Youngest Scion of the Mages Chapter 65

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Magic Master’s Youngest Son Chapter 65

The letter wasn’t that long.

[…] … So, I order you to return to my hometown.]

At the end, there was the autograph of the lord Decatra. In this world, ‘Decatra’s handwritten signature’ has more power than any other signature.

‘I have to go back to my hometown.’

By the time I turned 14, I already expected it. A member of the Maiton family celebrates her decade at the age of 10, and earns the name ‘Pilgrim’ at the age of 14. Children of the Maiton family undertake the pilgrimage from the age of 14 to 16. At that time, they get a chance to grow on their own inside and outside the family without being hindered by their brothers.

Larsen’s room.

Cassin sat down on Larsen’s bed. Cassin asked.

“What is a pilgrim?”

A concept that Seidega doesn’t have. Larsen put it simply.

“I have been given the opportunity to travel around the world for two years to acquire artifacts and grow in my own way. You can go around dungeons or explore ancient civilizations. You can follow in the footsteps of the gods.”

“Are you training outside the world?”


“Why are you doing that?”

“To give you a chance to make your own number outside the family?”

‘Pilgrims’ are not attacked in any way. At least for my brothers.

“In effect, it is to be safe from my brothers, who are my worst enemies. And you can be strong in your own way.”

In the meantime, you can walk around doing what you want to do. Of course, you shouldn’t play and eat. If you don’t lay a solid foundation here, you’ll be purged before you reach adulthood. Like the original character Larsen Mayton.

“It’s kind of sad that brothers are enemies.”

“Because that’s our Maiton.”

Cassin got out of bed. He glared at Larsen.

“Even if we go back to our hometown, we are still friends. know?”


Kashin drew his sword. His famous sword, ‘Suho’, which was said to cut even steel in the past, was pulled out with a clear blade. Kashin’s face was reflected in the silver blade. like a mirror.

“Do you want to do our dance?”

“Is it raining now?”

“It doesn’t matter, does it? We just have to fight until the rain evaporates.”

Larsen shook his head.

‘That’s Kashin’s way of expressing affection.’

Kashin does not ask anyone for a job. Even more so in rainy conditions. Rain is an unfavorable condition for a rain dance. Unless Kashin is someone he really feels close to, he won’t apply for a military service under these unfavorable conditions.

“I recently learned a new skill.”

“New technology?”

What skills did 14-year-old Kashin Seid have to learn? Larsen pondered her memory for a moment. It seems that by this time, she is learning the Seid family’s guardian swordsmanship.

“I have completed the 1st type of Seide’s protective swordsmanship.”

“… … Is that so?”

“Actually, I finished it three days ago, but I haven’t used it in a real battle yet.”

The reason I say this is simple. I want to show you this swordsmanship I completed for the first time. I want you to be my first match. you look at my swordsmanship Because you are my dearest and dearest friend. That’s what you’re talking about.

Larsen let out a deep sigh.

‘Should I like it?’

I read the love in Kashin’s eyes. Not between men and women, but between friends. The affection between these friends, which Cha Sung-min had never experienced even in Korea, where he lived, was not so disliked by Larsen.

“let’s go.”

Larsen had his first match with Kashin, and visited the ‘Spike Sword Stage’, where he had sparred together hundreds of times. He did so many sword dances that he no longer needed referees or guardians. It means that a strong trust has been formed between the two.

next to the non-stage.

I saw two women holding umbrellas.

One was Heira, the shadow, and the other was Soso, the mother.

“Hey. You are right.”

“yes. I thought the two of you would say goodbye like this.”

And another person came along.

“You’re preparing for the final dance.”

The middle-aged man approaching with a light smile was Carcia, the head of the Seid family. He didn’t get wet, even though he wasn’t using an umbrella.

“Begin. I will observe.”

Larsen and Kashin posed with each other. As usual, Cassin brought out his beloved sword guard, and Larsen took a posture unique to the Grandel family. I lowered her lower body and got her balance.

The bimbo of the two began. The battle ended with Kashin’s victory. Kashin’s ‘Guardian’ touched the fallen Larsen’s throat.

Kashin said.

“404 wins from 430 matches, 16 draws and 10 losses.”

The two had 430 dances. While Kashin has 404 victories, Larsen has 10 victories. In fact, Larsen was able to win even 10 victories because Cassin made an irrational effort by saying he would try a new technique.

The final dance was also Kashin’s victory. Kashin retrieved the sword. And he raised Larsen.

“Are you leaving tomorrow?”

Larsen stood up from his seat.

“uh. tomorrow.”


Cassin held out his hand.

“tomorrow. I’m not going to see you off.”


Larsen grabbed Kashin’s hand. He shook hands lightly. The last rain dance ended blandly.

* * *

The head of the Seid family. Karcia called Kashin into the room.

“You look bad.”


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“Do you not want him to leave?”

“I don’t like it. It’s just going back to my hometown.”

Karcia stared blankly at Kashin before opening her mouth again.

“Guardian swordsmanship type 1. What is its root?”

“It is to keep hostility from approaching.”

‘Guardian swordsmanship’ is a swordsmanship that pursues more perfect defense. Equation 1 effectively blocks the opponent’s movements and gains the upper hand, taking advantage of powerful and quick thrusts.

“The sword was shaking a lot.”

“… … yes.”

“Lassen. If the boy hadn’t put the matter in his hands, the final blow would have been your defeat.”

