The Rebirth of the Hero’s Party’s Archmage Chapter 183

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Chapter 183

The World’s Best Martial Arts Competition ended successfully and a long festival began.

With a performance that was second to none, Seline also won the adult division.

“Wasn’t this adult finals really crazy?”

“Really, Seline is turning it around.”

“Both student and teacher are amazing.”

It is said that the finals drew a huge amount of enthusiasm due to a dramatic comeback victory over their arch-rival Moreon, but I did not see it.

At that time, I was listening to the story of the slime slayer, Korra.

“Then, strangers, I hope you will gladly enjoy the festival of the blue city of !”

It is the largest annual festival in the Republic that lasts for ten days, and its grand scale makes the seasonal festivals of Deleiten seem like child’s play.

It is said that when the owner of the laurel wreath stops by a certain store, not only the winner but also everyone present is treated to a free meal.

‘I heard it was originally a festival for the consul who returned from a great war victorious… … .’

This seems to have changed as the period of peace became longer. I thought it wasn’t bad.

“Archie Punch! Aki Punch! Aki Punch! Aki Punch! Aki Punch! Aki Punch! Aki Punch! Aki Punch! Aki Punch!”

Wherever Aki went, pollen rained down along with enthusiastic cheers.

Seline next to her is also the winner of the adult division, but does that mean there is only one superstar?

“Try this, Aki!”

“Aki, eat!”

“No, our store tastes better!”

“Eat that too!”

Aki received the love of the citizens of .

Whenever Aki ate something and smiled brightly, citizens clutched their chests and tried to collapse. Everyone brought out food just to see that smile.

As I looked down at the scene from the clock tower, I automatically smiled.

‘Did you enjoy this experience, Aki?’

I hope it becomes something worth remembering in your immortal life. Because this is all I can give you… … .

For three days after the festival began, I guarded Aki as Bell Sidious from dawn to midnight, but strangely enough, I was not tired at all.

It’s strange.

It’s really strange.

It was around that time that I felt the presence of Valencidis behind me. This guy appeared by jumping through space using black magic.

“What ship will take you to the archipelago?”

“I saved it.”

“I wanted to leave right away, but… … .”

Slime Slayer, Korra’s physical condition was not at a level where she could go sailing.

There was a reason to wait for Korra’s recovery, but there was also a hope that Aki could enjoy this festival at least a little.

The practical reason was that it was difficult to obtain a ferry service during the festival period.

“It was a problem that had to wait until the fleet was assembled anyway. Regardless of your will.”

“Hmm, the Yeonhwan Fleet.”

“Is there anything that bothers you?”

“No, nothing.”

“If you’re going to leave, now is the time. There are few passengers due to the festival. “If you try to leave after the festival, it will be difficult to move because there will be too many people recognizing your baby dragon.”

It is said that the ships heading from to the Tersh Islands are merchant ships, ocean fishing ships, and passenger ships, and they always travel in a fleet.

This is because pirates have bases on islands scattered across the South Sea, and attacks by sea monsters that live in the deep sea are frequent.

That’s why witches tie ships with magical chains and use magic to protect the fleet from various dangers.

That is the Yeonhwan fleet.

You can think of numerous ships moving as one body.

Of course, if you were a wealthy person with enough money to hire powerful witches or wizards, you could set sail on your own, but only a very small number of them did so.

So I had to wait until this fleet was assembled.

“I just thought they were using a strange method.”

There was no method like this when the Red Dragon Corps was alive and well.

The moment you dare to commit piracy, fireballs fall from the sky, so who would have the heart to commit piracy?

The sea monsters couldn’t even think of coming out because they were afraid of the dragons patrolling the sky.

It can be seen as a cross-section of the era in which the dragon’s protection is coming to an end.

“So when does the fleet set sail?”

“It’s dawn two days later.”

“In two days.”

“What is Korra’s condition?”

“I just checked and it has improved a lot. He said he wanted to go right away. He also seemed to have become close with Fifi, who was his bodyguard.”

“Okay, so now… … .”

My words trailed off as I had to take a deep breath. He turned his gaze, which had been focused on Aki, to Seline next to him.

Phew, a soft sigh fell.

What this means is the moment when happy memories turn into an overwhelming burden.

‘But Aki, you have to get used to it by now.’

Even if you come out someday… … .

I told that story to Seline that night, who had been struggling with over a hundred pages of initiation applications.

Seline said, “There’s still a festival left,” or “You’re already going?” He didn’t say the same thing.

“Okay, I guess I have to go.”

