than one year old when she looked at Dr. Metheus and nodded.

“Oh, are you here?”


With a warm smile, Dr. Metheus looked at the baby.

This little baby, who seemed to be only a few months old, was actually already over two years old. This baby, with sparse blue hair and pointed ears, was born in an artificial womb by the doctor, selecting only the best elements of primitive humans.

Code number: Si13408.

This baby, who was born as naturally as possible by expressing only the potential of physical and spiritual factors without touching the essence of primitive humanity at all, could be the perfect test subject he wants.

Dr. Metheus picked up the baby. The baby wiggled his tiny fingers and opened his mouth.

“Doctor… … Dr. Metheus… … .”

In terms of humans, less than half a year has passed since they were born, but they are already speaking clearly. It is completely different from other indigenous races that make animal howls out there.

Dr. Metheus called the baby’s name.

“Did you sleep well, Sayer? peekaboo!”

☆ ☆ ☆


Lepehard clutched his chest. It was because a wave of extreme emotion suddenly washed over me.

Longing, loss, anger, hatred, affection, love, fear… … .

A turbulent whirlpool of emotions surrounds the brain and buries the soul. Of course, Leffenhardt soon realized what was happening. What often happens in a dream dive state is that the dreamer’s emotions become so intense that the storm rages on the diver.

“Geez, Sayer seems to be in dire straits.”

Reppenhardt soon regained his composure. His discipline is not so shallow that he is swayed by other people’s emotions. The fact that I was shaken even for a moment was nothing more than proof of how strong and intense this emotion was.

“This is a common occurrence, right?”

Calmly, Reppenhardt looked around again. Before we knew it, the image of the little baby and Dr. Metheus had disappeared and we were back inside the dark dome. In the middle of it all, Sayer was laughing and crying.

While shedding tears, she smiles as if she is extremely happy, and looks at her with hatred.

“Ha ha ha ha ha… ….”

Sayer, who was sitting there, was no longer the pointy-eared boy. He takes the physical form of young Reppenhardt, a beautiful young man with long black hair.

Sayer muttered to himself as if he had not sensed Leffenhardt’s presence at all.

“Ah, my father whom I hate and love… … .”

In an instant, the entire dome disappeared. The background itself melts and everything in sight becomes blurred. I feel my entire consciousness being blown away somewhere.

“It looks like the dream is changing.”

Human dreams and memories follow the flow of consciousness, not the laws of this world. Since there are no time or space constraints, it is common for everything to suddenly change like this during a dream dive.

Before I knew it, Reppenhardt was standing in a different place.

It was a huge library where many people with silver hair came and went. All kinds of books are stacked on all sides of the library, which is so huge that you can’t see the end.

‘Huh, even in this extremely advanced civilization, is paper still used as a tool for storing information?’

But when I looked closely, I saw that not only paper books were on display.

Round crystal balls were also placed tightly in the middle, and most of the people passing by were putting their hands on the round crystal balls, not the books.

When I looked closely, I saw that it was a familiar object. It is a magic tool and information storage device that Repenhardt often used. Well, it was a much more sophisticated form than what he was used to.

Looking at it, it seems like the people who use this place actually use that instead of reading.

“what? If you’re going to do that, why did you put the book on the shelf? “Is it just a form?”


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It wasn’t like there were people reading books. It’s just that the way of reading was outside of Leffenhardt’s common sense.

You don’t just bring a book, sit down, and open the pages. He carefully pulls out the book using magic, puts it in what looks like a large glass container, then carefully opens the book, and every time he turns a page, it sprays something that looks like a strange spray.

They were so careful that even if they touched the thin ice, it seemed like they would be more violent than that. It looks like they are dealing with a critically ill patient who is dying, not a book.

‘… … If you’re going to do that, why on earth are you leaving paper books alone?’

Although he was dumbfounded, Reppenhardt looked around. The goal is to find the subject of this memory.

Sure enough, I saw a small boy walking through the library from a little distance away. He was Sayer, who looked to be about ten years old.

Every time the boy takes a step, the silver-haired people passing by are startled.

“oh? “It’s the Zen lord’s servant, right?”

“How is it here? “What are you filming?”

“But when you put it on, it looks just like a human.”

I looked at it curiously, but then it caught my attention. The boy continued walking with an indifferent expression. Then he stood on one side of the library and placed his hand on an information storage sphere.

The information was relayed to Reppenhardt through the boy.

☆ ☆ ☆

When the war ended, Eldras and Alhatran no longer used their outdated space power. To symbolize the opening of a new era, a new calendar was created based on the time when this planet was discovered.

54 years of New World.

More than 50 years have already passed since the two humans immigrated to this planet. The investigation of the planet is almost complete.

As it was a planet with similar conditions and a similar size, the environment was not much different from the mother planet. The length of the day, the length of the year, and the rotation and revolution were almost the same.

Even the moon is of similar size, has a similar orbit, and orbits around the planet. It is said that tidal currents are similar.

Religious people said, ‘How could this be a coincidence? This is the place that God has arranged for us!’, but from the perspective of scientists and magicians, it was not that surprising.