“I know.”

Kashin nodded.

“It is because the mind is not in order.”

“Meeting and parting are up to the heavens. When there is a meeting, there is a parting, and when there is a parting there is a meeting, so don’t be too sad.”

“Lassen referred to his brothers as enemies.”

“Because that is the family tradition of the Mayton family. it is their law. It’s none of your business.”

“I am not comfortable sending a friend to a place teeming with enemies.”

It’s not that I hated breaking up, I hated that Larsen went to a ‘hard place’. That was Kashin’s honest heart.

“Are you aware that that friend will one day return as your greatest enemy?”

“… … .”

Kashin didn’t answer for a moment. She knew it with her head, but couldn’t admit it with her heart.

“… … I know.”

“I just needed to know. That’s in the distant future, and we don’t know if it will actually happen or not. So it’s okay to be genuinely sad for now.”

Karcia rubbed Cassin’s hair. He’s a grown-up son of 14, but he was still a spoiled child in Carcia’s eyes. The people of the world are saying that he is an unparalleled genius, a master of swordsmanship born in 1000 years, but he is saying that. At least through the eyes of his father Carcia, his son Kashin was still a child.

“Let’s go back.”

Kashin, slightly reddened, left his father’s room.

That night. Carcia’s wife. Leria, the hostess of the Seid family, asked.

“My son. Did you cry?”

Kashin’s tears were surely mixed in the rainwater that ran down his face. She pretended not to know, but the tears were real.

“It seemed so.”

“I must have a soft heart just like you.”

Carcia and Leria have been married for 20 years. However, the two always used respectful words for each other.

said Carcia.

“It’s a good experience. I am lucky to have such a friend in my childhood.”

“you. Be honest. Are you looking forward to the next generation?”

“Are you noticed?”

“yes. It’s something I look forward to very much.”

What his wife Leria said was true. Honestly, I was looking forward to the next generation. What will become of this world led not by ‘Decatra-Carcia’ but by ‘Lassen-Kashin’? For a moment, Karcia felt strange.

‘Lassen… … You thought you were leading the Maytons?’

It is impossible. It’s true that Larsen is great, but he’s been watching his growth from the sidelines. Nonetheless, this makes no sense. Larsen is only 14 years old, and Evelia, the eldest daughter of the Maitons, is already known to be in the 8th circle.

‘Nevertheless, the thing that makes me look forward to Larsen.’

That the child’s growth potential is beyond imagination. Carcia said softly.

“The magic ability may be a bit inferior, but that child has a very special ability. Something transcendent that is difficult to express in words.”

* * *

Larsen’s mother, Soso, packed the bags herself.

“Let me help you.”

“No, I can do it myself.”

“Then I would have nothing to do.”

“Heira is not my maid.”

“Please let me be the maid.”

Soso and Heira had a fight over something trivial. As always. The winner of the fight was Soso.

“And I’m better organized than Heira.”

“Yeah, that’s true.”

Heira’s face turned a little red. It was true. Soso, a former maid, was much better at organizing than Heira. She was also better at cooking. In all other fields except ‘force’, Soso overpowered Heira.

Soso asked.

“Even if we go back to our parents’ house, can we be close like this?”

Soso has been thoroughly excluded from his hometown. That was Decatra’s arrangement, and it was Decatra’s consideration. Soso is well aware of that fact. She even understood Decatra. But just because she understands that, it’s a lie if she says she’s not lonely. Even Soso made a friend. She seems to have a big age difference, but she and Heira always communicated well.

Heira replied.

“I don’t know either.”

I honestly don’t know. What will happen in the main house? Because I don’t know how to look at myself. And Heira’s top priority is ‘raising Larsen’. Friendship with Soso is actually not that important. Still, it felt important. Just as Soso cared for Heira, Heira also cared for Soso.

Soso covered his mouth for a moment and laughed. Her eyes narrowed. It was because Heira, who had been blushing and shy just before her, suddenly erased her expression and stood like an ice sheet on her face.

“why? Is Larsen coming?”


Heira’s answer was shortened. Like someone with an obsessive need to keep this up in front of Larsen, Heira went cold.

“Lassen would prefer a warm Heira.”

“Confucius, you must not slack off. Even for Mama. Even for me. And also for Confucius himself.”

The tone of voice has changed drastically. Even the subtle smile on Heira’s face was completely gone. She put on a cold mask.


A knock was heard. As Heira said, it was Larsen.

“mother. Do you know that tomorrow you will return to your home through the transfer gateway with me?”

“then. I don’t know.”

Soso looked at his son with eyes full of love. Her life at Seidga was like a dream. It was his son who made that dream come true. Now is the time to wake up from the dream and return to reality.

“I have to go back and visit my father and say hello.”

Of course. There was a reason why I had to say the obvious.

“At that time, I want my mother to go with me too.”


Soso hesitated for a moment. Soso is not allowed to meet Decatra. he thought so That’s a dangerous idea. Because she knew that the other women of Decatra who wanted to kill her would be jealous and jealous of her. It was certain that it would always return in retaliation.

“I will protect you now.”

and one more.

“I have a favor to ask of you.”

I decided to ask my mother for the first time. At the same time, Cheonan came up with an interpretation value.

[A variable that affects the story has occurred.]

The character Larsen began to change the story.

Youngest Scion of the Mages Chapter 64Youngest Scion of the Mages Chapter 66
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