Transcension Academy Chapter 265

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Chapter 265 – The Coming Battle (2)

A giant monster suddenly appeared over Seoul.

The first person to hear the news was none other than Lee Tae-bum.

Lee Tae-bum, president of the Korea Professional Hunter Association.

Lee Tae-beom asked a subordinate who had just entered the president’s office.

“What is the situation?”

“Currently, downtown Sangdo-dong is being destroyed indiscriminately. A-class or higher professional hunters have been mobilized, but… it is not enough to stop them.”


Taebum Lee drool involuntarily.

Even though pro hunters of A rank or higher were mobilized, they could not stop it.

Because I didn’t know what that word meant.

“What about the damage so far?”

“Thanks to the rapid evacuation of citizens, there are no civilian casualties yet. but···.”

Soon after, the subordinate handed over several documents to Lee Tae-bum.

The report felt crude, perhaps because it was made in a hurry, but Lee Tae-beom was not to blame.

Because the situation was the situation.

Lee Tae-beom received the documents and quickly checked the contents.

And my hands stopped when I reached the photo attached at the end of the report.

A photo of a giant monster roaming over Seoul.

Looking at the picture, I couldn’t fully appreciate its size.

However, the 6-story commercial buildings were photographed with monsters.

There was not much difference between the size of the monster and the commercial building.

In a word, it means the size of a tolerable building.

The appearance is… a lion? tiger? It looked like a body with large wings attached to it.

However, it was difficult to be certain that it was a lion or a tiger.

It was because the skin of the whole body looked like that of a reptile.

It looked like the scales of a dragon,

It also looked like the shell of a tortoise in a way.

Overall, it looked like a chimera made of several monsters.

However, there was something clumsy about calling her a chimera.

An unusual monster that cannot be defined.

in other words.

It meant that it was a monster he had never seen before.

Lee Tae-bum’s eyebrows twitched as he looked at the photo.

Lee Tae-bum, president of the Korea Professional Hunter Association.

Lee Tae-beom was a hunter who went through cataclysmic times.

Cataclysm hero and today’s pro hunter.

The person in the middle was Lee Tae-bum.

That’s why Lee Tae-beom also knew the monsters of the cataclysm.

I haven’t faced all the monsters, but

I could say that I knew almost all monsters.

but see it for the first time

This monster, seen in photos, flying over Seoul right now, was the first monster I had ever seen since birth.

A monster that did not appear even during the Cataclysm.

Of course, I didn’t know what the rating was like, 10 stars or 11 stars.

Right now, causalities of all dimensions are intertwined.

The truth was that a monster that lived in another dimension came over through the gate.

‘What the hell…’

However, Lee Tae-beom and Ali did not allow such circumstances.

Lee Tae-bum bit his lower lip and clenched his fists.

Now wasn’t the time to be thinking like this.

Even at this moment of worry, that monster is rampaging.

Now is the time to deal with that monster first.

Lee Tae-beom raised his head and spoke to his subordinate.

“Contact Kim Seo-joon Hunter right now.”


“That, that’s…”

For some reason, the subordinate’s expression was unusual.


Kee Ee eh ─!

A huge roar covers the sky in Sangdo-dong, Seoul.

An eerie spirit reverberated through the air.


“Do, run away!!!”

People who faced the momentum started to run away in confusion.

The sight of Abigyuhwan.


Soon after, with a big vibration.


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Buildings that could not withstand the power of the monsters collapsed.


In the sense of intimidation, Lee Min-seong unknowingly spat out curse words.

Immigration of the Shinhwa Guild.

He is a pro hunter who runs the top rank among S-class hunters,

He was also the master of Shinhwa Guild, one of the five major guilds in Korea in the past.

Minsung slowly raised his head.

Between buildings collapsed like tofu.

A large monster was standing there.

A terrible monster that cannot be defined.

Kee Ee eh ── !!

The wild roar that erupted contained a terrifying murder.

Feeling dizzy, Lee Min-seong grabbed the sword he was holding.

Next to Lee Min-seong, Do Min-seok from Mugunghwa and Jung Yoon-mi from Garam appeared attached.

“What kind of monsters are there?”

“Somehow my magic doesn’t work.”

Shinhwa, Garam, Mugunghwa.

At one time, they were said to be Korea’s five largest guilds, and they ruled the professional hunter world.

There were such glorious days,

Because of one existence, all those things were smashed to pieces.

