The Indomitable Martial King Chapter 69

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Then, a pink holy light covered Siris and Tila, and their movements returned to their peak. Now, Silan was simultaneously casting strengthening spells on Tila and Siris behind the scenes. It was an incredible ability compared to most priests who could only bestow protection on one person at a time. In fact, when Silan used his best, he could protect twenty knights at the same time. This wasn’t that big of a deal to him.

So, while Silan was protecting Tila and Siris from behind, he had the luxury of secretly looking at the other side.

‘Are we doing well here?’

Behind him, the blue blade auror was flashing repeatedly, making him scream. While Tila faced off against the ogres head-on with her might and Siris used hit-and-run tactics, Russ was crushing the ogres with his enormous skills.


With a brief burst of energy, Russ launches his body. In an instant, Russ, who was at eye level with the 3-meter-tall ogre, unleashed a long shot of her Blade Aura. She raised her club to block it, but the light of destruction that Russ sprayed was powerful enough to decapitate the club and the ogre at the same time, and in the aftermath, cut off the forearm of another ogre standing behind her.



As soon as the two ogres are taken out at once, Russ turns around in the air. In her original state, she had no foothold, so there was no way she could have done such a movement, but she changed her posture with the recoil of the blade aura.

He turned his body and immediately cut the flying club into three pieces and then fired a series of blows. The flow of power was very natural, as if it had been this type of technique from the beginning. The fact that the actions taken spontaneously came out naturally as if he had practiced them regularly proved that Russ’s talent was not ordinary. Even Leppenhardt can’t move like this without practice. Well, if it were Leppenhardt, he would have just gotten hit with a club and then returned a painful counterattack.

Buzz buzz buzz!

The Blade Auror sobs in the air like a whip. Ogres being cut down also weep in pain. Even though he had to deal with most of the attacking ogres alone, Russ was overwhelming the situation. Silan was inwardly amazed.

‘After all, an Auror user is an Auror user. ‘I’m no match for an ogre.’

Russ seemed to be getting excited and threw the ogre’s head off and let out a yell.

“joy! How dare a dirty monster target a human who receives Sayer’s protection!”

‘Wow, is that a line from some knight’s textbook? ‘How is it that everyone says the same thing?’

After hearing the cringeworthy lines, the admiration that was about to come out comes back. Silan twisted his lips and this time looked at the clearing in the forest, about 30 meters away from where they were fighting.

There, Reppenhardt was struggling with a large monster. It was a hydra, a huge lizard with a body length of over 10 meters and eight heads.


With a loud noise, one of the Hydra’s heads spits out flames. Reppenhardt charged in front of him, covering his head with his arms. Reppenhardt flew over the head of the hydra without even getting a single hair scorched by jumping into the fire pit with his bare body.

“My body is steel! “Do you think you can touch me with fireworks like that?”

Leppenhardt shouted excitedly and swung his fist.

“A surprise bomb!”

The Auror’s bullet hit the Hydra’s head and made an explosion sound. That wasn’t the end. Reppenhardt, with his energy blast flying, grabbed the Hydra’s head with both arms. And he punched him one after another. One blow, one blow, has the power to crush even steel. The hydra staggered, mobilizing her other head and barging its teeth at Reppenhardt.


The moment three heads rushed towards him, Reppenhardt grabbed one of the Hydra’s heads and stamped his foot. He kicks the Hydra’s shoulders and jumps down below him, holding his head between his arms. No matter how gigantic a monster is, it cannot be free from the principle of the lever, so the center of gravity shifted forward and the gigantic hydra fell forward.

Leppenhardt, riding on the momentum, burst into spirited energy.

“Let’s go!”

While holding onto the Hydra’s head, Reppenhardt threw the whole thing down. A human less than 2 meters tall threw a throw at a 10 meter tall monster. It was such an ignorant sight that Silan, who was watching from afar, could not believe his eyes.

‘Oh my, is that guy capable of doing something like that?’

