The Indomitable Martial King Chapter 75

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A massive steel tower located in the center of the Grand Forge, with High Priest Marqueline’s abode on the upper level, was the core of this massive underground city. Geothermal stones, the most important heat source that maintains Grand Forge, and the source of the magic power that powers dozens of geothermal stones densely packed every 100 meters, flow from this steel tower.

When other enslaved dwarves on the continent form a village, a human wizard recharges these geothermal stones from time to time. However, the geothermal stones of Grand Forge were not powered by the dwarven wizard’s magic. Humans feared the dwarves, who could create powerful magical tools, and so they did everything they could to cut off their magical knowledge.

Thanks to this, in the current Grand Forge, although there were priests who could use Alport’s sacred spells and warriors who had awakened Aura, there were no people with magical knowledge.

In the case of Auror abilities, they were somehow able to secretly pass them on and maintain their reputation. The movements were mainly hidden by blacksmiths’ hammering or pickaxing for construction and mine development. The practice of hiding traditional martial arts in the form of dance and passing them on to future generations is quite common among humans, so it is not that strange.

And religious faith is the realm of wisdom rather than knowledge. Of course, the teachings that served Alport contained profound wisdom, but the amount of information itself was not that much. To put it bluntly, you can do anything if you have a copy of Alport’s Holy Book. Dwarves were able to maintain their faith even while living as slaves because those who inherited their ancestors’ teachings could pass them down orally.

But the knowledge of magic is so vast. It wasn’t that there were no surviving dwarven wizards, but most of them were at a low level. And unlike priests, wizards can never improve their skills without knowledge. However, all magical information has already been buried by human hands.

The dwarves lost all their great knowledge and even the existence of wizards disappeared. It was Alport’s sacred subterranean sun, Magrim, who saved them.

In the center of a huge stone chamber with all four sides blocked, with all kinds of magical power transmission pipes spread out in all directions, there was a large fireball about 8 meters in diameter floating in the center. It was the subterranean sun, Magrim, which was the lifeline of the Grand Forge, a fireball that pulsated frequently like a heart and sent a huge amount of magical energy to each region through pipes.

A shirtless young man was standing in front of the constantly pulsating Magrim. The well-trained, bronzed muscles glisten with sweat and softly reflect the shape of the fireball. The young man, Reppenhardt, muttered as he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

“As expected, the Silver Age was amazing… … .”

Although it was named Al Port’s Subterranean Sun, this Magrim was actually one of the relics of the Silver Age and was never a holy relic created by Al Port.

The power of a god is influenced by the power of its descendants, and as the prestige of the dwarves on the continent has dropped significantly, Alport’s power to interfere with reality has also decreased. All that was possible for the current Al Port was to awaken Magrim, the heart of the Grand Forge that had been sleeping for the sake of his creatures, with the power of God.

It is clear that this alone is a miracle that no wizard of the present era can achieve, so it cannot be said that his dignity as a god has been damaged. The dwarves’ praise for being the subterranean sun of Alport cannot be said to be completely unfounded.

‘Well, I know how to make it work, but… … .’

Reppenhardt scratched his chin and smiled bitterly. In his previous life, he had studied this painting of Ma for nearly a year. And in the end, even Magrim, the subterranean sun that only God could control, succeeded in moving it at will. And taking inspiration from that method, he also created the 10-circle ultimate destruction spell, New Clear Burst.

‘Even though I got scared after one shot and sealed it.’

Although there was a penalty of having to focus only on magic calculations and magic recharge for at least a month, this ultra-maximum spell, capable of annihilating the capital of a country with a single blow, had a power that made even Repenhardt, who designed it, shiver. In fact, in his previous life, he had only used Nuclear Burst in practice once. When destroying Vasily’s kingdom, all he did was blow up a couple of deserted mountains as a demonstration of his power to break the morale of his enemies. Even the world’s Repenhardt would never have dared to fire that ignorant, ultra-wide-range destructive magic at a person.