Since it was decided that way from the beginning, he spoke with resolute eyes as if he would accept it.

However, I could clearly see that the end of the voice was shaking a little.


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There was a bitter taste in my mouth.

I never knew that having to arrange for someone to break up would be this difficult.

“I want to follow you too, but… … .”

“No, you should work on the revival of the clan.”

“know. Because now I am a writer. I know that? Several survivors scattered across the continent are gathering. “There are less than ten people, but it’s all thanks to Aki.”

With Aki and Seline winning, the Cheonhwa faction maintained its status as the Six Great Gates faction. In other words, Seline became the youngest master of the Six Great Gates.

“Anyway, thank you for telling me quickly. “No, it’s not like he suddenly disappears. I should thank you for telling me this.”

“… … .”

“I have a gift to give you as a teacher.”

“It’s a gift.”

“Don’t ask. “Because I want to surprise you.”

“Then I also have something to say. Maybe I should have done it sooner… … .”


“If we break up this time, we will never see each other again. “I can’t tell you why.”

Aki enjoyed the festival the next day as well.

As it is the largest metropolis in the Republic, where all kinds of delicacies from the mountains and seas are gathered, the variety and quantity of food was so great that even the enormous appetite could not handle it.

I called Aki, who came back at night with a full stomach.

“Come here, Aki.”

“Aki, raise the bar.”

“I’m going to turn my hair black for a little while. “So that people don’t recognize Aki.”

The human form possessed by the dragon race was merely something that existed between fantasy and reality.

This is the so-called temporary form.

Therefore, even if Aki’s hair was dyed with dye, it would return to its original color within two days.

But anyway, this will only take one day… … .

The breakup took place early in the morning after I dyed my hair.

“Aki, I’m sleepy… … .”

Aki rubbed his eyes.

In front of the South Sea, where the sun has not yet risen, on waves quietly lapping the same color as the night sky.

The smell of salt that has become familiar, the sound of birds chirping in the sea, the colors of the city at dawn, the shouts of fishermen who wake up early… … .

If Aki had a similar personality to me, he would probably never forget these trivial scenes for the rest of his life.

“huh. I’m sorry you must be sleepy. “I have something to give you.”

Seline put a leash around Aki’s neck. Hanging at the end of the leash was a tree.

The symbol of the Cheonhwa faction, Jeokchongmok.

And light was poured over it. This is the winning laurel wreath that changed into the form of light immediately after the awarding ceremony.

“Oh… … ?”

Aki’s eyes, which had already become sleepy, opened wide.

A laurel wreath was placed around the cross-shaped red flag. A sign of winning the world’s greatest martial arts competition, dazzlingly reflecting the moonlight in rainbow colors.

“It’s just like yours!”

As Aki looked at Seline and the enemy commander alternately and smiled brightly, Seline placed a hand on his shoulder.

“It was really fun, Aki. “Being able to teach you was probably the luckiest thing in my life.”

“Are you lucky?”

“huh. Would you say it was like light shining in the darkness? … I’m still young so I don’t know what you’re talking about. Aki, you have to go now. And I can’t go with you.”

Aki blinked blankly and looked up at me.

I felt like my chest was getting tight.

When I nodded, Aki looked at Seline and shook his head.

“Why can’t we go together?”

“Because I have work to do, and Aki has places to go.”

“After we finish our work, we can go together! “I’ll wait, Aki, I’ll wait!”

Aki didn’t know that this was an eternal separation.

I know and Celine knows.

Because I told Seline.

But for some reason, Aki seemed to show extreme antipathy to this breakup. It’s like if she falls, she’ll never be seen again.

“Aki… … .”

Seline bit her lip, as if all the memories and past memories were pouring out at once.

He lowered his head without speaking for a while, and the next moment he stood up vigorously.

“The attitude of a disciple of the Heavenly Painting Sect, the first thing!”

Before starting training every day, Seline had Aki repeat the song. Aki answered, clenching her fists.

“Like a dragon, a martial artist must float to protect the weak!”

“That second!”

“Like a dragon, a martial artist must float to illuminate the dark places of the land!”

“That third!”

“You must have the heart of a dragon in your chest!”

A lonely light appeared in my eyes as I looked at it.

The end of a relationship… … .

The memories of the moments when he and Seline shouted those words will always appear in Aki’s mind from now on.

– Lynn, will you promise me? When I return, I will be an adult who can share the light of magic with others.

Just as the last moments with the dean are still vivid in my mind.

“I will always remember them!”

“I appreciate it!”