When have you ever experienced a Hydra falling off your back in your life? Of course, he received his entire weight back as a shock. The hydra fell from its back and let out a desperate scream.

Pretty sweet!

Since it has eight mouths, even screams can be heard in surround sound. However, even though he landed a good blow, Reppenhardt’s expression did not look very bright.

‘Wow, am I going crazy? ‘Why did you say that?’

My body is made of steel, something I would have been embarrassed to say if I were in my right mind. It seemed like there was too much water for Gerrard. Reflecting, Repenhardt glared at the fallen Hydra. Then he heard Russ’ voice above his head.

“I’ll join you, brother!”

Russ, who had already killed all the ogres, rushed to help him. Leaping into the air, Russ swung his long sword left and right. The blade auror stretched out like a whip and cut off the fallen Hydra’s heads one after another.

It’s been a month since Russ learned how to use Aurors from Repenhardt. Now he had reached the point where he could extend his aura and change his form. Considering that it took nearly a year for the current Reppenhardt to reach that level, the progress was so fast that it was mind-boggling.

‘This is why they say geniuses are unlucky.’

To be honest, I felt strange seeing something that had taken the rest of the year being resolved in less than a month. It was quite a refreshing feeling for Leffenhardt, who in his previous life had only been envious of other people’s qualities and had never been envious of them. Should I say that I can finally understand the feelings of the other wizards who saw him?

Well, that didn’t necessarily mean that Leffenhardt had an inferiority complex to Russ. Although the type of talent was different, this Tethron’s body clearly had qualities that were no less than Russ’s. Moreover, he has no reason to envy the qualities of wizards and warriors. (For some reason, these days, I keep feeling like my identity is shaking.)

Russ’s Blade Auror strikes the Hydra one after another. Blue blood splatters everywhere. But Hydra still did not die.

“Krrrrr… … .”

Despite the shock and injuries suffered here and there by Russ’ Blade Auror, the Hydra was slowly getting back up again. Even if it is an ordinary wild animal, its vitality is so great that it cannot be defeated with a single hit unless it hits the vital point precisely. Even if it is a monster like a hydra, it will rise again even if three or four of its heads are blown off.

“Tsk… … .”

Russ frowned and widened the distance. The Hydra roared in pain, anger, and humiliation.


The hydra shook its head frantically and blew out its breath in all directions. Strong acids, corrosive liquids, flames, cold air, and electricity flew at Russ and Reppenhardt one after another. Russ hurriedly dodged the attack, covering his entire body with aura to protect himself. But Leppenhardt instead rushed forward.

“Spiral guard!”

There is only one way to break through this defense method, which completely ignores the nature and type of attack, and it is an attack with such strong penetrating power that even rotational power is ignored. Unfortunately, Hydra’s breath did not have that much power. Spreading out his spiral guard and deflecting all attacks, Reppenhardt instantly narrowed the distance to his opponent. As soon as you get right in front of him, he slams his left foot down on the floor.


After planting one foot in the ground like a giant tree, Reppenhardt twisted his whole body and focused all his strength on one point. In that state, put it on the hydra’s body and hit it with a kick!


A wave of aura penetrated the heart of Hydra. A loud explosion rang out. Fresh blood, flesh, and internal organs spew into the air as if a volcano had erupted. No matter how strong your life force is, you cannot live without losing your heart. After killing the Hydra in a single blow, Reppenhardt turned around and saw Siris, Silan, and Tila running from a distance. It was to defeat the ogres and join Repenhardt.

“Is everyone hurt anywhere?”

It looked like there were no injuries. Well, with the skills of Siris and Tila, who received Silan’s protection, they would have been able to deal with about five or six ogres. Russ took care of the placenta anyway.

After checking the condition, Reppenhardt immediately made a gesture.

“Then let’s move quickly. “We have to get out of this forest quickly.”

