The Rebirth of the Hero’s Party’s Archmage Chapter 39

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Episode 39

The limit of kinship, Belle Curious, has definitely eliminated the Rivendell School’s spirit creature, Desire.

but… … .

The problem was that it was a 5-star spell. While I was verifying the inversion, my brain burned to ashes and my magical power was completely depleted.

“Ugh… … .”

The blood bursting out of my eyes was just a surprise. The movement of magical power was disrupted, and dark red blood spurted out, piling up in layers on the ground.

‘It was an impossible gamble in real life.’

First, with Belle Curious, I increased the magical power applied to my body by this hallucinatory world by nearly 50,000.

Even that magical power was completely depleted when I erased the wish with Belle Curious… … .

Perhaps because he was forced to gain a massive magical power of 50,000, his internal organs seemed to be damaged as a reaction. Not a hallucination, actually.

‘It’s ugly, it means the dish is still not perfect…’ … .’

Now the task would be to hide until the test was over so as not to lose points. With this body, it’s difficult to use even a single spell.

“What are you doing, avoid it!”

Gertrude, who was in a state of panic at the border between life and death, came to her senses when Lane shouted.

The lapdog-haired girl quickly kicked off the ground, skillfully turned somersaults, and climbed from the rock to the tree.

Lillian, who was half dazed in a different sense, also straightened her posture when she saw the situation.

‘I don’t get along well with that little boy from the Panton family. If you want to eat it, you’ll have to bring out the wish again… … .’

It was true that I hesitated for some reason. Because of Lane Ludwig’s presence over there.

Born through the baptism of fire, Lilian’s magical power was comparable to that of a GLaDOS (4-star) wizard only when using fire magic.

Even for Lillian, wishing was a summoning spell that put quite a burden on her.

There is a huge difference in magical power requirements between summoning the flame again and maintaining the summoned state.

‘If I take out the wish net again and it disappears again… … .’

There is no room to participate in the 1st and 2nd place ranking competition. Lillian took turns looking at Lane and Gertrude.

It was a hunch.

I have a hunch that Lane Ludwig is definitely involved in the disappearance of the wish just now. Otherwise, there is no way you would suffer from the side effects of such intense magical overload.

‘No, it doesn’t matter what you did. If you’re so defenseless right now… … .’

All you have to do is catch and eat that thing.

Because Lane Ludwig is currently in first place.

Lillian turned to Raine and took out five amulets from her arms.

‘No. 1, you have to be No. 1…’ … .’

The amulet released from her hand resonated with the brand on her tongue, turning into flames, taking the form of a fiery snake and rushing towards Lane.

Serpent of Flame, Desire.

However, whether it was because it was summoned in a hurry, or because it was a reaction to the sudden disappearance, the amount of calories was not as scary as before.


Lane threw his body forward.

A natural disaster struck where Lane was standing just moments ago, and about a dozen trees were instantly incinerated.

I avoided a direct hit from the flames, but then the aftereffects of residual heat swirled around me, causing my skin to tingle and feel the pain of being scorched.

But at the moment when Yeommang moved away from his master to attack, a thunderbolt of water rained down on Lillian’s head.

“… … !”

When the fish returned to its owner in an instant and wrapped itself in a coil to protect itself, a small girl landed lightly behind Lillian.

“Do you have the courage to turn your attention to something else with this Gertrude in front of you?”

“Don’t disturb.”

“You have to interfere. “If Prince Lane is expelled, our dear Miss Christa may become sick with lovesickness.”

Christa’s face, who was watching it in real time, turned red.

The cadets looked at Christa and whispered. Women cover their mouths with both hands and men whistle.

Christa became the center of uncomfortable attention, and Logan timidly gave a thumbs up next to her.

“I will support you, young lady.”

A blood vessel bulged in Christa’s tightly clenched fist and soon plunged deep into Logan’s solar plexus.

“What are you saying now? They’re criticizing me! Do you believe that? “If that guy comes out, he’s really dead!”

I was joking around like that… … In fact, Gertrude’s actions came from a similar conclusion to Lillian’s.

‘Judging by that embarrassed reaction, it can’t be Lillian herself who got rid of the wish.’

It is said that when the Ludwig family’s blood limit reaches its extreme, they will be able to freely control all magic (not only their own but also the other person’s). Is this true?