“good! If you keep that belief in your heart, we won’t break up, Aki. Let’s keep going together. “Because I will always be in your heart.”

When Seline poked Aki’s chest with her index finger, a flower-like smile bloomed on Aki’s fidgeting face.

“Then are we really going to stay together?”

“of course. “Did you see me lying?”

“I saw it!”



“Hmm, anyway! Be careful not to catch a cold… … “You should always be healthy, Aki.”

When we met again, I saw Seline barely able to get the same cliché phrase down her throat.

Did he think that even those words would hurt him later when he remembered this short relationship?

Seline chuckled and tapped Aki on the shoulder twice.


And turned away, from Aki, and from the moment of eternal separation. Because a teacher cannot show tears.

“… … .”

Aki, not understanding the situation, looked up at me blankly.

I felt something was similar yet different.

That day, even though I knew what I needed to say, I couldn’t say it. But now Aki wants to say something, but he doesn’t know what to say.

I didn’t want Aki to experience the same disappointment as me.

‘Look at me, Aki.’

First, he held up both hands.

And after verbalizing what Aki had to say, he gave Aki a gentle push on the back.

“As long as you are healthy.”

Seline tried to complete the calm moment of farewell. She may have attempted to complete a farewell moment in which her teacher’s authority would not be undermined.


It would have been possible to complete it if her first student hadn’t politely wrapped both hands.

That’s where everything fell apart.

After a moment of silence, Seline turned around and hugged Aki tightly.

[The fleet departs in two hours. For those who have not yet boarded, bring your boarding pass and use the designated barge… … .]

And it stayed like that until this voice rang out on the dock.

There are feelings that cannot be conveyed in words, just like keeping that last bit of body heat.

Because he was so young, Aki did not understand the meaning of his master’s tears, but he did pat him on the back.

‘You are many times better than me, Aki.’

At that scene, a shadow of the past appeared and a sad smile formed.

Back then, at that time of separation, why was it so difficult to say a simple thank you? … How much I regretted that for the rest of my life.

He placed his hand on Seline’s shoulder and expressed his sincere gratitude.

“Thank you for teaching Aki so well, Seline.”

“It’s me who should be thankful. For leaving Aki to me that day, I really… … .”

The last things Seline handed over to me were two hair ties and a Cheonhwapa gi.

“I heard you like Aki’s hair in pigtails? “It’s very easy to do this.”

Seline was waving as we boarded the barge and headed towards the distant horizon where the fleet was floating.

And perhaps, even after we had completely disappeared beyond the horizon, we would still be standing there, waving our hands.

The dean said so, because it was written in the letter sent by the ambassador.

And obviously, if I had been in a situation where I had to let Tureina go, I would have done that.

Are all teachers’ hearts the same?

“Why are you looking up to me? “Is it because the sea breeze stings?”

Aki, who was looking at the dock and Seline moving away, turned his head and asked.

I couldn’t answer, so I stopped rowing for a moment and put a hat on his head.

The summer dawn was spreading over the horizon. The dawn of the past, which could not be seen, was superimposed on that dawn.

Every time I think of it, my heart aches, the dawn of that day of separation… … .

“Aki, keep an eye on that dawn. That dawn will help me meet Seline again later.”

This memory is definitely sad and heartbreaking.


At the same time, it will warm your heart and become a strong support for your soul… … .

“I will pray that this memory of today will support Aki on his immortal journey.”

When I look at Aki, I feel like I’m looking into a mirror of the past.

The mirror of the present only looks into it and cannot change anything, but the mirror of the past is different.

It can teach me what I couldn’t do in the past and what I should have done… … .


I thought that maybe that was the heart of my parents.

And maybe.

I thought that this might have been the dean’s feelings toward me.

“Yes, this is how you felt… … .”

At some point, you start to see a path that you couldn’t see in books, and you walk along it. Beyond the horizon of intellect, towards truth.


– You can inherit your ‘unique magic’ research progress in the surrounding environment.

– Progress 76.7% => 79.8%.

At that moment, when I was thinking of the smiles of my aunt and Alakish at the same time, Aki rested his chin on my shoulder and smiled brightly.

“Then Aki will watch it with Abba!”


“So Abba can meet his dad later?”

“What’s so good about it?” Aki said and laughed.

So I just laughed too.

When I was with Aki, I could forget all my sorrow and smile like an old boy. The reason is still unknown.

You will find out the day you reach the truth.


The Rebirth of the Hero’s Party’s Archmage Chapter 182The Rebirth of the Hero’s Party’s Archmage Chapter 184
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