The Indomitable Martial King Chapter 498

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Surprised, Sereline operated the console. Well, even if you do operate it, all you have to do is repeatedly hit the buttons you were pressing. She is only a user, and does not understand the structure of this artifact like the Silver Age engineers, so there is no other way.

Of course, no matter how many buttons I pressed, the video did not return to normal. Sereline shouted.

“Respond, Osmant! “Report the situation!”

A strange noise returns instead of a human voice.


“What happened?”

Confused, Sereline looked at other images in the control room. Other images showing the inside of Sayre Temple were fine. Only the ground level hall where Reppenhardt and his party are located is damaged.

She bit her lip.

“What other tricks did the author use?”

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Reppenhardt nodded, feeling the waves of jamming magical power floating around the hall.

“Well, it worked really well.”

He was convinced as he watched them summon their ancient battle suits again. They say Sayer is watching them using the system here.

Otherwise, there was no way they would have been able to be resummoned even after being hit by the AMP Shockwave. As in the case of Brektis, AMP Shockwave also nullifies the artifact that calls the suit. However, if you see that it was summoned, it means that they did not have a summoning artifact, but that they were watching from somewhere in the Sayre Temple and threw it to you.

‘It’s just as Carol said.’

Covering the original surveillance barrier with jamming magic to block the opponent’s eyes and ears is one of Reppenhardt’s favorite methods. Of course, the Sayre Temple’s surveillance system is different from modern magic, so even Repenhardt cannot use the existing jamming magic techniques. However, currently, he has obtained information about the Cosmic Egg and part of its system by operating the Masterrada Dungeon. Combining this with the information obtained during Dream Dive, we found enough information to intercept surveillance here.

“But it won’t last long. As expected, the Silver Age is not easy.”

Originally, Repenhardt’s jamming magic continued to disrupt the surveillance barrier until its magic power was consumed. The period is usually about two or three days. But it was different now.

I can feel the spreading jamming magic fragments disappearing at an alarming speed. The sabotaged surveillance system is restoring the barrier by analyzing the waves of the jamming magic fragments. If things continue like this, the surveillance barrier will be activated again in about 2 to 3 minutes.

“But three minutes is enough.”

Leppenhardt shouted.

“Now they can’t see us! Finish it, everyone!”

Russ moved right away.


The illuminator scatters sword light towards the two steel giants. Of course, the sword light only flew across the surface of the armor, sparks flying, and Silver’s collaborators also responded. After a round of attack and defense, Russ took a sword stance.

“Sword in the air, Horizon!”

A grandiose slash followed from Baldose, but Eun’s collaborators easily parried the attack.

“Are you doing that again?”

“I don’t understand. “It’s useless!”

I don’t know why, but the special move from earlier wasn’t that powerful compared to the aura I felt. The force is several times stronger than that of an ordinary Blade Auror, and if you get hit, you will only receive a dull shock and that will be the end.

Russ muttered inwardly at the other person’s reaction.

‘Yes, I knew from a while ago that it wouldn’t work.’

The Horizon, an empty sword that moves energy called Aura through space, does not work well against that ancient combat suit. This is a fact that was already confirmed when dealing with Tethron, who was using the same ancient combat suit. Nevertheless, there is a reason why we continue to do this.

‘Looking at the reaction, I’m pretty used to it.’

Russ took the sword again. The formidable energy of the Auror explodes, and a grandiose slash pours down from her feet. Sir Grandiard frowned and took a defensive stance again.

“Is it that useless thing again?”

Russ delivered a slash. It’s a strike with the same stance, same energy, and same delay, but the situation is different this time.

“Space sword, Infinity!”

The heads of the two Eun collaborators were cut off at once. A steel head rises into the air along with a fountain of blood. In a single blow, the true iron adamantium alloy was cut like a piece of corn.

Masra, the free knight who was dealing with Tashid, shouted in horror.

“oh my god? how?”

Tashid thought while digging into his opponent.

“Maybe now isn’t the time to worry about that?”

Through battle foresight, he persistently explores the opponent’s weaknesses. A huge sword that could be used as a beam aims at Masura’s entire body through its delicate and sharp trajectory.

Even though he was surprised, Masra calmly resisted the attack. No matter how much you use your battle foresight to target loopholes, this suit’s defense, speed, and sense amplification power are terrifying. Even if you move later than your opponent, blocking an attack is no problem.

It was the moment when the great swords of Chammado Dakar and Masra collided.

“This should have been avoided.”

Tashid said coldly and pulled the Auror up.