‘Thanks to this, we were able to easily destroy the fearful Kingdom of Basil, but the aftereffects were no joke.’

He immediately spread the evil name of the devil throughout the continent, and other countries that had only paid attention to him until then became thoughtful and began to unite to oppose him. At the last minute, when two million armies invaded, it was time to prepare magic. I couldn’t use it because I didn’t have it.

Reppenhardt clicked his tongue as he recalled memories of his past life.

‘Ah, I must never use Nuclear Burst this time. The power of this thing is so high that it can’t be controlled, and as a result, swearing is just a curse, and the preparation period is too long, so it’s not really useful… … .’

Anyway, while I was lost in thought for a while, the magical energy in my entire body that had been slowly wasted was recharged. It was time to practice magic again using Magrim.

Suddenly, Reppenhardt sighed deeply.

“Ugh… … .”

Then he looks at the ground, then at the ceiling, and looks like he’s going crazy.

“I’ve been doing it all this time, but I just can’t get used to this.”

Currently, he was using Magrim’s magic power to transform Tethron’s body into a magic-friendly constitution.

The computing power was improved to some extent by using Eleusion’s voice. Now the next problem is making up for the lack of horsepower. However, this body was completely immune to magic, so no matter how much magical power was used, the magical power allowed in the body did not increase as much as expected.

There were many ways to make up for the lack of mana. There are relics of the Four Directions God that were used in the past life, and even if not, among the relics of the Silver Age, there are quite a few artifacts that are affected by mana drain. So, if you work hard to collect relics by digging through the ruins in your memory like you do now, it will be possible to collect the magic power itself.

But even if you can pump water out of a lake, what’s the point if the container to hold the water is just a small pottery? First of all, you need to grow the vessel itself.

So what Reppenhardt chose was to increase the amount of magic power allowed by resonating his magic power with a powerful collection of magic power. It was a highly difficult task that required extremely delicate manipulation of magical power, but it was not particularly difficult for him as a great mage. The original plan was to use the mana core Yudram in Dalkath, a ruin located in the southern part of the continent, but Magrim had a similar effect, so it didn’t matter.

The problem was that in order to improve one’s constitution, one needed to have as much contact with the magic power as possible. And what was even more problematic was that for the sake of magical resonance, the presence of even the slightest foreign matter between the two was unacceptable.

Yes. This practice of improving one’s constitution must be done naked!

“Oh, I’m embarrassed… … .”

Sighing, Reppenhardt took off his pants. His attractive, muscular buttocks are clearly visible. There is something large rattling around in front.

Reppenhardt, now completely naked, blocked out his senses of energy first. It would be difficult if other senses intervened to concentrate on magical resonance. And he jumped up onto the horse painting.


A naked Reppenhardt clung to the surface of the blazing fireball with his limbs stretched out. It stuck to the fireball, but it wasn’t hot or anything at all. Since the magic resonance has already occurred, the heat of Magrim cannot harm Reppenhardt at all.

The problem was that no matter how much I looked at this figure, it looked like nothing more than a frog clinging to the wall under the blazing sun of May.

The sight of a large, muscular man clinging to his body with his buttocks clearly exposed is truly a sight that one might fear appearing in a dream. Anyone who needs to control their weight can see great results. In any case, it was clear that it was never something to show off to others.

‘no way! You can’t show anyone like this! Especially not Siris!’

Repenhardt continued to cling to Magrim, thinking he had done well to not allow anyone to approach him again. As the surface of Magrim moves back and forth, the Leffenhardt it clings to also moves back and forth. Every time, red heat shines brightly onto my bronzed buttocks(!).

Since ancient times, fish has to be turned over when it is ready to be cooked well. Reppenhardt, who felt that the magical resonance from the front was over to some extent, pressed his back to Magrim this time. As I straighten my back and attach my back to the horse painting, something inevitably rattles in front of me (!).