☆ ☆ ☆

After leaving the Forest of Fog, Leppenhardt and his party decided to take a short rest near a small valley. We refill water near the stream and chew and swallow the emergency food we each brought with us. No fire was started. It was because I didn’t know what kind of monsters might approach me due to the smoke or smell.

Silan shook his head while chewing the beef jerky.

“Wow, this place really sucks. “I think it’s more than just a few ruins.”

It’s been fifteen days since we left Strathand, and a week since we entered deep into the Settelad Mountains. And during that week, Repenhardt and his party had already been attacked by monsters more than 30 times. At first, there were no major problems as they were common monsters such as goblins, harpies, and crawl bears. However, the deeper we went, the more powerful monsters appeared, and now monsters like male ogres appeared in droves, and even rare monsters like hydras were attacking us.

After drinking the water from the canteen, Reppenhardt answered as if it were obvious.

“That’s right, it’s a remote area that even humans haven’t been able to reach yet. “Isn’t this why dwarves live to avoid human touch?”

“But can dwarves really live in a place like this? We are moving like this too, so how can a dwarf… … Oh, of course, it doesn’t mean I don’t trust you, but… … .”

“Oh, just follow me. “Don’t you think you’ll be able to tell when you see it in person?”

Russ still seemed unable to believe that dwarves could live in such a rough place. After seeing Tila’s power, she acknowledged that dwarves may also have warriors, but even so, it is difficult to immediately change the perception that looks down on dwarves.


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Anyway, everyone was taking a short break. Suddenly Leffenhardt frowned.

“Damn it, aren’t you even giving me a break?”

Then Russ also stood up, holding his sword. He looked up at the sky and muttered with a stern expression.

“It’s the Phantom Griffin.”

A loud flapping sound was heard from across the sky, and a group of monsters were flying.

Griffin, a monster with the head of an eagle, the wings of a bird, and the body of a lion, was a monster that was quite common across the continent. They mainly target horses and cows, causing complaints from farmers, but due to the nature of the monsters that fly in the sky, they are difficult to catch. Of course, even if that were the case, any decent group of knights could easily deal with them. If you place bait, shoot arrows, and throw a net, the griffin is not a very threatening monster.

However, the group of phantom griffins that now took over the heads of Reppenhardt and his group were not such common monsters.

“Pretty sweet!”

Phantom Griffin circled in the air and howled like a bird. On the outside, it doesn’t look any different from a normal griffin. But the problem was that around that phantom griffin, there were four more griffins that even flapped their wings the same way.

Five griffins descend down at the same time, making exactly the same movements. Russ launched her body into the air and swung her sword.

“Get out of here, you monster!”

With the leaping power of an Aura user, Russ flew over 10 meters in one go and sprayed Blade Aura. The blue whip flutters and cuts down a griffin in one fell swoop. At that moment, the image of the griffin cut by the aura disappeared in the air, and the other guys simultaneously spewed venom from their beaks.

Oh my god!

Four streams of poison fly towards Russ at the same time. By throwing an aura in the air and using the recoil, Russ dodged all the venomous streams. Each stray poisonous liquid fell here and there in the valley. However, there was only one place where corrosion occurred.


Reppenhardt also clenched his fists and fired an aura.

“Series of surprise bombs!”

The golden Aurortan targeted the phantom griffins one after another. Every time they are hit by an Auror bullet, the griffins disappear in midair. Among them, there were those who stumbled and screamed after being hit by Auror bullets, but that was only a small portion of the numerous individuals.


Siris also activated the magic bow Nihilen and fired arrows of light one after another. Siris’s archery skills were so advanced that he rarely missed, but even so, the results were not that different from Reppenhardt’s. Most of the flying arrows were hitting the ‘phantom clone’ of the Phantom Griffin.

Among monsters, there are species that are particularly gifted with magical powers and can instinctively use the magic imprinted in their blood without reason. And the Phantom Griffin was a monster that could use illusion magic mirror image using its innate magic power.