“Gerard Sword!”

And then insert the connector.

“Double lightning strike!”

The terrifying strike shattered Masra’s great sword and lodged deep into his helmet. That’s not the end. Despite his formidable force, he quickly removes the embedded sword and throws it at another of Eun’s collaborators. The turquoise blade auror’s upward strike rushes from the opponent’s groin.

With a scream, the adamandrill suit and dragonic armor were shattered. It was the power of Gerard Sword, the sword of time freezing. Tashid grinned.

“Ah, it works well.”

Russ criticized why he was using the Gerard Sword, a defensive weapon, when attacking, but in reality, that was just a joke to a close friend. Which hurts more: a wooden stick or an iron club? The sword of absolute indomitability is already an excellent offensive weapon in itself.

On the other side, Siris was also delivering the final blow.

“Spirit joins us!”

The power of the elements she controls, the essence of the seven spirits, gather at one point and fuse with magical power. This technique, in which tremendous magical power converges with the power of the seven spirits to produce tremendous destructive power, was the special move of Siris in her previous life, Madness Valencia.

“Elementic Spear!”

A spear of light penetrates the thick adamandrill suit and pierces the opponent’s solar plexus. Iniya smiled bitterly as she looked at the scene.

‘He somehow changed it to his own technology.’

No matter how you looked at that technique, it was similar to Iniya’s own special move, Absolute Spear. Of course, the method of increasing power by repeatedly compressing and exploding seems to be too difficult and seems to have chosen the method of combining spirit power and penetrating it instead, but the basic concept is similar in any case.

‘I thought you were just proud, but I guess you have the personality to admit what needs to be acknowledged?’

Iniya was happy as she gave Siris the score.

But in fact, this is a bit strange. In fact, it was Siris in his previous life who developed this technology. Reppenhardt wasn’t that close to her and wasn’t that interested in her previous life, Iniya, who was weaker than Siris, but from Siris’s point of view, she was undoubtedly the second-highest elf, and her level of nothingness meant that she was a swordsman higher than herself. She was just weakened by illness.

So, Siris and Iniya in the past life were quite close. First of all, isn’t there going to be a fight over Reppenhardt like there is now? They treated each other as respected warriors and even exchanged skills. The Bigi that was born at that time was this Element Spear, and it was Reppenhardt who conveyed that concept to Siris in the present world.

‘At the time, I was just a wizard, so I didn’t really know what the principles were. All I know is that it is a technology created by applying the power of elements with Iniya’s technology. But since you were able to do it in your past life, shouldn’t you be able to do it now? Until now, I didn’t teach you because I didn’t have enough skills, but now Siris, you too have reached the level of element… … .’

As a matter of fact, Siris was quite displeased with Iniya’s technique. But since I want to become stronger right now, I have no choice. I tried again and again, spying on Iniya’s techniques and reflecting on the concepts I had heard from Reppenhardt. Still, it wasn’t easy because the current level was so low. Above all, it is impossible to combine elemental power and apply it to magical power.


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‘How on earth was this possible in your past life, Mr. Reppenhardt? I just can’t do it… … .’

‘Well, well? I don’t know about that either… … .’

In fact, in his previous life, Siris had used the Elementic Spear by using the Holy Light Sword Messiah’s ability to cause a runaway magical power and then pouring the seven elemental powers into the flow. But how could Leffenhardt know that? At that time, I was a wizard who had no interest in martial arts.

‘But shouldn’t the results be similar?’

Although he cannot use elemental magic, he is a Reppenhardt who knows the principles well. And now I have become expert at mixing together Lee Hyung’s strength.

I remodeled my Gwonma Hapshin on the spot. So the Siris-exclusive magic spirit union was born, and although it only took an hour and a half to modify, its power was beyond reproach.

“Krrr… … .”

Eun’s collaborator, who had been pierced through the neck, collapsed with a sound of boiling phlegm. It was a death where he could not even scream. Siris frowned as she retracted her messenger.

‘As expected, the power is good, but… … .’

I still don’t like the idea of ​​copying Iniya’s technique. It seems like everyone doesn’t realize it because there is Russ next to him who copies all kinds of Auror skills and doesn’t feel any shame, but in fact, stealing other people’s skills is a very shameful thing for a warrior.

‘I can’t help it now, but I will inevitably create my own technology.’

Iniya was liking Siris without even knowing her inner thoughts. I’m honestly proud of her because she worked hard on her skills and reached that level.