‘But wasn’t that just three people in the thousand-year history of the Ludwig family? I heard that he only used it when he was older.’

No, this is a difficult person to think about for a long time. You can ask me directly later.

‘The Panton family owes no one anything. We are the pillars that support the Warden family, so any debt we owe will only be owed to the Warden family.’

While Gertrude and Lillian were fighting, the hyenas flocked to Lane, who was staggering, gasping for breath, and hiding.

This is a scolding.

Is this a natural result since precious magical power was spent on something like that?


One cadet cast a spell as if that was mine. The magic square was broken, and the supernatural powers and daggers of lightning that had been overlaid on reality flew fiercely.

“Tsk… … .”

Clicking his tongue, Rain’s last handful of magical power condensed into his palm, and that magical energy flowed into the tree branch he held in his hand.

Blue light flows from the grain of the tree branch, forming a rigid body… … Lane swung the branch behind his side.

“Type 4, elephant.”

And in an instant, the tree branch that had been grabbed swung in all directions, leaving an afterimage that seemed to stretch infinitely, and it knocked away all of the lightning magic that came flying at it.

“Uh, that… … !”

“Osarius school’s martial arts… … !”

The cadets’ pupils dilated.


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No, the professors added to the shock. Professor Caroline opened her mouth blankly and looked at Elin.

“Now that I think about it, I wanted to ask you the other day, how does Lane Ludwig know Osarius-style batonmanship?”

But Elin also looked surprised.

“Do you guys understand?”

“I’m asking this seriously.”

“Seriously, the only word I can describe is genius. “That annoying nephew, Lane, can learn anything in an instant once he sees it.”

In reality, it was because Raine was the founder of that martial art… … The cadets hesitated and took a step back at Lane’s antics, but he soon narrowed his eyes.

‘But why don’t you fight back?’

‘Look at him, he’s out of breath.’

‘That thing has no magic power.’

Of course, there was no way the professors would not have known that fact.

“From the high-speed computation of 3-star magic to the imitation of Osarius-style batman techniques… … “It is clear that he is not capable of being called a genius, but he is still lacking.”

“I agree. “It means that magical power is not distributed well.”

“In that respect, Christa Warden can be seen as more advanced.”

Elin Ludwig had to frown as she looked at those professors.

‘You idiots, that’s because you used Belle Curious earlier.’

It was Belle Curious who erased Rivendell’s desire… … . She chewed her lip in exasperation, but in fact, Elin didn’t even see that scene.

Everything is just a feeling… … .

Marena, the only witness, was just silently looking at the window where Lane Ludwig was reflected.

‘It’s good to help others. But if it is cruelty that comes from incompetence, it will only end in meaninglessness, like now.’

It seems that modern magic is now at a crossroads between rationality and emotion, but the most important thing for a magician is still skill.

‘Now, what are you going to do? ‘Scalzi’s grandson.’

Lane leaned against a large tree that was about to fall, and aimed the branches at the five cadets one by one.

“5 seconds.”

Take it out.

Even just one strand is good.

Recover just a little bit, really a little bit of magic. It is the breath of magical power. Carefully, seriously.

“If you disappear within 5 seconds, I will make sure you don’t get an F. “This is your first and last warning.”

There was a strange sense of intimidation in those words, and the cadets who approached Lane aiming for points felt their bodies stiffen.

‘It’s not a bluff… … ?’

‘But if you’re not bluffing… … .’

‘I heard that Logan also won with just a broom… … .’

That ‘what if’ assumption became a sharp chain that grabbed their ankles.

Since I survived in the end, I deserved to get a B grade. But if you overdo it here… … It’s either an S grade or an F grade.

The moment when everyone hesitated, the moment when one cadet opened a book and tried to cast a spell as if it was up to him to decide.

Type 2, wolf.

An attitude of preparing for the next event.

For a moment, Rain seemed to be lowering the tip of the branch, but he kicked off the ground and rushed out, piercing the opponent’s grimoire and hitting the solar plexus at the same time.

“… … !”

“… … !”

“… … !”

He accurately pierced the demon blood.

I think about this as I see it flying backwards and rolling around in the mud. With this, that guy can’t act… … .

Now all we have to do is spread this fear.