The professional hunter world that had been stagnant for decades,

A man who alone accomplished what no one else could do.

Now, Seojun, the strongest hunter that no one can match.

After being smashed by Seo-joon,

Now, he was just an S-class hunter working under Lee Tae-beom, the head of the Korea Pro Hunter Association.

He was being worked on like a beggar slave, but he had no major complaints.

Originally, they had nothing to say even if they were expelled from Korea.

However, Lee Tae-beom regretted their ability,

He asked Seo-joon for his understanding.

Seo-joon accepts Lee Tae-beom’s earnest request.

So, Seo-joon decided not to touch them anymore, telling them to serve as much as the damage they caused to Korean society.

However, Han Man-cheol of the father to fight is after the pro hunter test.

To be exact, after Seo-joon got catnip.

I woke up two months later and suddenly announced my retirement.

So these three are left.

Since then, they have been affiliated with the association and started to work.

So now.

Kee Ee eh ─ !!

It was the time when he was dispatched to resolve the situation before anyone else.

“Do Min-seok! Get his attention! Jung Yunmi, you support the rear!”

“all right!”

“Don’t worry!”


The three of them ran forward as if they had promised.

Kee Ee eh ─ !!

The monster that faced the momentum let out a huge roar.


Do Min-seok of Mugunghwa was the first to run out, drawing the monster’s attention.

The monster jerked its head and turned around, then lifted its huge forepaw and swung it at Dominseok.

Awesome love!!

A hollow sound that seemed to tear through space.

Do Min-seok hurriedly turned his body to avoid the attack.


Fortunately, the front foot that strayed hit the asphalt ground directly.

At the same time, the floor is f*cking awesome! It split in two and collapsed.

At the sight, Do Min-seok gulped and swallowed.

terrible power.

If you get hit even once, you die.

Kee Ee eh ─ !!

The monster erupted in anger with a more wild roar.

Then, he launched an indiscriminate attack on Do Min-seok.

Bang bang bang bang!!

The floor collapses and the building collapses in an instant.

An overwhelming sight that turns the entire city upside down.

“Keuheuk…! Can’t last long! hurry!”

Do Min-seok shouted at Lee Min-seong,

Lee Min-seong ran forward as if he had waited for the right moment.


The power of the Aura Blade dwells between the swords.

There was enough gap because it drew attention.

Lee Min-seong thrust his sword with all his might.


A thick cloud of dust rose along with the explosion.

At the same time, the feeling of a heavy blow that makes the hand tremble.

this went right in

Immigration was certain.

Lee Min-seong quietly raised his gaze and looked ahead.

A fading dust fog.

Kee Ee eh ─ !!

A terrible roar erupted from within.

With a roar, the dust fog quickly subsided.

gaze seen.

“You say you’re fine?”

The monster didn’t seem to have anything wrong.

No matter where you get hurt.

The appearance of the monster that could be seen was so fine.

It seems like you’re angry again.

The momentum that came out was even more fierce.

For an instant, the monster’s gaze turned to Lee Min-seong for an instant.


Lee Min-seong hurriedly kicked his body.



The monster’s attack was one beat faster.


Lee Min-seong’s body was torn apart, and red blood splattered the air.



Jung Yoon-mi hurriedly shot her magic and helped Lee Min-seong.

But the monster is like chasing an annoying fly.

Dispelled Jung Yoon-mi’s magic.

Kwa Dang Tang!

Lee Min-seong’s body was roughly slammed to the floor.

“This, this can’t be…”

“S-class hunters are no match…?”

A deep fear fell on people’s faces at that sight.

They weren’t ordinary S-class hunters.

Among the S-class hunters, those who run the top.

They were those who reached the realistic ultimate level that a professional hunter could reach.

But even those people were not opponents.

In a word, that monster meant that it was at a level higher than that of the Cataclysm monster.

The monster slowly approached the fallen Minseong.

I had to run away quickly.

Lee Min-seong could not move his body at all.

Kee Ee eh ─ !!

The monster that came closer let out a terrible roar.

Soon after, Jjeook, the gaping mouth headed for Lee Min-seong.

I can smell the smell of death inside.



approaching death.

It was then.


Reverse Gravity.

With a loud cry, a huge wave of magical power burst out around Immigration Castle.


The monster tilted its head toward Lee Min-seong at the sudden power of magic.

And again.

Woo woo.

In an instant, the monster’s body swelled and floated.

As if gravity had reversed itself, the monster’s body soared into the air.