‘Is this what it would feel like if I had a disciple? Well, if she’s like Repenhardt’s daughter, wouldn’t she be like a daughter to me too? ‘You should be nice to me, um.’

Anyway, everyone dealt with their opponents cleanly. Iniya’s eyes lit up as she adjusted her sword.

‘Then I’ll slowly… … .’

The blackening of cold air, reminiscent of a blizzard, colorfully decorates the field of view. Surprised by the deaths of their colleagues, Cerness and Chase carefully took a defensive stance. This time, something feels different than before!

‘what? Is it some kind of hidden tactic?’

Indeed, thanks to their thorough defense stance, both were able to block the repeated attacks. Even though the cold aura from the opponent’s attack seeped through the armor and my arms felt numb, I still successfully blocked the attack itself… … .


Suddenly, Cerness’s forearm exploded. No, it is a slightly different phenomenon from an explosion. Suddenly, icicles burst out from the inside of the forearm, a place made up of bones, muscles, and blood vessels, turning both arms into a mess.


Cernes, who lost both arms, screams. Chase turned his head in surprise.

“Lord Cernes?”

He lost both arms, but that was just inside the suit. Since there is no blood flowing outside of her, both arms appear to be fine on the outside. I didn’t understand what had happened.

Iniya swung her sword again.


Domination of frost queen.

The ultimate secret sword, using the new realization gained from Jim Unbreakable’s Beecher and the complete materialization of the auror, was activated again. The coldness that permeated the opponent in the attack and defense was instantly transformed into real material.

Chase’s forearms were also shattered.


Only then did Chase realize what had happened. And he was astonished.

‘Hey, this is an unstoppable attack!’

When Auror users clash swords, it is natural for their energy to remain on each other. But what if the remaining auror becomes an internal bomb?

The human body dies when a very small blood clot or a very small amount of air enters the blood vessel. No matter how much of an Auror you are and how much you train, there is no way to prevent a substance called ice from suddenly forming inside the human body.

And the fact that that result is possible means… … .

“Materialization of Aurors… … .”

Chase was devastated after losing both arms. Even in pain, is it because he is also a warrior that he feels reverence for the other person’s state?

“… … “That woman will be the next great swordsman.”

Cernes, on the other hand, was still grinding his teeth. He had extreme prejudice against other races and tried hard not to acknowledge Iniya’s skills even after seeing such amazing feats.

“Damn… … Was it this kind of trick? If I had known in advance, I wouldn’t have suffered… … .”

That method is not without destruction. All you have to do is avoid collisions in the first place and fight strictly on evasion, not allowing the opponent’s cold to seep into your body. It’s just questionable whether there really is a warrior on the current continent who can avoid Iniya without getting hit even once… … .

“Yes, that’s why I waited until now on purpose.”

Even if Iniya is an exception, Russ’s air sword Infinity, Tarsid’s Gerard Sword, and Siris’ Element Spear are still hot skills that have only recently been mastered. Its power is beyond reproach, but its technical proficiency is not very high. If you know in advance and are alert, you can adequately respond.

“Would it be troublesome if those kids’ skills were revealed?”

A silver shadow flashes like a flash between the two silver collaborators who lost their arms. Moving the sword left and right, Iniya’s rapier lightly hits the nape of the two’s necks. Cold seeps into Cernes and Chase’s cervical spine, and they soon materialize into ice.

“… … .”

Both of them died without even being able to scream. Gerard was impressed by her neat and uncluttered finish.

“As expected, that kid is amazing.”

Even Jim Unbreakable can’t take that approach lightly. No matter how steel your body is, there is no way to prevent cold from seeping into your body. Because the bones are so hard, even if ice forms in the body, it will be immediately melted by the aura and you will not suffer fatal injuries, but you will still suffer enough injuries that an ordinary person would bruise.

“Anyway, I have to finish it too.”

Gerrard’s large body flew into the air. And in an instant, he approaches Osmant and places his left fist. Osmant also made a quick evasive move, but naturally followed suit and raised his right fist, as if he had foresaw it.


The left fist delivers a very close range strike with zero impact. At the same time, the right punch stabs long and straight. Both fists alternately apply shock to one point. Destructive forces are concentrated both externally and internally and become one.

“Double Impact!”


Osmant was destroyed. Not only the person, but even the ancient suit and dragonic armor he was wearing were shattered into fragments by the blow and scattered. Metal, bone, flesh, and blood appeared in a cloudy haze everywhere.

“Lord Osmant!”

The Indomitable Martial King Chapter 497The Indomitable Martial King Chapter 499
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