‘Ah, what kind of thing is this? Hehehe… … .’

But in order to achieve your dreams, you have to overcome at least small hardships! Reppenhardt eagerly turned his body over with his red face. And I prayed and prayed that the improvement of this person’s constitution would end as soon as possible.

‘It’s a shame that no one is watching. If anyone sees this… … Ugh… … .’

But Leffenhardt didn’t know. In the corners of this stone chamber, there are secret surveillance holes using mirror reflection. The stone chamber where this Subterranean Sun Magrim is located is the most important place among dwarves. It is always necessary to check in case anything goes wrong.

The Magrim observation room is about 30 meters away from the stone chamber.

There, a group of dwarf women were gulping their saliva as they looked at their reflection in the mirror.

“Look at my back. It was meticulously split. “Wow, it’s on a different level from our old man.”

“Look at your forearms, forearms.”

“The mounds are chubby.”

They are all veteran women who have been married for several decades. The shame of seeing a man’s naked body disappeared long ago. Everyone was very happy and admiring Reppenhardt’s muscles. Due to the characteristics of dwarf women, even if she is an aunt, she looks like a girl and only has voluptuous breasts. It was a truly terrifying sight as people who looked like teenage girls gathered together and talked dirty.

“Oh my! Flip it over! Flip it over!”

“Ome, look at how thick your breasts are.”

“The stuff is really good too.”


Of course, Reppenhardt, who knew nothing, was still rubbing his whole body against Magrim.

‘But what a relief it is that no one is watching. Come on, let’s do our best!’

☆ ☆ ☆

On the 40th day of staying at Grand Forge, Reppenhardt was cheering inside the stone chamber where Margrim was located.


He smiled and raised both hands to his chest. He begins to recite the spell in a low voice.

“Hast Karatad Delphinad. Son of Han Xue, being of the North Wind, come here according to my will! Frost Elementor!”

Both hands shine, forming a storm of intense magical power in the air. Soon, a vortex of ice over 3 meters tall appeared, spraying cold air everywhere. Leffenhardt grinned. Frost Elementor, a 5-circle summoning spell that summons an ice and snow spirit beast, was successfully used.

“Okay, the results came out correctly.”

With one wave of his hand, the Frost Elementor immediately disappeared. Looking down at his tingling right hand, which still had the aftereffects of magic power, Reppenhardt looked satisfied.


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No matter how much I meditated, my maximum magical power was so low that I could not use spells of circle 4 or higher. However, now it is possible to order 5 circles, or even 6 circles if you push yourself too hard.

Finally, the improvement in constitution was completed. Now there’s no need to roll around in a fireball anymore!

With an expression on his face, Reppenhardt quickly put on his pants. And only then did he murmur with a relaxed expression on his face.

“Wow, I started with a month, but it ended up taking 40 days. Anyway, why is this guy’s body so resistant to magic?”

Reppenhardt concentrated his mind and measured his magical power. The magical power in my body, which was extremely meager, increased surprisingly, and it seemed that it was slowly reaching the level that my body originally had in my mid-20s.

“Now all that’s left is to move around and increase the magic power I’m lacking.”

There is nothing to see here anymore. Reppenhardt left the stone room with a relieved expression. As he walked quickly through Grand Forge toward his lodgings, he began to think about his future plans.

‘First, shall we search for the relics of the four directions in order? No, it’s already spring, right? So, should I stop by the Principality of Chatan first? If I’m going to follow Marceline’s advice, I think I’ll have to stop by the Kingdom of Crovence. To do that, I guess I’ll have to stop by the ruins and go there first.’

While thinking about this and that, Reppenhardt walked on. Anyway, after I finished improving my constitution, I felt very light on my feet. How long did you cling to Magrim for 40 days, fearful of getting caught? In fact, every day was a series of nervousness.

‘But I didn’t get caught in the end. Huhuhuhu.’