“What, what is…?”

“Go, what’s the sudden…?”

People’s expressions became bewildered at the strange sight.


The monster floated into the air and twisted its body in all directions as if struggling.

Because of that, the surrounding objects began to be destroyed unconditionally, like paper being torn.

At the same time, the body of the monster that emerged also began to slowly sink.


Woo woo woo woo woo…!

Unknown characters began to be engraved around the monster.

At first glance, it looked like a magic circle, filling the surrounding space.

And the ethereal power that bursts out.

That power entangled the struggling monster.

Yin-Yang Spiritual Art.

Barrier: Strong (結界: 强)

Youngmajin (靈魔陣).


The struggling monster’s body jerked and stiffened.

The monster struggled and twisted its body, but to no avail.

And again just then.



Two flashes of light flew from somewhere and crossed the body of the rising monster.

The Heavenly Divine Sword (破天神劍).

Equation 7.

Annihilation Demon Sword.

Ghost Pursuit (鬼魂追殺).

secret device.

Soulless Sword.

Eh eh eh ─ !!!!

The monster crashed to the ground with a terrible scream.


The monster is roughly slammed into the ground,

Once again a thick mist of dust rose.

“What, what…?”

Lee Min-seong could not understand the current situation at all.

That’s right, all of this suddenly.

And it was because it was done in the blink of an eye.

Minsung slowly raised his head and looked straight ahead.

And what Lee Min-seong saw in his field of vision were two flashes of light that had just passed by.

It is none other than Seoyoon, the sub-master of the Dream Team.

And it was the people’s rule.

Before long, Soo-yeon and Ha-yoon appeared behind them.

The world’s best hunters, both in name and reality, creating legends on every road they go.

“D-Dream Team!”

“The Dream Team is here!!”


People’s shouts burst out to fill the city of Seoul.

Lee Min-seong stared blankly at the dream team while facing the shouts.

And just then.

“Are you okay?”

Suddenly, an unfamiliar voice was heard next to Lee Min-seong.

When I turned my head, a young boy approached Lee Min-seong.

Even pretending to be, he wasn’t Korean.

A moment of doubt.

The boy rummaged through the bundle he was carrying,

He took out something and began to treat Lee Min-sung’s wounds.

Then, the wounds on the torn body began to regenerate in an instant.

Soon after, my vitality returned,

Now even the pain is gone.

“This, what is this…?”

Lee Min-seong couldn’t help but be surprised at the appearance.

It doesn’t seem to do much, but the effect is truly amazing.

Lee Min-seong blankly stared at the young boy who was treating him.

And just then.

Kee Ee E -E -E -Eve !!!

In an instant, the terrible roar broke out again.

The monster then reappeared through the blooming dust fog.

“No, that’s ridiculous…!”

“You said you endured the joint efforts of the Dream Team?”

“How can this…!”

A look of astonishment appeared on people’s faces.

The dream team’s joint performance just witnessed was truly amazing.

A level that approaches the heroes of the giant cataclysm.

No, it was more than that.

Of course, unlike Lee Min-seong, the monster was injured.

But to live and not die.

That fact alone was shocking.

But people didn’t care.

There was no need to worry.

That the dream team has arrived.

Because they came implied another fact.

Humankind’s strongest hunter, Kim Seo-joon.

he is here

People looked around and looked for Seo-jun with excitement.



“Ha Yoon-ah! Soo Yeon-ah! Support the rear while protecting the people!”


“Don’t worry sister!”

“Mr. Minyul, let’s go!”

“All right!”

I couldn’t see Seojun’s face.


Damn it!

Eh eh ─ !!



A fierce battle ensued,

The Dream Team struggled.

“Kwabna! There are injured people here!”


Even so, Seojun’s appearance was not visible.

No matter how long I waited, Seo-joon did not appear.




People’s doubts did not go away easily.


A giant monster appeared in Seoul.

The resulting monster uproar was eventually subdued by the Dream Team.

A monster that had never been seen even during the Cataclysm.

It is so strong that even S-class hunters cannot compete against it.

However, in front of the power of the dream team, he eventually knelt down.

The potential of the dream team and the association’s appropriate response.

The synergy between them made it possible to pass safely without causing any great damage or casualties.

People were excited about this once again.

A dream team is a dream team!

mind! Korea has a dream team! don’t you guys have anything like this?

Public opinion was very excited, and each of them praised Korea for its potential.