I leisurely put a tree branch on my shoulder and look back at the rest of the subjects. The four cadets began to hesitate with wide eyes.

‘Was he just pretending to lose strength? … ?’

‘No, I think I’m really tired…’ … .’

‘But what was that just now…? … ?’

That hesitation was fatal.

Just when they had finished calculating what to do for a long time and were about to take action, a loud horn honked and the magic tool on their wrists began to emit light.

[Exam ends.]

Only then did Lane breathe a sigh of relief, slipping off his back against the giant tree and collapsing into the mud.

‘They’re doing all sorts of things to increase unique magic progress, ugh… … .’

I didn’t even have the strength to walk, so I just sat like that. For some reason, no cadets came forward to help her. She just sneaks away.

‘No, I feel sad for no reason.’

After a while, I was helped out of the barrier by an assistant who came in to control the situation, when I heard a harsh voice coming from behind.

“What did you do?”

It was Lillian Karain.

That voice burning like a flame, there was no need to look back.


“Answer me!”

“I’ll answer if you answer my questions first.”


“You actually respect your father, don’t you?”

what… … That was Lillian’s vice. The magic power surged like a flame inside me, and my body became hot.

“Are you arguing now?”

“no? You are doing exactly what that guy named Dadan did. “He tramples everything around him to achieve his own goals.”

At that innocent question, the question that felt like the tip of a knife stabbing deep into her ribcage, Lillian momentarily swayed and stopped in her tracks.

“If that’s the kind of adult you want to become, then I have nothing to say.”

shut up… … .

The mokuldae shook helplessly.

What do you know, having grown up enjoying everything in a harmonious family? … What on earth do you know… … .

– Lily, what kind of wizard do you want to be when you grow up?

The cadets descended first, one by one, while their bodies trembled as they remembered that long-forgotten voice.



When Gertrude and Raine emerged from the barrier, Christa and Logan came running. Gertrude smiled and ran towards him.

“Miss, did you enjoy my performance—— Kuek!”

Of course, after getting hit by Christa’s fist, a lump appeared on the top of my head… … .

“What kind of nonsense is this guy like you talking about! They’re criticizing me! They’re really criticizing me! “I felt so embarrassed earlier when everyone was only looking at me!”

“… … “Huh, but it’s true.”

“Hey, you’re criticizing me! I’m criticizing you! “Seriously, give it a try!”

Lane tilted his head as he looked at Gertrude being beaten by Christa.

“Why is it like that?”

“There are some things like that.”


If it’s not important, that’s fine.

As I was trying to find a place to sit with Logan’s help, Christa opened her mouth.

“Rain, you helped Gertrude earlier, right?”

I couldn’t answer that question right away. Because I wasn’t helping. It was only for the sake of acquiring my own magic. so that.


“Do not lie. There’s no way there’s a sudden magical overload.”

“Why would you lie about something like this?”

that… … It certainly was. Therefore, Christa, who was about to question her further, instantly silenced her.

Gertrude also looked very suspicious, but when Christa looked at her asking her to say something, she just shrugged and had nothing to say.

So what would you say?

You said you didn’t help?

‘Then why did that weapon from the Rivendell School disappear? ‘By whom and by what power?’

As Logan sat down next to a rock with Logan’s help, Lane burst out laughing.

“Oh, it was fun.”

“Why are you smiling?”

“I just thought I wouldn’t have had this experience if I hadn’t come here.”

If Rista hadn’t left a note, and if it hadn’t been the custom for the top graduate of to meet Rin’s body, I probably wouldn’t have had this experience.

Is this experience also a gift you gave me, Rista?

Lane craned his neck and leaned his head against the rock, muttering as if he was complaining to the sky.

“Really, like you said, the world is fun.”

Meanwhile, Christa continued to wait there after sending Gertrude away first.

As the test takers from Group C were flocking to the entrance, Lillian Karain was the last to walk out of the barrier. As if she was possessed by something, she walked weakly.

As Lillian passed by Christa, who had her arms crossed arrogantly, Christa’s eyes flashed an eerie light.

“You did something very interesting to my cute servant?”

“… … ?”

“I’m prepared. I will repay this debt by multiplying it by several orders of magnitude. “We, the Warden family, cannot live without debt.”