Leffenhardt continued walking with a proud smile. His dwarf women were showing strange behavior towards him as he walked down the street, such as smiling with sinister expressions, nodding at him for no reason, or even giving him a thumbs up… … Poor Leffenhardt didn’t notice anything and just kept walking happily.

When I arrived at the accommodation, I saw Silan hanging from a bar and doing pull-ups. Leffenhardt was slightly impressed.

‘what? This guy has gained some muscle?’

Silan, who had been diligently concentrating on physical training for 40 days while keeping his healing skills sealed, had changed considerably. Well, even though he changed, it wasn’t to the point that he became particularly manly. She just went from being an innocent, pretty, sickly girl to a lively, healthy girl? Considering that Silan is a decent man, he still has a long way to go.

However, speaking frankly is not the attitude of an adult. Reppenhardt lightly dabbed his mouth and then opened his mouth.

“Oh oh! Cilan, have you become quite manly?”


After finishing the pull-ups, Cilan stopped wiping his sweat and looked back at Reppenhardt with a surprised expression. Silan rushed over and asked him.

“uh? Really? “Is it really that obvious?”

“Well, then… … .”

When I nod my head, he makes a happy face. Feeling guilty for some reason, Reppenhardt glanced away. Well, he’s actually quite tall, so it’s not like it’s noticeable.

Silan suddenly tilted his head.

“But why are you back already when it’s not even meal time?”

“Ah, it’s finally over.”

Silan knew right away what was over.

“Then I guess we’ll be leaving Grand Forge soon?”


Then Silan made an embarrassed expression. Leffenhardt let out a laugh.

“why? Have you become so attached to this place that you don’t want to leave?”

“Oh, there’s that too… … .”

In fact, except for the time when he was training, Silan was preaching the teachings of Philanense to the dwarves whenever he rested. If you think about it, Philanence’s teachings are actually something closer to a dating guide or a guide to married life, so they were very well received among dwarves. Is it true that the issue of men and women transcends race and resonates with everyone?

Having put in so much effort, it is natural that he wants to see the results, and it is understandable that Cilan is hesitant to leave.

But this was not the reason why Silan was embarrassed.

“Well, Mr. Russ suddenly felt something, so he rented a stone room like Mr. Leffen and locked himself in it?”

From what I heard, Russ, who had been sparring with a dwarf auror from time to time, said he had a small epiphany two days ago and was given a quiet room and disappeared into hiding.

“He told me not to let anyone in until he came out on his own, and went in with about a week’s worth of food.”

“For some reason, I felt like I couldn’t see Russ these days… … .”

Leffenhardt stuck his tongue out. If you were a warrior who was capable of awakening your Aura, you would sometimes come to this realization and wall yourself off from the world for a few days. I have heard that his teacher, Gerard, also had such cases a few times when he was young. Of course, Reppenhardt had never experienced such martial enlightenment before, so he just wanted to do it… … .

‘No, how long has it been since you awakened as an Auror and have you realized it already?’

Repenhardt, who had been awakened to Aurors for nearly four years, had never experienced such an epiphany, but Russ seemed to have caught a clue and started practicing right away. After all, is he the owner of a genius talent?

Reppenhardt, who understood the situation, quenched his appetite.

“Tsk, then I guess I won’t be coming out of there for a while.”

An opportunity like that doesn’t come around very often in life. No, maybe it never comes. We can’t let such a precious opportunity slip away, so for now we have to wait for Russ to come out on his own.

“Well, it’s not like anything major will happen if we leave in about five more days. Oh, by the way, what about Tila and Siris?”

“Miss Tila is training with other dwarf warriors. Siris said he was just going for a walk… … “I don’t know where it is.”

☆ ☆ ☆

“Evil Drake! “Take my hammer!”

“My ax is an ax that will pierce the sky!”

“Hey, why not break through the sky at Grand Forge? “It’s all falling apart.”

“Oh, is that so?”

The Indomitable Martial King Chapter 74The Indomitable Martial King Chapter 76
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