If any of the numerous factors, such as the size of the planet, its distance from the sun, the atmospheric circulation resulting from the change of the four seasons due to the angle of its axis of rotation, and the influence on the planet due to the mass and distance of the moon, are out of order, the place becomes uninhabitable for humans. . The environment in which humanity can survive actually exists only on a very delicate balance.

Taking all of this into consideration, scientists’ mission was to find a place for humanity to live.

An environment that requires technology and magic to survive is meaningless. If that’s the case, you can just live on the immigration fleet. We could not be considered successful if we did not leave a perfect future for our descendants.

I wanted an environment where humans living in the motherland could live naturally, and I eventually found it. Of course, aren’t all conditions bound to be similar to motherhood?

It is not a coincidence that a planet identical to the host planet was discovered in this wide universe. Unun is also meaningless. Even an ordinary lottery ticket is guaranteed to win if you scratch it for 1,400 years. How many planets and star systems have they abandoned so far? I was prepared to wait only about 3,000 years, but it was definitely fortunate to discover it after 1,400 years.

As the mother and environment were similar, the planet’s ecosystem was also carried out based on common sense. Plants and animals were at a sufficient level for migrant humans to adapt to, and there was no significant difference from motherhood.

There were even fauna and flora that were almost identical to their mother species, such as tigers, lions, hippopotamuses, cows, horses, dogs, cats, rice, wheat, barley, and various fruit trees.

Of course, there were some differences as well.

First of all, it is a giant beast of prey. Giant beasts that died out long ago on their home planet were still thriving on this young planet.

This giant beast of prey, which has a different form and appearance from its mother, but has the habit of defending itself by spitting out flammable substances or venom, was enough to stimulate the imagination of migrating humans.

According to myths and legends handed down through tradition, these giant beasts were called hydras, drakes, and dragons.

Another unusual thing was that there were still subspecies of humans remaining here.

In the early days of humankind, many different species of humans flourished. In the process of evolution, many of humanity’s ancestors fought and died. Among them, the ones who survived by the law of survival of the fittest are the ancestors of modern humans.

On our home planet, humans developed civilization only after all subspecies had died out, but on this planet, they seemed to have taken a slightly different path. Although some of the indigenous races had already reached the early stages of primitive civilization, other human subspecies were also surviving throughout the planet.

Another primitive human race that was inferior to the indigenous people in terms of intelligence and lifespan, but was physically strong and used simple tools. It had a similar image to a creature from the legend of migrating humans. So they were naturally named okra.

The intelligence itself is as good as that of the indigenous race, but they have no concept of sociality and are another ferocious primitive human race with the ability to change their bodies and control their minds. They are named trolls.

In fact, they are not really similar to the orcs or trolls of maternal legend. Honestly, if you compare them, there are far more differences than similarities. Maternal orcs have no properties that can be overcome by a single magic blow, and legendary trolls are not monsters that can transform into two stages.

But is there any similarity between the legendary giraffe and the real giraffe? Basically, if the image matches, you give it a name.

Even while planetary research was in progress, Eldras and Alhatran continued to prosper.

New towns were built and development progressed throughout the site. The relationship between the two human beings, which started with blood, has also improved greatly. Cultural, technological, and economic exchanges took place actively. Now it wasn’t strange at all to see each other in each other’s cities.

Those who overcame the wounds of war were leaping toward a new future.

☆ ☆ ☆

A young boy, who appears to be about twelve or three years old, watches TV. A movie that is currently popular is shown on the screen.

Even though technology that goes beyond 3D and 4D and provides perfect virtual reality through holograms and direct involvement of the brain nerves has been extremely developed, flat screens still exist.

Technology develops and filters according to need, and of course, realistic videos and experiences are still loved. However, there is no need to accept all information realistically.

Isn’t there an old saying that the best way to watch a fight is to watch a fight? Literally, ‘seeing’ is fun, but ‘experience’ is not. Watching something from a distance, taking a step back, is a form of entertainment that people need just as much as a realistic experience.

The young boy, Sayer, frowned as he watched the movie on the ordinary screen.

“Uhm… … .”

The movie was about a beautiful elf and a proud dwarf exploring a primitive world while making friends with various races, including silver-haired people and black-haired people. It was a remake of one of motherhood’s old fantasy literature for the current times.

In addition to movies, this type of fantasy literature-based cultural phenomenon is currently booming in Eldras and Alhatran. It is not for nothing that the creatures on this planet are given names derived from fantasy literature.

Already in Eldras and Alhatran, not only movies but also various related cultural products were being developed and were becoming huge hits.

There was a reason why something that was originally the exclusive preserve of some people with minor hobbies and was not that famous within the immigrant fleet has now become very popular.

Eldras and Alhatran started with war. And the symbols of the two immigrant fleets are Eldia, an elf woman, and Al Port, a dwarf man.

Now that the era of peace has arrived, fantasy literature in which humans, elves, and dwarves join forces to adventure has been accepted as a symbol of the new era. Exploring while defeating orcs and trolls was also similar to the image of pioneering a planet.

The Indomitable Martial King Chapter 460The Indomitable Martial King Chapter 462
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