* * *

On the afternoon of the 4th day, a written exam was conducted on the section.

There was a hellish practical exam on the morning of the fifth day of the exam, but the prevailing opinion was that it was nothing compared to the head professor’s battle royale.

On Friday afternoon, after all the exams were over and the cadets’ grades were sorted out, all the professors in charge of the exams gathered in the conference room.

“There are a total of four cadets who received S grades in all written and practical subjects. Christa Warden, Nora Redon, Kayden, and Lane Ludwig.”

From ancient times, only one person could exist as the top of the grade in , that is, the sun. Therefore, professors have separately evaluated additional points for cadets with S grades.

In this evaluation process, professors who were related by blood or academic ties to the top candidate (such as Caroline and Elin Ludwig) were excluded for the sake of fairness.

Elin Ludwig sat in her seat with her arms crossed and her eyes closed as if she was not interested, but her ears twitched violently every time Lane’s story came out.

“I give points to Christa Warden.”

“I’ll give it to Cadet Kayden. “Once you see it, you will understand my assessment.”

“What have you seen so far? Cadet Nora’s talent is truly incredible.”

Professors could exercise an additional point of 1 point per person, with the exception of a deputy professor who could exercise 2 points and a senior professor who could exercise 3 points.

“Professor Caroline, how did you develop such a vessel? “It was really amazing.”

“Hehe, that’s too much praise.”

While receiving praise from other professors, Caroline glanced at Elin Ludwig and smiled.

Suddenly, blood vessels sprouted on Elin Ludwig’s temple. The two heroines, who had once been seniors and juniors, were now in an implicit rivalry over her student and her nephew.

Meanwhile, the professors’ opinions were being organized.

Christa Warden was the sole leader with 6 points, Nora was last with 4 points, Kayden was in last place with 3 points, and Lane Ludwig was last with 2 points.

Traditionally, it was customary for the vice president and senior professor to give points last. Finally, Deputy Professor Kyle spoke up.

“Cadet Christa Warden was absolutely perfect.”

Then, the professors supporting not only Christa but also other cadets bit their lips in tension. Professor Cha Seok’s two points are really big.

“Cadet Nora’s magic was indescribable, and Cadet Kayden’s combination of musical prowess and magical understanding was truly remarkable.”

“… … !”

“But I will give my precious vote to the future of magic.”

Kyle grinned and held out a slate with the cadet’s name written on it. The name written there was much unexpected, it was ‘Lane Ludwig’.

“… … !”

“… … !”

“… … !”

Everyone looked at Kyle in surprise, but no one dared vomit. Because it was a subjective evaluation to begin with.

However, it became an immutable truth that Christa became the top cadet. Because the head professor has never used extra points.

At a time when all the professors were in agreement, someone burst into laughter. It was Marhena, the head professor.

“It’s a magical future… … “Noom, who only knew how to say flirtatious things when he was young, has now learned how to say some pretty nice things.”

“It’s all thanks to Master.”

“Did Ninum see that yesterday too?”

“I probably saw something different from you, Master, but if I saw it, I saw it too.”

“joy… … Well said. This ticket should be an investment in the future of magic. And I also have the same intentions as you.”

When Marena, who was sitting at the head of the conference table, took a stone pen and wrote her name on the stone tablet, the professors began to murmur with disbelief in their eyes.

‘The head professor… … ?’

‘Evaluating additional points… … ?’

‘I have never once cast a vote since I was in office… … ?’

I always thought, ‘How can I give you points when I don’t have anything worth giving them? … ‘Didn’t he just say something like that?

Amid the murmur, Marhena finally spins the stone slab and holds it out in front for everyone to see.

“… … ?!”

At that moment, Caroline’s eyes fluttered and then collapsed with a hollow smile.

On the other hand, Elin Ludwig clenched her fists under the table and had to work hard to control the corners of her mouth that were trying to ascend.

The teaching assistant who was organizing the evaluation added 3 points next to the candidate’s name among the names listed in order on the white board and then announced the voting results in a trembling voice.

“Highest score: 7 points. As a result, the cadet was selected as the top cadet in this year’s first-year midterm exam… … Lane Ludwig.”


The Rebirth of the Hero’s Party’s Archmage Chapter 38The Rebirth of the Hero’s Party’s Archmage Chapter 40
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