It is impossible to grasp the reality of a mirror image even with the auror user’s senses. Moreover, unlike the Yusus, the Phantom Griffin activated magic by instinct, so there was no particular magic pattern. Since there is no technique, there can be no pattern. Thanks to this, even Reppenhardt has no way to grasp the reality.

Flap! Flap! Padda-dak!

With the loud sound of flapping wings, the phantom griffins attacked Reppenhardt and his group one after another. Reppenhardt, Russ, and Siris continued to attack and chase after the guys. Tila, who was unable to attack from a distance, clung to Silan and guarded him.

Suddenly Reppenhardt shouted.

“I will use magic! “Russ, give me cover for a second!”

Russ hesitated, then nodded and answered.

“Yes, brother!”

Russ blocked Reppenhardt’s path and sent the Auror’s blade flying in all directions. Taking advantage of that opportunity, Reppenhardt stepped back, made a hand sign, and began to recite a spell.

“Getella de pacid form. Mirror that reflects the truth, let out its light! Illusion annihilation!”

A light green mirror of light formed above Reppenhardt’s head. The mirror of light rotated in all directions and reflected the Phantom Griffin. Each time, the illusions around the griffins disappeared like morning dew.

“Ke, keek?”

“Crack! “Claralack!”

The Phantom Griffins panicked and began to disorganize their ranks. Suddenly, the illusion that protected him disappeared. Looking at that scene, Russ muttered inadvertently.

“… … “It feels awkward every time I see it.”

It was when I first entered the Setelad Mountains. After encountering an evil spirit-type monster and swinging his sword for a while, Russ had to freak out. Suddenly, Reppenhardt began to use fire magic and fire at the evil spirits. How shocked was he then? A warrior so talented that he has awakened Aura can even use magic!

Cilan nodded with an understanding expression.

“I was also very surprised. I’m sure I used magic very poorly in the past… … .”

‘Illusion Enialization’, which destroys illusion magic, is a 4th circle advanced spell that requires a full-time wizard to be able to cast quickly in practice. It’s been less than two months since I whined to open a door at the Eleusion Ruins… … .

“Suddenly you can use magic just as well as a regular wizard?”

Then Silan suddenly smiled bitterly and shook his head.

“Yes, it’s premature ejaculation… … .”

Sure enough, Repenhardt, who was casting magic, started screaming.

“hey! What are you all doing? It’s as simple as running out of magic power! Hit it quickly!”

A few seconds had passed since the spell was cast, and the mirror of light was blinking and going out. Obviously, the casting speed increased tremendously, but the magic power did not change much. Russ missed and threw her body away. Siris also chuckled and picked up Nihilen. Her size is so distracting that she stamps her feet like her kids… … .

‘He does cute things sometimes, that guy.’

Of course, now is not the time for such idle thoughts. Siris returned to her serious face and pulled her protests one after another.

Once the illusion is gone, the Phantom Griffin, which is just the body, is not much different from an ordinary Griffin. Everyone was able to handle it easily. After dropping about three or four of them to the ground, the group of phantom griffins soon became scared and began to run away.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief as they looked at the group of Phantom Griffins moving away. And then they looked at each other with gloomy expressions. After all, this land is not an easy place. Even if you have Silan’s divine protection, you cannot help but become exhausted if you fight one battle after another without being able to rest properly.

Everyone sticks their butts here and there and takes a break. Siris asked Tila in a tired voice as he changed Nihilen into a stick form.

“How much further do we have to go?”

“At least 15 more days to go… … .”

Tila responded with a gloomy expression. Although she was chosen as a guide, Tila did not have any experience in Grand Forge. He had only been told where it was and how to get there. Although she had heard it would be a difficult journey, she had no idea it would be this bad.

At the sound of fifteen days, even Russ looked tired.

“We have to continue receiving attacks like this for another 15 days?”

Then Reppenhardt shook his head.

The Indomitable Martial King Chapter 68The Indomitable Martial King Chapter 70
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