However, the potential of the Dream Team is only the potential of the Dream Team.

The world turned upside down due to this monster commotion.

A super-giant gate covering none other than Seoul and Gyeonggi-do.

It was a bar that suggested that a monster was lurking inside.

In a word, it meant that it wasn’t just a huge gate because of its size.

Beserk, which means that any monster can emerge from it, was called the monster of the end in the past.

The possibility that more monsters were lurking in there was almost certain.

As a result, people’s anxiety only increased.

The procession of citizens leaving Seoul and Korea continued.

If there was simply such a reason,

It shouldn’t have been this far.

However, due to this incident, one fact became known to the world.

《Kim Seo-joon whose whereabouts are unknown. Where is he?”

《The strongest hunter of the lost mankind. Humanity’s Greatest Crisis.”

Absence of Kim Seo-joon.

Of course, it might not have appeared once or twice.

Because there were bound to be circumstances that could not be avoided.

However, the giant gate continued to spit out monsters, and every time the Dream Team stepped in to deal with it.

However, Seo-joon never showed up anywhere.

When this happens over and over again,

The story started to come out among people.

└ [Between Us and Gomennasai]: It’s not like they ran away…? really isn’t it?

└[Return at 6:00]: Who? Seojun Kim? Are you sane? Why did Seojun Kim run away? If he was going to run away, he would have run away right away.

└ [Between Us and Gomennasai]: That’s true… but it’s strange that he never shows up.

└[Nighting Fighting Gale]: Where did he die? The Dream Team is deliberately hiding that fact.

└[My name is Jonan, I got hit.]: Rather, this seems more likely. Actually, I died a few times, but I was resurrected. Maybe that side effect has just exploded?

└ [Did you ask for IS]: Mr. Ha, I really don’t know. our arkana now Should I really leave Korea?

└ [Doctor Microwave]: Can’t you see the level of the monsters coming out of the gate? If Korea can’t stop it, the world will end anyway. There is no point in running away. No, but what the hell is Jinrihoe doing?

The world really started to stir up.

And even at that moment, the gigantic gate was spitting out monsters periodically.

Accordingly, the Dream Team took care of the monsters day and night.

The 5 heroes representing Korea also started to emerge,

And even those who gathered for the Apostolic Ceremony from different countries began to help Korea.

Still, I couldn’t stop it completely.

A giant gate unprecedented in history.

The absence of mankind’s strongest hunter, Kim Seo-joon.

The impact of the loss was stronger than expected.


The headquarters of the Jinrihoe located in Greenland.

The great voice listened quietly to the reports of the apostles.

“Kim Seo-joon is still not showing up.

“We mobilized believers to investigate this, but… we couldn’t find out because the members of the Dream Team were tightly controlling it.”

The apostles bowed their heads and could not speak any more.

The great voice slowly looked away.

A long robe and a face draped in darkness.

The gaze contained in it turned towards the empty space.

Seo-joon doesn’t show himself.

I didn’t recognize the great voice because it was no longer seen, but honestly… it was an unexpected reaction.

To buy time until the ceremony,

It was part of the plan to shake Seo-jun in order to prevent other preparations.

It was because we had to achieve complete integration of cause and effect starting from the Sado ceremony.

However, Seo-joon never showed up.

I don’t know what to do

Seo-joon focused on his work.

Because of that, only the liberation of cause and effect was delayed.

It was because he overworked himself to summon a monster from another dimension.


The great voice’s thoughts deepened.

But it didn’t last long.

The end is an irresistible fate.

It is a fate that cannot be reversed.

[When the inevitable time comes for the stars to find their place, they will eventually perish without achieving the true power of transcendence.]

【That is the determined fate… and the determined future.】

The Great Voice turned its head and looked to one side of space.

An empty space engulfed in darkness.

But the great voice uttered its will as if someone were there.

[It will become an echo of darkness wandering in the endless void.]

The great voice turned slowly.

【Change the scheduled plan.】

The will of the great voice that was heard beyond his back.

Does a great voice achieve full-dimensional integration first?

Or did Seo-jun’s spear pierce the nape of his neck first?

destiny to the extreme.

[Kill all beings with the Apostle Ceremony as the stage.]

The great voice slowly left its place.

And time passed quickly,

The final destination of that fate and the stage of everything.

The morning of the apostolic ceremony also dawned quickly.

Transcension Academy Chapter 264Transcension Academy Chapter 266
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